“Moreover, this is only the Saint Seiya of the Sixth Sense.”

“As for those who awaken the seventh sense, the analysis drawn from the New York Demon Event concludes that its movements reach the speed of light, that is to say, the golden sequence can circle the earth seven and a half times a second as long as it is willing, in general, kinetic energy is equal to the mass multiplied by the square of speed, the action speed of the bronze Saint Seiya can reach the speed of sound, and the stronger Silver Saint Seiya is twice – five times the speed of sound, and it is not difficult to imagine that the fist thrown by the Saint Seiya at such a speed is not difficult to imagine that it will inevitably produce a powerful destructive force.”

“The Golden Saint Seiya’s fist speed and body movements can reach the speed of light, it is simply like a miracle warrior, the faster the speed, the stronger the power, the fist issued by the speed of light, its destructive power is unimaginably powerful, we can even fully think that at this realm, it can already be called a god.”

“At that time of the Great Demon Event, thirteen golds should not have reached the seventh sense, and that one should have reached this level.”

“As for now, the gold should have reached this level, which one should be higher, maybe the eighth sense?”

“We roughly guess that the Saint Seiya of the Seventh Sense, in addition to a series of magical abilities that are not 120 incredible, should be able to destroy a galaxy with ease.”

Alba smiled bitterly, and after the analysis made by the entire intelligence bureau, the more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

The more I look at it, the more incredible it feels, but the more fiery it is inside.// Hot.

A human being, even a mere teenager, still possesses such earth-shattering power.

Simply a miracle.

I really don’t know how the man did it.

The rest of the top brass fell silent when they heard this analysis, and they were not without the analysis data of the Saint Seiya, but they did not really understand it.

And now Alba is behind the data brought by the intelligence bureau.

Everyone was silent.

What is the concept of destroying galaxies?

Although the power of Saint Seiya has long been known, when this real data analysis is in front of them, the top leaders such as the General ./Commander can only despair at this moment.

The original idea that Wild ./ Ambition to gain power, and even to wait one day to transcend the Sacred Realm to stand in the universe, was also extinguished.

Is this a person?

The president waved his hand in a lonely manner in his chair and said in discouragement: “Forget it, don’t provoke them.” ”

“Now all the strategic principles of the United States should be or how, do not deliberately target.”

The rest of the top brass sighed.

まThis time, as the world’s number one power, the United States finally threw away its pride, and now there is only one layer of shame to block, if it is not the other party to the ground./ The ball is not interested at all. Funny words.

Maybe even this fig leaf will be lifted. The dominance of the U.S. state will also be lost. All the high-ranking people looked at each other helplessly and shook their heads.


The battle for the Pacific Islands did not attract much attention, and only a few great powers were monitored by military satellites.

The point is that if it were not for the imagery of this battle that disrupted the original magnetic field of this area, it is estimated that military satellites would not have been able to capture this picture.

The leaders of the countries were not surprised by Antonia’s strong elimination of the Hydra.

Just after a little discussion, I don’t pay attention.

Hundreds of Saint Seiya can’t wipe out a single Hydra?

If only one guy had really escaped from the encirclement, it would have really shocked them.

At best, I was amazed by the wisdom and boldness of these Hydras.

Being able to develop such a powerful super soldier is enough to surprise people and make people sigh at their wisdom, but they are too desperate for death.

At the same time, the rest of Hydra’s hidden deep base was constantly being excavated and finally destroyed.

The final time is frozen in the next day.

Hydra was completely destroyed.

There will be no Hydra in this world, and even the members of the Nine-Headed Snake who think they have escaped from hiding deeply will be hunted down and killed by another force.


S.H.I.E.L.D., as the world’s first organization to eliminate the world’s most visible organization, if it wants to target a few people, the result is self-evident.

The fall of Hydra did not cause much talk either.

It’s just some after-dinner talk.

When people lament the strength of the Saint Seiya and the destruction of the Hydra, they do not know that without the knowledge of outsiders, the earth has once again ushered in a powerful enemy.

In New York’s Mage’s Temple, there was a raid.

A group of mages dressed in black mage robes raid the mage temple, and the mages have black marks on their faces and their eyes are like black grottoes, like demons.


Originally, the mages in the New York Mage Temple showed their qualities in this sudden invasion.

But even so, the mages lost a dozen.

However, the rest of the mages reacted and engaged in a great battle with the invaders.

The furious elemental magic is gorgeous and abnormal, fighting, screaming, and roaring to turn the mage temple into a battlefield.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Magic Enchantment isolated the Mage Temple from the outside world, the aftermath of the temple battle might have been felt throughout New York.

The mage Modu flew the invader with a magic bolt and roared angrily at the black-robed mage, “Casilias, you dare to do such a rebellious thing.” ”

“How dare you betray your soul to evil.”

“The fallen will be punished by the Great Supreme Mage, and your soul will be banished.”

“You bastard.”

Master Modu almost bit the man’s corpse into thousands of pieces in anger, and as a high-ranking mage, Modu’s fighting power was strong, the surging magic in his body exploded, and the magic illusion weapon in his hands dissipated, and he saw a series of terrifying red lightning bursts out, like Wang Yang crashing towards Casillias.

In the face of this terrible red lightning king sun, Casirias, who was also a high-ranking mage, did not have the slightest fear.

There was a sneering smile of disdain at the corners of his mouth.

I saw a huge ring-shaped magic shield suddenly appear in front of me, depicting a mysterious and beautiful pattern.

The Ring of Raggador.

When he saw this huge magic shield, Mage Modu’s pupils shrank suddenly.

(Ask for flowers and ask for a monthly pass, thank you very much, Mo Mo Da.) )_

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