“Cough, kidding, what’s the matter with the ground./ball?”

Godan’s lazy voice relayed in Orphe’s mind.

“Lord Godanway, it is like this, Your Highness fought with the Hell Demon King in New York and left some blood, was found by Hydra, and through His Highness’s blood experiment, a group of super soldiers were created, and their strength was probably comparable to that of Saint Seiya who had just awakened the small universe.”

“What do you say?”

The original lazy voice instantly raised a few decibels, and it was extremely angry.


With Orphe’s words, in the Cancer Temple not far from the solar system, the vast momentum rolled the heavens, and the majestic and furious pressure was like a heavenly might, and the entire huge Cancer Temple shook madly.

It also attracted the attention of the cultivating Saint Fighters in the Cancer Palace.

Speculation has been raised.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Lord Godanwe seems to be very angry.”

“Sigh, this kind of momentum is really frightening.”

“This kind of momentum, I always feel that the sky is collapsing.”

The vision in the Cancer Palace was unaware of Orphe, but the anger in Godanway’s voice was clear to him.

But it was not surprising, continuing 033: “I destroyed a Hydra base, but there is no other Hydra experimental base in the memory of the leader, only that there should be a large number of super soldiers created, and the other party did not leak the breath, and I could not completely find out in a short period of time.” ”

“The Hydra base is hidden too deeply, and the family intelligence network and the S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence network cannot find out in a short time.”

“I can only turn to Lord Godanwi for help.”

“I see.”

Cold spit out a few words, the connection between the two hung up, feeling Godanwei’s boundless anger, Orphie wiped a cold smile from the corner of his mouth, looked into the distance and muttered to himself: “Is it really enough to find death, is it not good to stay honest?” ”

His eyes flashed a cold light, and he walked towards the inside of the manor.

The Anto family is also going to make a difference.

At this time, the country and other forces found that Antonia, which had honestly developed itself, began to act wildly, and the branches all over the world, mercenaries, intelligence networks, interest networks, and so on all operated.

The effects of this still dormant and huge machine operation are not generally terrible.

The countries themselves were extremely jealous of Antonia, and this huge move seemed to be about to start a war. む Instantly made countries wary.

At the same time, the major forces also began to wait and see. Suddenly, the world began to rise and fall, and dark tides surged forward.

Immediately, Orpheus, the Saint Seiya who guarded Antonia, declared war on Hydra to the world, and any forces or implications related to Hydra were subject to Antonia’s sanctions.

This statement immediately caused an uproar.

The impression of Hydra for most forces is still in the era of Director Pierce of S.H.I.E.L.D., and in most of the forces’ memories, Hydra has been destroyed.

There are only a few forces that know the existence of Hydra.

Not to mention that the anti-human force of Hydra still existed, what shocked them even more was that Hydra had the courage to provoke Antonia, resulting in Antonia’s thunder and anger.

In addition to the people or forces involved with Hydra, the forces of various countries are not vigilant and panicked, but on the contrary, they have begun to pay attention.

The Sanctuary leaves the ground./ball, and the only Saint Seiya known to exist today is Orpheus.

The top brass of the various powers speculated about the way Antonia would sanction Hydra.

There is only one biggest guess.

That is, maybe the long-lost holy land may come.

Unlike the wait-and-see attitude of the countries, the leaders of the Hydra factions began to fear.

The whole world knows the power behind Antonia, how can they not know?

The Hydra leader, who did not understand something, was terrified and confused.

In a hidden base under a mountain range in Western Europe.

A beautiful woman in a purple trench coat walked frantically back and forth in the council hall, and her face was extremely ugly at the moment, yelling at several high-ranking people in military uniforms at the round table in front of her: “What the hell is going on, why is Antonia suddenly declaring war on us?” ”

The smooth forehead was green and bursting out.

The anger is beyond words.

Several of the top brass at the round table were also sweating cold and panicked.

“Madam, we don’t know about this matter, nor do we know why Antonia suddenly declared war on us, and now Antonia and S.H.I.E.L.D. are beginning to search for all the Hydra in the intelligence network of the whole world, and the key is that there are other forces involved.”

“We’ve got a couple of bases on targeting.”

“The rest of the hidden bases are fine, as long as Antonia can’t find them, we should have no problem.”

“Yeah, we don’t have to be that scared, they can’t find us.”

Several high-level people wiped away cold sweat and laughed dryly.

They may not care about other forces at all, but for Antonia, they have only fear and awe in their hearts.

Many of Hydra’s original great plans were also terminated because of fear of Antonia.

Even because of the fear of Antonia, the major Hydra factions had much less contact with each other.

They can only pray for hope now.

The woman known as Madame shook her hand impatiently: “I don’t care if the base is hidden or not, do I care about Antonia?” I fucking care about those damn stinky little devils. ”

“Do you really think you can be unfound by those little ghosts in a hidden base?”

“Don’t you know the power of those little devils?” If it really attracts the attention of the golden sequence and even the attention of that person, I am afraid that we will be turned over even if we are hidden in the center of the earth. ”

The original magnetic voice began to tremble when it said the golden sequence and that one. Shaken.

His eyes were filled with fear.

When the demons invaded the big event, there was a sinkhole not far from Western Europe, and the undead and demons invaded the sky, and the powerful force made her fear and make her despair.

And the young man dressed in a beautiful and gorgeous holy garment stood tall in the sky.

The momentum that swept the world was as solid as heaven, and it was deeply imprinted in her heart.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you guys, Momo Da, love you.) )_

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