The golds had a look of shame on their faces.

Karen’s lesson also made their inflated pride extinguished a lot.

“Your Highness, that hell.”

“The hell is useless for you now, and you need to consolidate your feelings now.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Looking at the back of the golds leaving, Karen smiled lightly, flicked his index finger, and the figure suddenly blurred.


Hell has already undergone earth-shaking changes, and this originally blood-colored purgatory world has experienced the great disaster of the Hundred Days’ War and has become even more vicious.

Bottomless sinkholes, tens of millions of miles of cracks densely packed.

The mournful cry echoed all the time.

The terrifying flames of hell swept back into the sky like a canopy, and countless undead and demons did not even dare to step into that battlefield.

Because every second of the terrible power aftermath of every second is raging, the demons below the Demon King level will be ruthlessly torn apart when they step in, which is the forbidden area of hell.

And this Hundred Day War is also known as the Battle of Hell’s Shame.

“Who are those humans?”

“It’s terrible, I feel like I can go to the human world in the future.”

“Are those humans that powerful?” How did I remember that humans were our blood food? ”

“Whatever he does, I won’t be going to go to that called the ground anyway. Ball the place up. ”

“Yeah, if those humans are so strong, whoever goes is looking for death.”

The high-ranking demons looked at the vague and huge demon shadow on the outside of the battlefield and talked about it.



A vast and terrifying heavenly power swept through the entire hell in an instant, and the majestic momentum was like a hell and a god like a demon.

It is like the awakening of the ancient will, like the revival of the gods of the kingdom of God.

The terrible and mighty pressure that sees everything sweeps everything away.

The heavy momentum overwhelmed everything and distorted the whole hell even more.

The hot molten canopy of the inverted sky was suppressed alive, and trillions of undead and demons were forced to fall to their knees under this heavenly power.

The golden vastness shines.

In the hell full of evil dust, a holy golden light that is not stained with a trace of filth emerges in the blood-colored sky of hell.

Slender and perfect body, handsome face like the most perfect Creator of God.

The momentum of the rolling eyes made him a supreme deity.

The face that made all the demons hate was none other than Karen.

The Demon Kings were furious when they saw this figure, but the powerful and terrifying momentum made them feel fear, and the figure began to blur and fluctuate.

Fear, horror, echoed in the hearts of all the demon kings.

It’s just that those human beings have already turned hell upside down, and if it weren’t for the activated throne of Satan, it is uncertain whether hell still exists.

And this god is even stronger, more terrifying.

They may not have been rivals in their heyday, but what about when they’re weak now?

With a look of fear and horror, one of the demon kings, who was full of black breath, said in a low voice, “Human, what do you really want to do?” ”

“Are you really planning to destroy hell?”

Feel those billions of eyes focused on yourself, resentment, fear, fear, fear, viciousness.

If ordinary people are only afraid, they will be scared to death.

But Karen was not a little moved, looking down at the huge figure of the dozen or so people below whose breath was extremely weak, and his handsome face was full of coldness.

“Nice stuff.”

With a slight smile, I saw Karen’s index finger tapping lightly into the void.


The crisp sound of the jingle bell sounded in the ears of the demon kings, and in the shocked eyes, I saw a huge throne of burning hellish flames appear above.

It was as dark as ink as the structure of the Hell Rock, and the corners were full of vicious spiky horns.

Countless terrifying black skulls on the back chair depict dense undead, as if they contained tens of thousands of dead souls.

The throne also has steps close to ten meters, which is more majestic.

Burning terrifying hellfire fires.

In the flames of hell, countless undead souls emerged, struggled, and wailed.

This is the highest glory in hell, and only the Demon King, who unifies the entire dimension of hell, can sit on it.

This satanic throne itself has a strong will.

When the unrecognized demon king sits on this throne, he will be mercilessly devoured and become one of the undead souls on the throne.

Only the demon king who can sit on this throne is the real demon king.

In recent years, only Mephisto has been eligible.

Karen stood on the edge of the throne, and his figure moved, already on the steps of the throne, and in the shocked eyes of all the demons, the terrible hellish flames of the throne surged like a sea of fire.

Hellish flames like volcanic eruptions swept away.

With the endless undead on the throne scurrying into Karen.

Horrible roars and screams resounded through the sky.

Devour this guy who is trying to blaspheme the throne.

This terrible attack came, even a demon king could not bear it, and all the demon kings had a glimmer of anticipation under their eyes, expecting this terrible human being to be destroyed.

But they were disappointed.

I saw Karen’s eyes streak through a terrifying aura, and his right foot lightly stepped on it.


The mighty momentum swept through like a volcanic eruption in an instant, and the domineering momentum shook the entire hell world upside down in an instant.

“Roll me”

With a clear drink, the heavens shook, the world was overturned, the earth shook, and the flames of hell were instantly extinguished by this momentum.

Never sparkle with a filthy golden light.

The trillions of undead in Satan’s throne are washed and annihilated in screams and wails.

The air seemed to be distorted.

The unbreakable will terrorizes this mighty throne of Satan.

The skulls and depictions of the undead on Satan’s throne seemed to come alive and let out terrible screams and roars.

The whole throne emits a wave of fear, trembling with fear.

Eventually all the imagery dissipated and it became as if it were well-behaved, and in the eyes of all the demon kings, the throne of Satan, which symbolized the supreme glory of hell, surrendered to the human being.

(The first one is coming.) )

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