The familiar breath is constantly disappearing at a terrifying rate.

Whitehall knew that it was the fire of life of the supersoldiers who was extinguishing.

Gritting his teeth so hard that he didn’t know when he lost his glasses.

The original suit and leather shoes have also turned into a rag, and there is no longer the appearance of the upper layer.

He glanced at him in horror and despair, and the pair of cold and piercing eyes seemed to drown him, and he knew that this time he might really have to carry it.

He also had a hint of regret in his heart.

Why look for death, why not look for death in an attempt to get involved in a being that he could never reach?

But more regret is not prudent enough, after all, there is a cause and effect with a god, and the result of not being cautious enough is destruction.

At first, he was still swallowed up because of the “nine-five-zero” reason of this huge force.

Otherwise he would be more cautious with his character.

Gritting his teeth and feeling desperate, Whitehall did not give up, his senses were maximized, and he was constantly looking for opportunities.

The original dense screams in the ears were also short.

Eventually, it disappeared completely.

Whitehall’s heart finally sank to the bottom, from the beginning to the present in less than a minute, thousands of super soldiers were slaughtered without the ability to fight back, this kind of strength.

Far beyond his imagination.

Originally, he didn’t have a very clear idea of the strength of Saint Seiya, but he probably knew that there were several levels.

Speed hierarchy, speed of sound, multiple speed of sound, subluminal speed, speed of light, etc.

In his concept, even if the super soldier he created may not be completely inferior to the Saint Seiya, it should not be without the ability to fight back, and it can be completely surpassed in some time.

You know, the most basic thing he used to make these super soldiers was the blood of that god.

In this chaotic era, the vast universe, powerful aliens, terrifying hell demon kings, supernatural powers, blood tribes, etc. In this chaotic era, the only one who can really be called a god is the man named Karen.

This shows how powerful it is.

The serum produced with his blood was not something that ordinary people could bear, even those warriors and soldiers who had undergone countless trainings.

It contains the energy of the violent terror.

There is no one who can really survive.

These thousands of super soldiers were also the result of injections diluting hundreds of millions of times the development of serums, and even for this reason, tens of thousands of subjects died because they could not withstand the violent energy of the serum.

Even these tens of thousands of people are brainwashed homeless people all over the world.

The super warriors who have gained great power through endless pain have no resistance at all in front of these Saint Seiya

Is a fake a fake after all?


Just as his thoughts were confused, a figure of a great shore suddenly appeared in front of Whitehall’s body, and the latter’s eyes froze, and when he looked up, the familiar face was none other than Lyra’s Silver Saint Saint Orpheus.

Broken blue hair fluttered in the wind.

The cold, frost-like eyes looked at this fool in front of him indifferently, like watching an ant looking for its own death.

This gaze stung Whitehall’s heart deeply.

That gaze reminded him of the guy who had led him into the Snapper, and because of that, when he was in control of Hydra’s authority, he had the guy die in endless torture.

However, in the face of this teenager, Whitehall was furious but could do nothing.

Because, just by facing those piercing eyes, he seemed to be trapped in the world of endless winter, and the terrible frost invaded his body and soul.

As if to bury him completely.

For this ant who dared to defile the blood of His Highness, Orphie and a group of other young girls who regarded Karen as a god were eager to slash this ant with a thousand knives.

Even Orphe, who has a good temper per se, is the same.

“You say I should be like this to make you the most painful punishment?”

A cold voice passed through Whitehall’s ears.

The dangerous breath continued to spread from the teenager’s body, and Whitehall couldn’t help but shiver, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he hurriedly said, “Great Lord Orphi, I have absolutely no disrespectful thoughts about His Highness Karen.” ”

“Everything I do is so that humanity can have the ability to fight against the unknown enemy…..”

“I have all this in pain.”

“With the god-like wisdom and Hungarian wisdom of His Highness Karen, he will surely understand.”

“I can also give you the results of my research, I can also work for you, my wisdom…

The chattering words were interrupted by the cold gaze of the teenager.

Orphie looked at the damn old guy in disgust: “Dirty smash, you are not qualified to call Your Highness by name, your stupid deeds will make you suffer for millions of years.” ”

“You will be torn apart by the filthy bones of the abyss, by the mess of sharp teeth, and your soul will be torn apart by that.”

“Death is not your end, pain and suffering are.”

Every word shook Whitehall’s mind like thunder, and each word formed an irreversible sentence.

Whitehall was extremely pale and cold sweat on his forehead.

He couldn’t imagine the kind of torture and pain that was worse than death, and he knew that the words spoken by the teenager in front of him would not be a joke, because they really had that ability.

Despair, resentment, struggle.

It almost caused Whitehall to collapse, and eventually he couldn’t bear that terrible pain, and he roared angrily: “I’m just cracking the realm of God, I just want humanity to have that kind of power, what’s wrong with that?3.5″ ”

“Karen York, and you guys, are just a bunch of selfish guys.”

“You monopolize this power that can step into the realm of the gods, but you are not willing to share it.”

“To put it bluntly, you are the same as me, and he is the same as those ambitious people.”

A questioning sound, a roar and a ripple in all directions.

On the Kun fighter plane that had not left in the far distance, Rogers and the others had a cold sweat on their foreheads, and the voice of questioning almost did not send them away.

Rogers was a man of great admiration for the Whitehall guy.

How dare to question and slander like this.

A deity.

(Please subscribe to flowers, thank you guys, thank you very much, Mo Mo Da.) )_

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