This and incredible scene, Jane’s face was full of incredulity.

The original sense of weakness disappeared completely, and in turn was the incomparably exuberant spirit.


Surprised Jane covered her mouth.

Even if she was stupid, she knew that all this was done by the god-like man in front of her.

Thor took a few steps forward to say something grateful, but was stopped by Karen waving, turned to look at the statue of Athena in the temple, smiled softly, and said, “That drop of divine power is my return for receiving this thing.” ”

“Of course, its owner is bound to be possessed only by the strong.”

Thor’s answer was clear.

He was indeed not entitled to hold the jewel now, after Odin had fallen into a deep sleep, or Asgard was not entitled to hold it.

The entire universe now knows the power of the Infinite Rough.

Although the forces on all sides did not make much fanfare, they were also searching in secret.

The original power gems, space gems, the earth-shattering waves, and even several huge and even not inferior Asgardian forces were destroyed.

Once the news of Asgard’s possession of the gem is passed out, it will inevitably attract the attention of the rest of the forces.

The whole universe can only be owned by the man in front of him.

As far as he knew, the Sacred Realm already possessed the Jewels of Power, Mind, Space, and Present Reality, and the Sacred Realm with the four gems in its hands was definitely the focal point of the entire universe.

The rest of the forces didn’t even have the idea of snooping.

It was because of this series of previous achievements, the prestige of the Twelve Golden Temples in the Sacred Realm and the Milky Way was fought through countless corpse mountains and blood seas, and along the way, how many skeletons were left behind, and how many bone dust were sprinkled.

Tens of thousands of lives have fallen into their hands.

Thor has always been a force that honors the strong, and isn’t it only natural that the Gem of Reality should be given to Karen?

Anyway, he absolutely did not dare to ask this man.

“There is a dark force spreading towards the ground./ The ball is spreading, and I believe you feel it, Thor…

A soft voice is transmitted throughout the goddess temple.

“That’s right, the Honorable Lord of the Sacred Realm, the Dark Elves who had thought they were destroyed are trying to regain the Ethereum particle, the Jewel of Reality, to regain their evil domination.”

Thor’s eyes froze and he said in a deep voice.

“Now that the nine realms coincide, visions are frequent, and their eyes have been fixed on the ground./ball.” His eyes were on the delicate Pang Shang Dao of the statue of Athena.

Er was puzzled: “But with you and Saint Seiya present, how dare they?”

Now for the prestige, even the Dark Elves should not have the courage to attack the ground directly./ball

Karon glanced at the Godanwei men beside him.

Godanwe explained in a loud voice, “Dormammu is coming, and they have heard the news, or rather, the Dark Ones of Dormammu have informed the Dark Elves. ”

As soon as these words came out, Salton’s face changed dramatically.

He got the answer, but his mood was not at all relaxed at all.

The Dark Lord Dormammu also knew that his father had told him that there had even been a great battle against Dormammu, and that although Dormammu had been defeated, Odin had also been wounded.

In particular, Odin told him that Dormammu, who was at war with him, was just a projection and distraction.

The strength is not even one percent of the body.

It can be seen that it is powerful.

Odin also lamented that once Dormammu really came to this universe, it would become the biggest crisis that would sweep the universe, and he would devour this universe and turn it into another dark dimension.

At that time, Dormammu will become stronger.

Dormammu has always been obsessed with this universe, and fortunately there has always been a mysterious guardian, and Thor does not know who this guardian is.

But now it seems…

Thor looked solemn and had a thousand thoughts.

As she thought about it, the atmosphere became silent for a moment, and Jane was immersed in the joy of youth, and she was completely unqualified to interject in a major event of this level.

Suddenly, Karen’s eyes froze, and the Godanwei people looked up directly, as if they had seen something over the top floor of the temple.

“Maybe the Dark Elves’ eyes weren’t on the ground/ball.”

Karen turned to look at Saul, who was still thinking, and frowned, “Thor, I think you have to leave.” ”


Before Thor could wake up, a familiar low voice came from his ear: “Thor, do you hear me?” ”

There was a hint of anxiety in his voice, as if something had happened.

Thor raised an eyebrow, “Heyerdam? ”

“Thor, hurry back to Asgard, the God Realm has been invaded on a large scale by the Dark Elves, there has been a riot in the dungeons, the vicious criminals of all races are raging, the other side is threatening, and our defense mechanism has been breached.”

The sudden bad news startled Thor.

Unexpectedly, the Dark Elves actually invaded Asgard at the first time.

Time was pressing, Thor stepped forward and pressed Jane’s shoulders and whispered, “Jane, the God Domain has been invaded, I have to go back to the Guardian God Domain, the God Domain needs me, this time you can temporarily live in Tony’s villa, or you can go back, and when the matter is over, I will come back to you.” ”

“I know, you go.”

Jane whispered softly without taking a sip of Saul.

Thor nodded earnestly and respectfully at Karen, yelling into the sky (of Qian Zhao’s), “Helm.” ”



Thor’s voice was a little confused.

Then there was silence.

“Damn, has the Rainbow Bridge been breached?” Thor seemed to think of something, and his face became extremely ugly.

But before he could say anything, he saw several people in Godanwei looking at themselves with a look of weak minds, and their hearts suddenly changed.

Godanwe felt that the blonde man seemed to have some amusement in his head, and said wordlessly, “Don’t you know that Antonia has a boundary?” Any space-related technology or force will be blocked, or even regurgitated. ”


Thor smiled.

In a hurry, he also forgot how Antonia, as the base camp of the Sacred Domain, could not have a boundary or forbidden to guard.

(Ask for a monthly flower pass collection, Mo Mo Da.) )_

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