The general’s persuasion was opened, and some of the rest of the high-ranking people also opened the conversation box.

“Yes, Your Excellency, the departure of the Sacred Realm does not mean that they will not return.”

“This time Hydra’s fate is enough to wake us up.”

“We must not provoke the other side, and if we succeed, we will inevitably become enemies of Antonia, enemies of that one.”

“Let’s not talk about that one, any gold is not something we can resist, and it is easy to destroy our country.”

“Yeah, please give up on that idea.”

They tried to dispel Mr. Tong’s terrible thoughts, and they could not even consciously sweat a cold sweat on their foreheads at the thought of the future if this plan were to be carried out.

They all have families.

Don’t want to die yet.

The rest of the ambitious careerists retorted.

“Are you kidding?” The power to break the gods is enough to make us rise, just like how humiliating it is now for our world’s number one power to be trampled under the feet of a small island of only five thousand square kilometers. ”

“Yes, but also to know that our enemies in this world are not only a certain country, but also aliens, demons, super criminals and aliens.”

“If we don’t have the power, do we have to rely on the little ghosts the size of my grandson to save the earth every time./ball?”

“Holding the authority of the gods, we need to protect ourselves, do you want to be Uncle Sam’s cow on the farm for people to take?” Look at that card… ”

The excitement was red, and the ambitious group of ambitious people spoke one after another, when one of them was about to shout out Karen’s name.

The once bustling office fell silent again.

Everyone looked at this stupid congressman with frightened eyes, and the congressman who had been excited to seduce the others seemed to realize something, and quickly covered his mouth, and turned his head in horror to scan the entire office of the general secretary.

“Damn it, you stupid guy, who made you call him by his first name.?”

“You idiot.”

The silent atmosphere did not last long, and the high-level people, including the general manager, saw that the environment near the next second had not changed, there was no vision of thunder, etc., and they were secretly relieved, and involuntarily insulted this fool. Give birth. What a pig teammate. If the things they talked about were to be found out to be out of place, the leadership of the United States would be replaced, and they had no doubt that the other side had that ability.

Although he has a wild heart, greed, and a desire for the power of the gods, he also knows how powerful the gods really are.

Look at the fate of Hydra, forming a thousand troops that are enough to sweep the entire world, each of which is even enough to easily destroy a city, but angers Antonia, and does not even send out the Saint Seiya of the Golden Sequence.

Just by dispatching some bronze and silver, this terrible army was easily destroyed.

The strength of the Saints is evident.

It can be said that these ideas of their and their dangers, one careless may be doomed.

After glancing wordlessly at the stupid congressman, he put his hands on his chin and said, “This must be done and its secrets, and it must not attract the attention of Antonia.” ”

“Mr. Tong, we have to search for the super soldier research materials developed by Hydra.”

“If we can replicate the study of that super soldier, we can form a stronger army in a certain period of time.”

Some senior legislators are not willing to miss out on great opportunities.

But the rest of the top brass shook their heads.

Among them, the vice president/director even said bluntly: “Give up this absurd and stupid idea, not to mention that the nearby sea and islands will not be destroyed at all, there will be absolutely no data left, even if you study and copy it, do you want to be the same as the fate of Whitehall?” ”

“Don’t you really think that the one is that simple?” Alba? ”

Having said that, the vice president./Commander looked at a middle-aged white man with a hooked nose and sharp eyes.

“He’s the deputy director of the CIA, and he’s going to bring us his latest analysis.”

The man known as Alba nodded, turned to Mr. Tong, and said, “Mr. General./Tong, we have calculated extremely rigorous data based on every shot at Saint Seiya from a few years ago to the present, including the one, using the most sophisticated scientific and technological analysis technology.” ”

“The basic rough data is not much to mention.”

“But from an analytical point of view, their hierarchical division is extremely strict, but also extremely general, and everyone knows that there is a sixth sense, and the seventh sense is the front, middle and late stages.”

“The sixth sense in the small universe that human beings have, the so-called five senses are vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch, and on top of the five senses there is also the sixth sense of spiritual thinking, that is, the sensation produced by the brain, which has the superpower of manipulating elements, predicting the future, smashing and controlling atoms, flying in the sky, reading power, mind reading, illusion, mind control, intuition and other superpowers.”

“With the enhancement of the sixth sense, the super power mastered will be more and more, and the life level will gradually approach the strong person of the seventh sense, and even have thousands of super powers, because the energy in their bodies, that is, the small universe, is incomparably powerful enough to withstand the consumption generated when casting ten thousand kinds of super powers, so even if it is the sixth sense realm, the energy gap between the strong and the ordinary super ability is not a hundred times, a thousand times, or even tens of thousands of times, so it is also divided into front, middle, and late men.”

“Those bronze and silver should be in the sixth sense, and some silver is like the outstanding existence that should be the sixth (king’s good) sense that has just been shot.”

The rest of the top executives listened carefully, but as Alba analyzed, a group of top executives were also shocked to hear it.

“I won’t say much about the rest of the analysis, but after our careful analysis, a Saint Seiya who is only the beginning of the Sixth Sense can easily destroy a city or even a country.”

“And when the Saint Seiya reaches the middle of the full force of the explosion, he may be able to break through the ground./ball.”

“That is to say, every Saint Seiya of the Middle Sixth Sense has the ability to destroy the earth./ball.”

“And according to the data from the children taken away from the Antonia orphanage over the years, the population of the entire Sanctuary should have reached at least 20,000 people, and the official Saint Seiya should also be at least 10,000 or more.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, cyberpunk can’t help itself… )_

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