“This, this…

“It actually surrendered?”

“How could it surrender to a human being? How is this possible? ”

“Damn, damn it.”

The Demon Kings inhaled a cool breath at the same time, unable to believe this scene, because it was too shocking, causing the blurred figure to seem to be distorted.

The supreme glory, Satan’s throne will surrender to a human being?

Nothing has happened since the birth of Hell, since the appearance of Satan’s throne.

The whole world suddenly became silent.

All eyes were on the majestic figure that stood on Satan’s throne.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

With the crisp sound of footsteps, I saw that the god-like man did not hurry to take steps step by step towards Satan’s throne, and without taking a step, the throne would shake once.

A wisp of red hellish flames exploded, as if welcoming the appearance of a new king.

At the same time that the demon kings were afraid, they felt a great shame, and in the world of hell, more than a dozen demon kings actually let a human being sit on the throne of Satan, which is called the supreme glory of hell.

And this human being sits on Satan’s throne, do they want this human to surrender?

The demon kings had different minds and didn’t know what they were thinking.

Instead, Karen walked unhurriedly to the throne, his eyes rippled at the skull on the throne, revealing a disdainful smile.

Seeing Karen’s expression, the Demon Kings were shocked and had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next second, that human movement shook all the demons who saw it.


Only to see Karen raise his slender right foot and stomp on the seat of Sadang’s throne, and his cold voice shook the earth: “Let me sit on this so-called Satan throne?” You deserve it too? ”

Suddenly, the overwhelming power of heaven and earth came with a word.

The mighty heavenly power raged, and the skulls and branded souls on Satan’s throne let out a terrible scream, and the indestructible shell of the entire Satanic throne cracked and made an unpleasant and harsh creaking sound.


The whole thing seemed to be angry, the endless black waves in the sky were pressed together, the endless blood-colored lightning intertwined and raged, and the huge lightning bolts tore through the sky, like the scene of the end of the world.

All the demons looked up at the sky and the picture.

A human cold and disdainful look, his right foot stomping on the throne of Satan, with the scene of the black pressure crushing an endless lightning tearing, a dozen demon kings in the distance below looked up, and in the distance, countless demons fell to their knees, as if surrendering, looking like a mural.

It is like a god who has come to hell and conquered everything.


I saw Karen index finger gently tapping the void, only to see a series of mysterious patterns tearing the void apart and hitting the heads of all the demons hard.

It was as if God had sent out God’s will, but the sound was not loud but it resounded in the ears of all the demons.

“To Karen. York’s will declares that our demon king will suppress hell for a hundred thousand years. ”


The declaration of the Divine Arrival shook the whole hell, and in the shocked eyes of all the demons and the undead, I saw that the dozen or so demon kings were surrounded by stars that formed a mysterious pattern, holy, vast, and noble.

The powerful motifs transform into cages one by one, imprisoning the demon kings.


“Let go of me.”

“Damn humans, I’m definitely not going to give in.”

Unwillingly, a roar of anger burst from the mouths of the demon kings, but it was useless, and the terrible power erupted from his body but could not break through the cage that imprisoned him.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

In the end, a dozen cages forcibly imprisoned the demon kings, and finally in Karen’s indifferent gaze, with a loud noise, the golden cage fell into the endless abyss.

“The Demon King has been sealed?”


The abyss of hell was shaking wildly, and the forces of endless evil and darkness were frantically trying to break free of the cage, but they could not do so, and all the demons who saw this scene were full of terror.

Look up in horror at the mighty figure on Satan’s throne in the sky.

The corners of Karen’s mouth curved with a hint of indifference.

“Losing these High Demon Kings, Hell will be the best place for those little devils to practice.”

The jewel-like eyes rippled, and the figure disappeared in place, along with the throne of Satan.

The majestic pressure that existed all the time disappeared with Karen’s departure.

It also made the rest of the demons and undead breathe a sigh of relief.

This terrible human being had finally left.

“Finally left, it was terrible.”

“Yeah, even the Demon Kings are sealed, this.”

“That human being is terrible, do you think those humans will still come?”


For a moment, the demons looked at each other and looked terrified.


In the midst of a hidden mountain range in Eastern Europe.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A terrifying explosion pierced through the otherwise silent mountains.

The shell fell and exploded, splashing countless snowflakes.

A storm of bullets poured out.

“Firing, firing at me.”

“Yes, it’s the Avengers.”

“Damn, damn Avengers, quick, give me all the weapon systems.”

The commander roared madly in the mountain base, while countless soldiers throughout the base ran towards the outer positions of the base, and fighters, tanks, armed vehicles, etc. had been activated.

Outside the base.

A red-gold armor accompanied by the sound of thrusters, with a plasma pulse wave hitting a tree dozens of meters away, along with the soldiers hidden behind the tree.

“Sir, there is an interfering magnetic field outside the base, and it is difficult for us to get in.”

“Jarvis, how long does it take to resolve this magnetic field?”

“It takes ten minutes.”



In the midst of the terrifying roar, a figure smashed into the flesh like a cannonball, the corners of his eyes twitched a little, and Tony unconsciously complained: “Don’t stay in front of me when you can kill someone, Hulk.” ”

Suddenly, a black arrow tore through the air and hit a soldier holding an RPG in Tony’s distance.

“Wow, Eagle Boy, I’ve got to throw a party for your resurrection afterwards.”

(Second, please subscribe to the big guys.) )

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