“Eh, do you see that?” Lord Zoro, they are back. ”

“Yeah, I seem to have injuries on my body.”

“Sigh, it’s just that the momentum of the light almost makes me feel suffocated, even if I reach the late sixth sense.”

“The late Sixth Sense period is much worse than the Golden Sequence, after experiencing the Hundred Days War in Hell, Lord Zhuolu may have reached the late stage of the Seventh Sense, and the world is different.”

“It’s a golden sequence.”

“But I always feel that the atmosphere is not quite right.”

“I feel it too.”

Many of the Saint Fighters in the Aries Virgin and other temples were also talking about it after practicing, after all, there was too much talk about the Golden Sequence, not to mention this war that lasted for a hundred days.

And some of the delicate young girls seemed to feel something.

Especially for those who had just returned from this Hundred Day War without resting and rushed to the Holy Land.

What must have happened in this war.

This has also caused great heated discussion.

The hotly debated gold had gathered at the Sacred Domain Female Shrine in a rare way.

In the palatial and holy goddess temple, the gold stood neatly in front of Karen, and his eyes swept over these golds whose breath was faintly fluctuating, and Karen shook his head and smiled slightly: “How does it feel?” ”

The confusing words made several gold people look shaken, especially Li Yingna and Gemini were vaguely ashamed.

Zhuo Lu’s handsome face crossed a trace of thought.

“We are so proud, victory breeds our pride, and if it weren’t for the Gemini who hit Athena’s amazement in time, we might have been buried in hell.”

Li Yingna also nodded.

The rest of the gold that hadn’t gone was full of curiosity, and Benson asked more directly, “Is that thing really that powerful?” ”

“Very strong, the huge power contained in it can be directly destroyed and dissolved by whoever is hit head-on, from the body to the soul.”

“That stuff is weird.”

Gemini Charles and Wesley Road.

And Li Yingna pondered the jade hand and stretched out, a faint but very condensed wisp of crimson and black gas appeared, adding: “I intercepted a trace of power, very strange, very destructive.” ”

All eyes were focused on the gas, and a pair of glowing eyes constantly analyzed this force.

Leon stepped forward and, without warning, grabbed the strange force with his hand.


At the moment of contact, the terrifying fluctuations exploded in an instant, and the powerful and destructive force turned into flames and began to frantically erode and burn Li Ang’s hand.

This is comparable to the most indestructible hand in the universe that is constantly being eroded and decayed under this violent force.

Constantly destroying the tissues of the flesh.

What was even more frightening was that this force was constantly expanding, growing, and even producing a slight invisible fluctuation, only to see a black blurred face emerge from it, screaming and wailing, and the terrible voice whispered constantly to seduce everything nearby.

Deceived to come into contact with this power.

The rest of the people frowned suddenly, the pain of being burned and corroded, Li Ang did not move a little, just felt it, his eyes flashed a ripple, and his right hand shook violently.


The powerful force exploded in an instant, and it actually extinguished this terrible flame alive.

All eyes were on Leon’s right hand.

I saw that the palm of my hand, which was originally good-looking, had become charred, like coke.

A wisp of green smoke fluttered, and the stench spread.

Benson couldn’t help but take a cool breath: “This thing can actually inflate itself by phagocytic tissue, air, and even microorganisms?” ”

The rest of the gold was also very moving.

This power is simply eerie, terrifying to the extreme, devouring everything to inflate itself, growing infinitely, and having active factors.

That is to say, if it is not handled well by this force, it can completely sweep through the entire universe and swallow everything.

This is a huge disaster.

No wonder Zhuo Lu and the others were all traumatized, how could the rest of Li Ang not see the extremely weak breath and fluctuations after the return of Zhuo Lu and the others?

The flesh and qi were depleted, the small universe in the body was exhausted, and even the soul was damaged.

If this strange power is not careful, even if it is a fallen, it is possible.

Karen glanced at the gold, and a breath of majesty swept in, and he said in a deep voice, “This time it should teach you a lesson, how many people have died in this universe because of arrogance?” Thanos, the three Galactic Empires are like this, and we don’t want you to follow in their footsteps. ”

“This hundred days of experience has made your strength grow rapidly, and it has also bred a kind of pride, looking down on the hell that has a history of billions and billions? Even I don’t know how terrible it is in that dimension. ”

“The water in this universe is very deep.”

The meaningful words extinguished the original pride of the gold, they were indeed very strong, and the age of teenagers reached a point that hundreds of millions of lives in the universe could not reach.

It also stands at the top of the universe.

But this does not mean that they are invincible, and this universe also has a more powerful existence.

Those countless dangerous forbidden areas in the universe that even if they were now golden, they did not dare to step in.

It is also full of countless ancient races and lives.

As Karen said, pride can be positive or negative, and young girls who are golden as gods can indeed be proud, but pride is arrogance.

Karen saw this and advocated this hell experience.

Also because of the Hundred Days War with Hell, the pride of the gold has almost reached the top, from the beginning of the siege to the back can even face a dozen demon kings alone, this kind of progress, anyone will be proud.

And Karen, that’s what he wants.

When he first came to the Hell Dimension, he felt a terrible aura emanating from Satan’s throne.

So Karen was extremely strong from the beginning, so strong that it almost made those demon kings almost desperate.

Even in an attempt to activate something, he read the memories of a certain demon king and learned the horror of Satan’s throne.

And why for so many years only the only demon king, Mephisto, could sit on this throne.

(Thank you for the flowers and monthly passes of the big guys, tomorrow really restore the update, the jet lag is almost over, in the non-recovery chopping ~ ~ )

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