Since then, like everyone else in the world, the Saint Seiya, the Golden Saint Seiya, and Karen York, have left a deep imprint on her heart.

God-like existence.

She knew that no matter what, she could never provoke Antonia.

Therefore, when carrying out certain plans, they directly avoided Antonia, or even its related forces or people.

Because of this, for so long – it has been completely unharmed.

The previous enemies of Antonia had a miserable end, such as Pierce, who had received news some time ago that the Eagle Kingdom also seemed to have appeared in the figure of Saint Seiya, and one of the factions – the Blood Clan was destroyed.

At that time, she also secretly laughed at the blood clan’s inability to measure up.

As a result, disaster had now befallen her.

All she wanted now was to kill people, to throw the fools who had provoked Antonia into the snake’s den.

Taking a deep breath, he said in a cold voice: “Stop running the connection between all bases, turn off the power and power systems, close all connections with the outside world, open the underground reserve granaries, and the granaries of all bases should be enough to support for a month or two.” ”

She wants to cut off everything from the outside world, whether it’s reality or the network, electricity, and so on.

As long as the contact with the outside world is cut off, the other party should not be able to detect the base no matter what means it uses.

She had to be thankful for the preparations.

This time it is also a great achievement.

“Got it, ma’am.”


Not only Lady Viper, but the leaders of the rest of the Hydra faction were also furious.

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, natural lush forests, reefs and nearby small islands form a huge archipelago.

Inside one of the archipelago’s humble islands, countless people in combat uniforms and some overalls are constantly shuttling through and working.

The interior of the island is hollowed out to connect the sea below the island, like a natural cave.

The entire base is extremely hidden.

In a room with a touch of European style at the base, the room furnishings are simple but gorgeous, the room is round, against the wall, with a fixed bench, a red curtain, a shiny intarsia floor, a lot of tables in the middle of the green column, and the white tablecloth on which gold, silver, and glassware shine.

Hanging horizontally is a reproduced oil painting of a young girl, with one hand propped up, her wonderful eyes slightly drooping, where she meditates.

Many books are displayed on the shelves, and the style also shows the character of the owner of this room. Oh… In the room, a white-haired, middle-aged man sat at his desk with a livid face, looking at the information circulating on the tablet on the table with a sigh, and the communicator that was constantly making noise in another communicator.

Did Da die, or was he noticed? “..

The gentle eyes behind the white frame flashed a hint of horror, but were immediately covered in ambition.

His name was Whitehall, and he was originally a colleague of the Red Skull, and for some reason he had a terrifying life force, a huge lifespan.

He was both excited and frightened now.

Excited about his success, afraid of the man who couldn’t call him by name.

“But it’s okay, as long as those guys don’t show up, my warriors are the strongest, even if that Orphi comes.”

The white-haired middle-aged man felt the majestic vitality and strength in his body, and the soaring strength swallowed up his sanity.

He was immersed in the kind of picture that could easily destroy everything.

“A bunch of idiots, just give me time, what Saint Seiya, what Antonia, what cards… All will be my stepping stones to inform this planet. ”

He didn’t dare to utter the name that frightened and excited him completely, but seemed to think of the future when he was in control, with a frightening smile on his lips.

This didn’t last long, and then he fell into contemplation and whispered, “Now our warriors are not strong enough, we need to hide, if it really attracts his attention, I am afraid that everything I have done will be in vain.” ”

He was proud, conceited but also smart.

He should be proud that the man had evolved into a god in human form, and that great power had filled him with longing and had done some series of studies, not knowing how many people had died.

But this power cannot be obtained.

When he learned that someone had the man’s blood, he knew that his chance had come.

After spending countless days and nights, he finally succeeded, not only researching thousands of super soldiers who exceeded human limits, but even he had such powers.

Just give him enough time.

He can have an army of super soldiers, and when the time comes, no one can hinder his steps to rule the world.

Even the vanishing sanctuary.

All he had to do now was lie dormant, wait for the moment he had imagined.

By then, his army will sweep everything away.

In the fantasy, he stood up and walked out of the room, through countless passages to the most empty base training ground inside the island.


On the training ground, thousands of men and women in black tight combat uniforms stood up.

Everyone was expressionless, emitting a cold and incomparable breath, which even made the air of the entire training ground faintly distorted, and the rest of the Hydra warriors could not even get close, because once they got close to the distance of a hundred meters, the end was crushed by the terrifying beast-like momentum.

And Whitehall didn’t care, walked up to these super soldiers, looked at the cold faces, and looked at his own fanatical eyes.

A deep voice travels throughout the training ground.

“My great warriors, I have given you power beyond humanity and as great as the gods, and we are about to complete the mission of the great Hydra, which is to rule this planet.”

“But we’re not strong enough right now and we need time.”

“The enemy is coming, and that’s those damn Saint Seiya, that damn Holy Land.”

“Are you afraid?”

The incendiary voice reached the ears of all the super soldiers, and all of them roared in unison, “Long live the Hydra.” ”

The huge sound wave shook the entire interior of the island, even shaking the ceiling above the training ground into countless rubble.

The frenetic mood kept swelling, causing Whitehall to nod with satisfaction: “Very good. ”

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you, thank you.) Small)_

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