“Damn bastard, kill her.”

The girl’s arrogant and contemptuous deeds completely detonated the anger of all the demon kings, and an earth-shaking roar rang out, and the endless tide of darkness rolled up violently.

In an instant, an endless earth-shattering attack swept in.

As demons, they are full of sinister cunning, and although the gold’s previous actions have made them angry, they have not crossed the bottom line, and the cautious cunning that lasted for two months has not been exerted.

Because they have to deal not only with gold, but also with the rest of the demon kings.

They don’t have teammates, they just have benefits.

But now, the maiden’s attempt to destroy the Hell Dimension was something that all demon kings could not tolerate.

It was only between breaths that the demons had already made a deal.

Only to see a lava giant tens of thousands of meters tall emitting fiery flames roaring angrily, wielding a huge lava axe in his hand and blasting the layers of air towards the girl.

The fires of hell, the boundless waves of black evil.

Strange and frightening screams and countless other attacks rushed to the girl.

In this purgatory world of blood-colored Shura, the whole heaven and earth are constantly changing and vibrating, and the surface of hell is being cut off layer by layer.

Even hundreds of millions of meters away from the undead were torn apart without screaming, and more undead fled in fear of screaming, and they had to flee farther, otherwise they would only be ruthlessly shredded.

Even the High Demons were the same.

This kind of war between gods and demons is no longer something that low-level demons and undead can watch, and there is only one way to die in this level of war.

The aftermath of hundreds of millions of meters away has such an earth-shattering terrifying force, and it is conceivable how terrifying that force is in the center of the battlefield.

At least even Li Yingna, who had already reached the late stage of the seventh sense, was originally proud and pretty.

The screams that pervaded the soul and the whispers whispered in her ears in an attempt to look down on her will, the boundless waves of darkness surrounded the heavens and the earth of the gold into a terrible dark world.

Not to mention the endless sea of fireworks, all kinds of strange and terrible attacks.

There were also several powerful attacks of tens of thousands of meters high like lava giants.

In just a short moment, Li Yingna fell into a dead end, on the spiritual level, on the physical level, and even at the rule level.

If it is not handled well, the purgatory of hell will become her grave.

In the distance, Charlotte and a few other golden eyes squinted, emitting a cold cold light, and Charles, one of the twins, wanted to go forward directly, but was stopped by Zhuo Lu on the side, and his handsome face was still so quiet, and he whispered: “Believe her, this is also her choice.” ”

Charles’s figure suddenly stagnated, and the rest of the gold shook their heads in disbelief.

“This girl is really proud enough.”

Looking at the shadows in the distance in the endless black waves, Charles smiled bitterly.

Besieged by more than a dozen Demon King-level demons, even if Li Yingna was not careful in the late stage of the seventh sense, she would have to suffer a big loss, obviously the girl had already made up her mind.

“Isn’t it proving worse than the rest?”

The rest of the gold secretly thought that in so many years of getting along, how could they not understand the character of the young girl.

Although she is a girl, her personality is particularly courageous, perhaps when she was a child, she followed her brother Li Ang to taste the bitter head, honed her character of not accepting defeat, and wanted to become the strongest and best one no matter what she did.

What I didn’t expect was that it was still the same after becoming gold.

It seems that in terms of seeing through people’s hearts, Zhuo Lu is still the strongest of all people?

When the rest of the people looked nervous and focused on the battle, they also glanced at the indifferent Zhuo Lu unconsciously.


The terrible attack of terror was about to tear Li Yingna to pieces, and the waves of darkness swept through her, but they did not affect her.

But she did not have the slightest fear, as if she knew something, and her lips curved a little.

“Cut, guess what?”

In the face of the pouring fury attack, he gently closed his eyes and then opened them suddenly.


In an instant, terrible ripples swept in all directions, time seemed to stand still, the terrifying axe that tore through the endless waves was frozen at a distance of only one meter from the head of the maiden’s mantis, and the terrible temperature of the sharp sulfur breath distorted the void.

The boundless terrible screams also stopped, and everything fell into a terrible dead silence.

Li Yingna’s jewel-like eyes glowed red, and her tall body burst out with a vast golden glow.

The stars shining in the sky form a mysterious and beautiful pattern.

“Damn, what’s that?”

“Time has stopped?”

“How could this damn guy still have such powers?”

Everything was frozen, and although the affected demon kings seemed to have their bodies stopped, their minds were not, and all the demon kings were almost terrified in their hearts.

This lasted for two full months of war, and they also had a general understanding of the human capabilities in front of them.

But he never knew that the other party had such an ability to affect time.

In the distance, Charles was not surprised in the slightest, with a smile on his face.

“Dirty fools, let the purgatory of hell be your grave?”

The girl spat out this sentence softly.

The head of the mantis is raised, the beautiful face crosses the frost, and the slender and beautiful index finger is extended to tap the lava axe overhead.


A crisp sound pierced the terrible dead silence.

Layers of golden ripples covered the giant lava axe, like ripples on the surface of the water.

Under the horrified gaze of all the demon kings, the lava axe that seemed to be incomparably hard actually shattered without warning.

One by one, the fluorescence turned into dots, like falling cherry blossoms, scratching across the beautiful face of the girl, beautiful, delicate/colorful.

The girl’s sideburns and red hair fluttered slightly from her ears.

In the black evil wave, under the huge shadow of the demon, a beautiful goddess stands, which is very similar to the scene of the goddess fighting the demon in ancient Greek mythology.

In this scene of beautiful evil and contradictions, the beautiful appearance of the girl even made the rest of the gold move.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “I am me” big guy, thank you very much, thank you very much, the first more is coming, today to restore a wave of updates, sorry sorry )

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