“Dormammu is not a threat, that’s what I made with her in the first place.”

Karen smiled softly.

The original Supreme Mage Koichi had the nature of a gamble, handing over the fate of the Earth/Ball to the next Supreme Mage in the future, and with the Time Gem, she could spy into the future.

But Dormammu does not exist with this dimension.

It can be said that what will happen to the battle between Dormammu and Strange is also impossible for Koichi to predict.

It’s just that she believes in Strange.

I also believe that this supreme mage who has ever surpassed her is also believed.

And now, even more so, as a Karen who is now more powerful than Gu Yi and has unlimited potential, with a powerful Sacred Domain as a backing, even if Strange fails?

Also the time gem as a chip, let Strange personally witness the power of “Three-Three-Seven” Dormammu to complete this most dangerous experience.

Itself Karen as the ground: The ball man, in all respects, he is the biggest backing, and absolutely does not allow anyone to invade.

Coupled with the chips of this transaction, Gu Yi’s transaction only has advantages and no disadvantages with him.

So he pushed the boat along the water.

Just like the little speculation in Strange’s mind, his future journey has been arranged by Karen and Gu Yi.

Both Godanwei and Jean Ye knew it in their hearts.

Looking up at the beautiful island below, Karen sighed, “This universe is making waves again. ”

Ye Liu’s eyebrows frowned, not knowing what His Highness was saying.

As the golden sequence of the Cancer Palace, Godanwei had already received the news from the Galactic Cancer Temple, and he knew what Karen was saying, and when he remembered this message, there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: “A group of bereaved dogs, who dared to set their eyes on the body of the Sacred Realm, really don’t know whether they are dead or alive.” ”

“Ambition, power, power have always been things that people follow, regardless of race…

“Wait, our guests are coming.”


In the medical room of the Avengers Building in New York.

Looking at the women in Dr. Helen’s nano-medical cabin in the medical room, the Avengers looked very solemn at this moment.

Looking at the anxious blond man on the side, Dr. Helen, dressed in a white doctor’s uniform, opened the door of the medical room and walked out of the door of the medical room to unmask the white.

“How’s Jane’s doing?”

Thor quickly asked. She looks fine, but the cells and tissues inside her body are already necrotic, and all the organs are shrinking. “.“ Something in her body was absorbing her life. ”

“How much time does Jane have left?” Gritting his teeth, Helen’s words were simple and convenient, and he could understand them.

Shrugging her shoulders, Helen gave a less optimistic time: “Two days ~”

“After a day, her body reaches a zero point, and from twenty-four hours on, her life will show a downward curve, decreasing, and eventually, her body will completely shrink until it is swallowed up and decomposed.” 」

This ending is too tragic.

Even Black Widow and Barton, who had experienced countless brutal killings and tortured, looked a little uncomfortable.

Not to mention Tony.

Rogers was dressed similar to a vintage hippie jacket at the moment, but without long hair, and asked in a dangdang opening, “Helen, is there any way?” ”

Helen shook her head: “No, I’m sorry Captain, that thing is different from any soft tissue or bacteria in this world, I have never seen it, its attachment is very strong, it belongs to the manifold parasitic state, if you want to take it out, it is estimated… ”

The last words were not finished, but the crowd knew it.

The parasitic state must be cut, but Helen said that it is manifold parasitism, that is, every time she wanders in Jane’s body, it has been fused with the body tissue, and if you want to take it out, you must first find the rules of the thing swimming and remove a certain internal organ.

But the stakes are too high, and even if surgery is done, it may not guarantee Jane’s safety.

“No, I can’t let Jane wait.”

“Thor, can’t your father solve this thing?”

“My father and king have fallen into a deep sleep, and my mother has no choice, she only told me that there is someone here to save Jane…”

Over here?

The crowd instantly thought of a place.

Or think of a person.

Tony clapped his hands, “Just now there are a large number of Saint Seiya in Antonia, and for the Golden Sequence to come, maybe he can solve this matter.” ”

“Great, I’ll stay with Jane now.”

“It’s just that the Kun fighters can start, but I have to apply first, you know, even if we are the Avengers, they can’t meet if they want to.”

It didn’t take much time, everything was ready, and Jane was also accompanied by medical staff, including Dr. Helen, who took the Kun fighter.

When Thor was about to board the fighter plane and leave, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and quickly said to the rest of the vengeful people who were sending them off: “This time the coincidence of the Nine Realms is a rare phenomenon, but the real darkness has come.” ”

“Oh, what do you mean?”

“According to Asgard’s intelligence, the Dark Elves have set their sights on the ground/ball, and what is in the Jane is what they want, plus the other two, there are three Infinite Rough here, enough to arouse their ambitions, and it is bound to rob the Infinite Rough to make the Dark Elves rise again.”

“The signal of advanced warfare has been sounded.”

“You have to be prepared.”

The Avengers who watched the Kun 4.8 fighter jets disappear through the sky frowned and glanced at each other.

“It looks like we’re busy next.”

“Tony, monitor the world network at once, you must know exactly when our enemy is coming.”

“Natasha, contact Fury and see if this old guy knows something.”

“Patton, you’re flying a Kun fighter ready for action.”


Looking at the backs of the departing ones, Tony grinned at the American team.

“It looks like we’re busy.”

Rogers was silent, but then smiled: “Isn’t that what the Avengers are all about?” ”

“Get ready to fight, Tony~~”

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you very much.) )_

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