
When Strange and Master Modu had just relaxed their breath, they saw the man in front of them turn and look beyond the balcony, and said with a smile, “They actually dare to trace to Antonia Island, they are really not afraid of death.” ”


The two were shocked.


The sea beyond Antonia Island is uneventful, and the sky is occasionally crisply crossed by seagulls.

Above the surface of the sea, hundreds of Dark Sect mages dressed in mage robes towered and stepped on the surface of the sea out of thin air.

A pair of icy eyes looked at the beautiful island ahead.

The leader was none other than the high-ranking mage Casillias, whose vicious pupils looked at the island in front of him with a somewhat uncertain look: “Is this the Enchantment?” ”

As a high-ranking mage, his strength was useless to question, and his talent strength was even above that of the Modu mage.

No one else could see it with their naked eyes, but he could clearly see that there was a layer of envelopment over this beautiful island.

“No, it’s not just the first floor, what is this place?”

Casillias’s mind grew more and more confused.

Ever since the Fallen sold his soul to the Dark Lord Dormammu and left the Mage Temple, he had been hiding in a place where he could not see the light of day, fearing that he would be found by the Supreme Mage Koichi.

So much so that he has no contact with the outside world at all.

Not much is known about the situation on this earth.

In his eyes, the so-called human world is only full of hypocrisy, cunning, and war, and naturally it will not be more than concerned.

Just unexpectedly, the hunt for the future Supreme Mage Strange and his old friend Modu came to the island, opened the portal and was almost cut alive by the terrifying backlash.

Fortunately, there were two unlucky Egg Cultists who opened the teleporters.

“Lord Casilias, this seems to be just an ordinary human island, at best, there must be some wonderful treasure that comes with the boundary.”

One of the female Dark Believers behind him guessed.

“Yeah, how could these humans have such a power to arrange the boundary, and still cover such a huge island, is there a guy on this island who is comparable to Gu Yi?”

“Hahaha, how can it be, although Gu Yi is hypocritical, but I have to say that her strength is indeed terrible, and even the great Dormammu is extremely jealous of it.”

“It should be so, but with such a large range of boundaries, that treasure is enough to rival some artifacts.”

“Maybe it’s a magic weapon handed down from ancient times?”

The device is very powerful, and if you can get a hand, it should be of great help to me. “.

Those two guys came to get this magic weapon? ”

The Dark Mages were talking about it, and the last Fa was also affirmed by everyone.

Must have come to obtain some ancient magic weapon on this island that contained great power to fight them, as for the artificial enchantment?

They don’t even bother to think about it.

Apart from the ancient mages and some old monsters of the mage temple, where did the human beings have such a strong person?

Casillas nodded, and the uneasiness in his heart dissipated.

Just frowning and a little headache.

The enchantment that came with this magic weapon did not dissipate with time, and it actually had such a powerful power.

The power it takes to break through this barrier is only terrifying.

Neither he nor these dark mages together may be able to break it.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said to an old mage who had been silent all alongside, “Mike, this time we need your help, we can’t let those two guys get that unknown powerful magic weapon.” ”

The rest of the people stopped talking for a moment.

Everyone looked at the old mage with a look of awe.

The old mage nodded, his wrinkled face twitched a little, and his hoarse voice said, “Great Dark Lord, your slave needs your help.” ”

The scorched black and terrifying eyes emitted a terrifying scarlet color.

The originally cloudy eyes became unfocused.


In an instant, a terrifying will like the underworld of the ancient hell awoke from the old mage’s body, and the majestic and vast evil dark power erupted in a mighty wave.

The power of terror swept the heavens.

The black vast breath leaked out./ A wisp of dew, touching everything.

The originally undisturbed sea surface was like the wrath of the sea god, and the sea began to roll and roll wildly.

I saw the black aura that accompanied this billowing black breath burst out from the old mage’s body.

A terrifying black consciousness awoke from the old mage.

The old mage spoke again, but his voice became thick and majestic: “~My loyal slaves, you… ”

Between words, the old mage’s eyes glanced at the Antonia Island ahead, and his voice suddenly stopped.

Then the breath of terror suddenly fluctuated.

The voice suddenly became strange: “How did you come to this place?” ”

With great anger and doubt.

With this will, all the mages became frightened.

Dormammu was stupid and did everything he could to develop his own group of believers, just for the fall of Gu Yi, and when he came to this dimension, he would dominate everything.

The last time he failed, he knew that there was not only one ancient one who was strong in this dimension.

There is another hateful fellow.

That guy’s strength was not inferior to his old rival Gu Yi at all, and he didn’t expect that these fools had actually sent their own people to the doorstep of others.

Isn’t this a grocery delivery?

“Get out of here you fools.” Knowing that things were not good, (Qian Dezhao) Dormammu was busy whispering a roar.

He only left a little will and strength in this group of believers, just to help kill Gu Yi.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Yi had indeed been seriously injured.

Nima’s honest waiting for Gu Yi to hang up is not good?

If he provokes the guy and learns of the plan to stop it, then his plan will fall through.

The great Dark Lord was furious, and even Casillias was terrified.

He didn’t know why, but he wouldn’t be stupid enough to ask Dormammu.

But the revival of Dormammu’s will had alarmed the Saint Seiya on Antonia.


The terror spread throughout the heavens and the earth in an instant, and the sound of coldness like the extremely cold ice field echoed in everyone’s ears.

“Filthy evil who dares to spy on Antonia.”

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