The vast heavenly power shook, and the rolling mighty divine power swept through.

The heavens and the earth seemed to be trembling, fearful.

Casillias and the rest of the group of people were suddenly shocked, and under this terrifying atmosphere, they could not even move.


I saw a figure suddenly appear in the sky, and the standing figure was shocked by the red-haired girl in white and silver armor looking down at them with a cold look.

The majestic Heavenly Power erupted from her body.

When they saw those icy eyes, a group of people biologically instinctively warned them in a frenzy, telling everyone to flee the place as soon as possible.

Only then did they know what the great Dormammu was talking about.

It turned out that there was such a terrible existence on this island.

Cassilias frowned, staring dead at the maiden in the sky, her thoughts racing.

The instinctive warning let him know that if a group of his people dared to move around with one person, a terrible disaster would inevitably follow.

This also caused him to dare not cast magic at all.

“If it’s just her, maybe there’s a chance… Cassilias thought darkly, but suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and just 690 miles away from them, above the sea in all directions, a series of figures towered and stepped on the sea.

Dressed in the same style of armor as the girl, a pair of cold eyes were placed in their eyes.

With a jump in his heart, Casillias realized that they did not know when, and they were completely surrounded.

Moreover, each of them exuded an incomparably terrifying aura, and the terrible qi machine was dead on them.


The corners of Casillias’s eyes twitched, and a wisp of bitterness glistened in his heart.

What the hell is this place, a small island where there are so many terrible guys?

Even he felt a chill in his back at the moment.

I saw the maiden in the sky open her mouth, and her voice was full of the crispness of the maiden, but there was some familiarity: “Dormammu, I didn’t expect you to dare to come to my Antonia, it seems that the lesson that Your Highness gave you was not enough.” ”

Sneering, he ignored Casillias, and placed it on the old mage’s Mike, or rather, on reviving Dormammu’s will in the old mage.

The girl’s words aroused the wrath of Dormammu.

Remembering the original figure, he suppressed it. He had never had that humiliation before.


The majestic black breath swept upside down in the sky, accompanied by the roar of the heavens, the stinky little devils who shook the eight wildernesses, just the dark lords you dared to be big? Soon after, I’m going to have that damn guy bear my wrath. ”

It was as if the sound of thunder shook the four sides.

With the thick black evil aura that rolled and spread, the old mage was as fearful as a demon god at this moment.

The heavens are shaking and the sea is roaring.

As the momentum erupted, the sea began to roll violently, and a wave of terror swept and raged, even almost to the island of Antonia, but as the terrible defensive barrier emerged, the terrible wave tsunami could not be shaken.

But this earth-shattering image has alarmed countless people on the island.

The people on the cruise ships that had been on the nearby sea to the island also saw this scene and couldn’t help but exclaim.

Seeing that wave, the group of Casillas and Saint Seiya on the surface of the sea were even more excited, even ignoring the danger of being overturned on the cruiser of this rolling wave.

One by one, they took out their mobile phones and looked excited to shoot, and the bold boys were even more yelling.

“Even buy karma, look, what we found, that’s the Saint Seiya, the Saint Seiya who disappeared for a long time, the Even Mai Ga.”

“Guys, we saw those God Fighters again, and they appeared again.”

“Hahaha, I’m going to be on fire, I’m going to upload these to the Internet, hahaha.”

“Eh, who are those strangely dressed guys?” Hiss, good horror look, is it alien again? Or enemies of other dimensions? ”

“It must be, otherwise it wouldn’t have alarmed those terrible Saint Seiya.”

“Look, that’s the Silver Crane Leaf, it’s so beautiful, haha.”

“Beautiful Amaranus, she is becoming more and more beautiful, like an angel.”


The roar of the sea could not hide the excited shouts of the people, and the maiden in the sky frowned and raised her jade hand.


Accompanied by a strange sound.

The golden ripples of light, the heavens and the earth were like mirrors in an instant, separating this piece of heaven and earth from reality.

It is as if at this moment the multitude already exists in a parallel world.

Dimension mirroring?

How could Casillias and a group of other mages not know this kind of magic, and the crowd had no idea that these guys could cast such high-level magic.

Does the other person also use magic?

No, they didn’t feel the fluctuations of magic at all.

Before, I had heard those ant-like humans say that the God Fighters, Saint Fighters, Casillias, felt worse and worse in his heart.

Completely ignored the exclamations of the outside world about the disappearance of the Saint Seiya and Casillias.

Let Ye coldly gaze at Dormammu, who is attached to the old mage, and gently spit out a few words: “Disrespectful to Your Highness, dirty evil, suffer death~”

“Let these guys be judged.”


As the sound of what seemed to be a verdict against a sinner fell, the young girls surrounding Cassilias and the others could not contain their murderous intentions.

With the rolling and monstrous momentum.

The figures of the Saint Seiya suddenly tore through the air, turning into beams of light and rushing towards Casillias and the other black mages.

Just seeing these young girls surpassing the speed of sound, performing gorgeous but terrifying physical skills, there was no chance to give those black mages a chance to cast magic, and with every punch and kick, there was a fall of life.



These black mages could not catch the figure of the Saint Seiya at all, and they could not react at all, and as soon as their eyes flowered, they saw a terrible pain coming from their nerves, and then their consciousness disappeared.

Only instinctively let out a scream, and it was completely blasted into a grain of dust.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you guys, Mo Mo Da.) )_

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