He thought he had established a base in an unknown archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, which had a special geographical location and a chaotic magnetic field that military surveillance satellites could not detect.

Drones, helicopters are basically unable to approach.

And the exterior of the base is all made of isolation material.

He couldn’t believe how the other party had found this place.

Even searching for this vast sea will take a lot of time.

The nearby island group is not small.

In the sky, a figure stands above the void and looks down on the island, his eyes cold and merciless.

Outside the island, thousands of Hydra super soldiers wearing tight combat suits with the Hydra logo tattooed in black were distributed on the island, looking as if they were irrational, as if they were looking up at the enemy.

The rolling momentum seemed to engulf this island.

Not far away, Tony shrugged at the sight of the situation in Mark’s armor and flew into the far inside of the Kun-style armor.

Enter the fighter jet and the Avengers are all gathered.

“We are afraid that we will not be able to participate in this mission, there are thousands of super soldiers, if we participate, it is estimated that we will be torn apart.”

Tony looked at the rest of the Avengers and smiled.

Although it is a little reluctant, the Avengers will not participate in the next battle at all.

Thousands of super fighters, each comparable to a Saint Seiya who has just awakened to the small universe.

He coped with only one of them, barely for a few minutes at most.

Thor and Hulk have limited strengths, but they are also limited.

In this level of war, the Avengers are clearly not qualified enough.

The rest of the people also showed a bitter smile, the other side was so mad, creating thousands of super soldiers, if it were not for Antonia pressing on the head, just this group of super soldiers is estimated to be able to sweep the whole ground/ball.


A terrifying bolt of lightning pierced the sky under the thick clouds of black pressure.

The sea below surged wildly, and the mighty waves seemed to overturn everything one after another.

The huge windswept Kun fighters were swinging wildly.

The Kun fighters frantically sounded the alarm.

The Avengers inside the plane instead clung to the armrests on the side to stabilize their bodies.

Natasha, who was piloting the fighter, grabbed the pilot’s handle and firmly held the fuselage’s head without turning back, yelling, “Hold on, we have to drive here, the magnetic field here is too chaotic.” ”

Looking at the original blue sky outside the warplane’s window, it had become pitch black.

The terrifying thick clouds are filled with endless lightning bolts, and the waves of the sea rage wildly. Evenly connect the typhoons of heaven and earth.

The sea of a million nautical miles has turned into a terrible doomsday.

Tony smirked, “Although I have seen it, I still feel exaggerated.” “Cha Cha. Bruce Banner, who had not yet transformed into a Hulk, shook his head: “This is comparable to the ability of natural disasters that only those children can do.” ”

“Yeah, having them is good for the world.”


As they spoke, the Kun fighter, under Natasha’s control, nimbly dodged the terrible typhoon and cut through the sky and headed for the distance.

A blue hair, wearing a silver robe, Offie stood in the void, against the background of inky black clouds and lightning tearing, just like a majestic god looking down, and the cold voice rolled in everyone’s ears: “Kill, leave no one.” ”


The conviction of the sinner did not give Whitehall any chance at all.

As the sound fell, a series of vast momentum burst out, and the momentum that swept across the heavens and the earth shook and distorted the nearby air.

Hundreds of young girls played their strongest Upanishads at the same time.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth change color.

Natural disasters have come, cold ice, terrifying chains, powerful sound waves that impact the soul, and so on.

The earth-shattering force of the planetary impact fell down.

Whitehall’s face suddenly changed as he looked up and yelled in horror, “Hide.” ”


As the oil barrel exploded, his feet slammed into the ground, Whitehall’s figure suddenly tore through the air, and the air waves exploded, only to flee the island group in an instant.

And so do the thousands of other super soldiers.

Only the rest of the Hydra warriors on the island were so desperate that they couldn’t even scream.

Death has come.

Submerge and devour all living beings.


With the earth-shattering sound of explosions, the entire Pacific Ocean seemed to be overturned, the rolling air waves exploded, the endless winds raged, and the sea area of tens of miles was hit alive by a huge pit under this terrifying force.

As if cut by a terrible force, the sea could not fill this huge pit for a long time.

The island group was completely destroyed into dust without any accident.

A terrible wave spread all around.

The apocalyptic scene is full of visual impact.

The Kun-style fighter that had already withdrawn a hundred miles away was still swaying wildly under the fierce wind, and Natasha looked at the extremely impactful picture in the distance with her head tilted, and said with some trepidation: “It’s good to run fast, otherwise, we may all be in danger.” ”


“Sigh, I feel like we’re going to withdraw.”

“I also think, let’s go for a drink together and he doesn’t smell good?” Why look for guilt here. ”

“It’s still safest to do experiments.”

The rest of the Avengers complained.

Far away on a sky carrier in the sky of some hemisphere, Fury unconsciously carried a hint of embarrassment.

And Whitehall, who had luckily escaped the chaos, was dragged tens of thousands of meters by the terrifying wind on the surface of the sea, and when he forcibly stopped his body to look at the earth-destroying disaster scene, the corners of his mouth were trembling with fear.

Thousands of super soldiers had fallen nearly half of them under this blow.

He knew that his side was not at all the opponent of those young girls who looked young.

“Withdraw, evacuate.”

Without the slightest hesitation, he yelled at the rest of the super soldiers who had survived, and with a fierce stomp of his feet, the sea suddenly exploded into a wave of hundreds of meters.

The figure roared through the sky, trying to escape the Pacific Ocean.

But just before it flew out of the distance of a hundred meters, the figure slammed down, desperately looking at the figure that did not know what appeared a hundred meters away.


With a slight cracking sound, he saw countless figures in all directions surrounding him like a heavenly net.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

There was a roar and a scream in his ears, and Whitehall’s heart sank again and again.

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