Thor is lying now.

He had thought that he had brought Jane to Antonia to ask for Cancer, but it turned out not only this Cancer, but also a few young girls with unfathomable strength, and even more terrifying was the appearance of a more terrifying big man.

The existence of the Shock Universe.

A god of greater power than his father’s king, Karen. Gram.

You must know that before the father and king fell asleep, he said that he must have a good relationship with the Holy Realm, and this potential for the future may be the true master of the universe.

The future lord stared at himself with those unfathomable eyes, as if interested.

Thor panicked.


Fortunately, the big guy was not too interested in him, but on Jane’s body.

Jane is also very excited at this moment, the identity of the astronomer is not to be discussed, she and her assistant are real fans, and her most pink is the perfect man in front of her.

This is the most genius and strongest being ever.

In the afternoon, the gentle sunlight casts through the walls and windows of the Temple of the Goddesses, and the grandly decorated main hall looks very stylish.

Under the statue of Athena 24 in the main hall, Karen wears a luxurious white suit, like an elegant aristocratic prince.

Behind him are Cancer Brother Danwei and Orphi, let Ye a few silver.

Looking at Jane who looked excited but with a hint of paleness, the Godanwei eyes behind Karen glowed with a golden wave.

Seems to feel threatened.

I saw a wisp of black line suddenly appear on Jane’s pretty face, and the whole person seemed to turn into a black sculpture, and the red hair stood upside down.

Like the devil who has returned from hell.

Red and black shine shrouded.

A terrifying wave of terrifying ominous horror burst out violently around Jane’s body.

Saul’s expression changed suddenly.

But Karen’s eyes flashed with a cold light and he snorted coldly.

The awakening of the will of the supreme god from the kingdom of God was like a judgment on the ants of the clouds, and the sound was enough to shake the heavens, and the thunder sounded like a blast in Jane’s ears.

It was in Saul’s stunned eyes.

The power that erupted from Jane’s body instantly receded like a tidal wave.

“Get Me Out ~~”

Karen smirked with disdain, raised his right index finger to point at Jane, and said coldly in the latter’s puzzled gaze, “If you don’t get out, I’ll destroy you.” ”

The voice is full of inability to disobey and domineering.

With the fall of this voice, a seemingly powerful force swept through the entire temple of women, and all who understood that what this man said was absolutely serious.

Under the momentum, Thor and Jane felt as if the sickle of death was hanging above their heads.

Death is intense.

In addition to the heartbeat, there was even a feeling of utter irresistibility that I almost wanted to kneel.

Thor hated the feeling, but he didn’t dare to resist.

In front of this big guy, Thor, who doesn’t like to turn his brain, is also from the heart.

The atmosphere became silent for a moment.

As time went on, Karen looked colder and colder, his terrible breath grew stronger, and Thor was almost pale like a white paper, and his breath was going to his throat.

Finally the things in Jane’s body seemed to sense danger.

Red as blood and black as if water flowed out of her body, suspended in mid-air and constantly illusory irregular shapes.

It eventually turned into a blood-red gem.

“The etheric particle turned out to be a realistic gem of one of the Infinity Stones.”

The rest of the people wiped a smile from the corners of their mouths, and Thor also exclaimed.

Reaching out slightly, the blood ruby floating in mid-air came to Karen’s hand, looking at the well-behaved and motionless blood ruby in front of him, Karen flicked: “Feeling the danger will make an instinctive behavior.” ”

“The six Infinity Stones have already been collected.”

“Except for the Eye of Agomoto, which was handed over to Strange, there is only the Soul Gem.”

It had been ten years since he thought about it, and he had also changed from the young boy who had begun to be young and panicked to a middle-aged uncle, and from the little ghost head who had survived the internal and external troubles of the York family to the lord of the Holy Realm who was now the overlord of the mighty universe.

From scratch.

Karen sighed slightly.

But then these thoughts were thrown out of his mind, and he was not a nostalgic person.

Eyes on life by the gem to draw a small part of Jane.

Karen thought about it for a moment, holding the gem in his left hand and flicking the index finger of his right hand in front of him.


The crisp sound of water droplets falling on the calm surface of the lake, I saw that a crystal holy water bead appeared above Jane’s head without knowing it, which contained an indescribable greatness.

Mystery, holiness, vastness, majesty.

Just a drop of water, but it can be described in countless beautiful words.

The moment it appears.

The eyes of the Godanwei people behind Karen flashed a shocked color, and several people wanted to say something and wanted to say something, but they looked at the back of His Highness’s back and mouth/lips moved and finally did not speak.

Jane didn’t know what was happening, just wondered.

Although Thor did not know, he was not an ordinary human, but a 970 god with divine power, looking at the water droplets overhead, he almost instantly flashed a lightning bolt in his mind.


This is definitely the divine power of a true deity.

That holy, that thickness, that greatness.

Even his father, Odin, could not condense such a divine power.

Thor had no idea that in order to make up for the loss of part of the life force of an ordinary human being, the man in front of him was completely indifferent to the consumption of divine power, this greatness, this kindness.

It is truly worthy of being praised and revered by the world.

Thor believed that his father, Odin, could not do this if he were deep in the position of the man in front of him.

Take a deep breath.

Thor was secretly moved.

The droplets of divine power slowly fell on top of Jane’s head, and the moment they touched her hair, the droplets of divine power instantly contained in her body.

A wordless and vast breath of life suddenly burst out of Jane’s body.

The majestic breath of life is even enough to bring a dead person back to life.

The face between them became rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the somewhat dry skin that had been sucked out of life slowly became white, and the whole person seemed to be ten years younger.

*(Flower Monthly Pass ~~~~~)_

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