However, in the eyes of the demon kings, this goddess-like maiden was not as beautiful as it seemed.

Accompanied by cherry blossoms, the dots of light sprinkle down.

Qianying suddenly disappeared, and two seconds after disappearing, the original air exploded into a terrifying wave of air, and the powerful air wave even wiped out a large piece of the nearby black wave along the way, what a terrifying speed.

Suddenly, a golden dazzling beam of light continued to weave through and tear apart this long black river.

Beyond the light, and even seems to be beyond time.

And the body of that Demon King shattered in the blink of an eye.


The golden ripples of terror swept in all directions, instantly exploding, and the black river of billions of meters was annihilated and purified.

The entire infestation-infested black sky also became brighter.

These dozen Demon King-level beings were actually killed directly?

The rest of the high-ranking demons far away from the battlefield were in an uproar of disbelief.

“How can this be?”

“That’s the strongest demon kings in hell, so they died?”

“Satan is on top, this.”

“It’s over, we’re all going to die.”

“It’s too powerful, those humans are not human.”

“What can I do about this?”

In one dimension, even in hell, there are countless demons and undead, and even Mephisto, who sat on the throne of Satan, could not even count, which shows how terrible the number of undead and demons is.

However, for millions and thousands of years, there were only a few dozen who could become demon king levels.

Any demon king can easily destroy a galaxy.

In the face of the Demon King, the high-ranking demons and the undead could only surrender, not even resist.

Know that a high-level demon can easily destroy a planet.

However, in front of the Demon King, the high-ranking demons were just ants.

However, it was this terrible existence that was easily killed by a human being, or directly killed more than a dozen demon kings in a second, which was simply a fantasy for those high-level demons.

They didn’t even dare to think about it.

Mephisto, the only one who had set foot on Satan’s throne, had already shaken the whole hell when he invaded the earth./ball and was killed.

Now more than a dozen Demon Kings had died directly.

When did humans become so terrible?

In the eyes of all the undead demons, humans are just ants, just blood food.

Ground/ball only.

If there is no obstacle between the dimensions, it is only a matter of the moment to conquer this planet.

But first Mephisto was destroyed, and then the human race went to hell, killing countless undead and killing more than a dozen demon kings, and they felt that their original worldview had collapsed at this time.

Looking at the human girl who radiated all the momentum of hundreds of millions of meters away, fear, despair, resentment and other emotions echoed in the hearts of all the demons.

All the demons are trembling, trembling, fearing.

Fear makes them dare not even move, for fear that the other party will notice them.

The whole hell became dead silent again.

A pair of eyes of fear and fear were placed on the young girl who seemed to be a god.

All the demons realized that trillions of demons and undead lives and deaths were in the hands of this human being.


With that god-like power, if you want to destroy the hell dimension, who can survive?

Li Yingna, who seemed to have killed more than a dozen demon kings in the blink of an eye, did not have any joy, but instead disdainfully skimmed her lips: “Cut, is not a single one dead?” ”


The breath of terror made the blood-colored sky change again, and the black clouds that surged wildly pressed down on it.

The endless black tide is re-emerging.

The huge black aura continued to converge, and a huge demon shadow appeared, which was exactly the demon kings that all the demons had thought had been killed before.

The blurred figure was surrounded by an endless violent black breath.

The purple-green-red color shines.

A powerful breath erupted with a terrifying roar: “Damn humans. ”

“To open the throne of Satan, you must kill these humans.”

The roar of the heavens spread in all directions, and the gold standing in mid-air suddenly changed their faces the moment they heard Satan’s throne.

All the golds, especially Zoro, turned his head sharply to look in the direction of the depths of hell, and although his eyes were closed, he could still feel the thick and dangerous breath in the depths of hell, a danger that he had not even faced Mephisto when he had not yet reached the seventh sense.

The powerful senses told Zoru that the thing deep in hell was enough to threaten them.

The rest of the gold felt the same.

Charlotte’s originally cold and handsome face crossed a trace of solemnity, and the corners of her mouth wiped a smile: “Satan’s throne?” It looks like our beautiful Scorpio girl has some guys. ”

The original dignified faces of the rest of the gold showed a smile.

With fearlessness and pride.

No danger is worth mentioning in the face of the brave and mighty Golden Saint Seiya.

Zorrou’s right hand was erected in front of the Huns, and his voice sounded in front of the ears of all the gold: “Charlotte, Gemini, you go.” ”

“It’s all going to end.”

Charlotte and the Gemini looked at each other and nodded, and the figure suddenly disappeared into the same place, speeding towards the depths of hell.

A wisp of golden light above Zhuo Lu’s slender body began to burn like a flame.

When Li Yingna saw this, her beautiful eyes narrowed her head slightly and turned her head to look at the fierce and mighty demon shadows: “It seems that our game is over.” ”


The battle that was enough to overthrow hell broke out completely.

An angry roar and roar, an endless wave of black evil, and a golden holy light.

The whole hell is shaking, twisting.

The earth of hell is shaking, the undead are wailing, and the demons are screaming.

The endless flames of hell erupted like molten slurry, turning into a terrifying canopy of heaven and presenting a terrifying apocalyptic scene.

And this war is destined to be recorded in the annals of the Sacred Domain.

It will also be remembered by countless bronze and silver saints, a war between several golds and hell that lasted for nearly a hundred days.

It was also called the Hundred Yen War by the rest of the Saints.

A war that can last a hundred days with several golds.

(Thank you guys for your monthly flower pass, thank you.) )

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