Karen shook his head, and Godanwe waved his hand softly as he was speechless: “Forget it, I’ll help you.” ”

The teleportation energy opened by the Rainbow Bridge is organized by the Enchantment, but Godanwei, who is almost at the peak of the seventh sense, can easily capture the source.

I also knew where Asgard was in an instant.

At his strength, it was very simple to transmit something, and with a wave of his hand, Thor felt that his body was no longer controllable.

The invisible but existing spatial energy completely enveloped him.

Along with the golden streamer, Thor seemed to see a huge golden portal, mysterious and holy, and the next second his body walked uncontrollably into the golden gate.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the familiar Asgard.

However, by this time, Asgard was already in the middle of a war.

The dark black battleships brought by the dark elves shuttled through the sky and exchanged fire with the Asgard God Domain Guard warships, and tens of thousands of energy beams were intertwined.

The sound of explosions, screams, and roars converged into a musical score called war.

Come on, damn guys.

Thor didn’t have time to think about 170, grinned, roared, and swung the hammer of Thor in his hand and rushed into the sky.


In the Temple of Antonia, Thor burst out of the golden light and then disappeared, although Jane was amazed, but did not pay attention to it, after all, it was strange, in the incredible picture for these people in front of them is definitely not worth mentioning.

Godanwe looked at him.

The beautiful girl next to her made Ye instantly understand, and smiled at Jane, who seemed to be a little overwhelmed by Thor’s departure, and said, “Follow me, I will let someone take you to the playboy’s villa, you can also choose to play here for a few days, and the cost of your play will be counted on Tony’s bill.” ”

“Count on his head?”

“Anyway, this guy has money, doesn’t care, after saying that you are his teammate’s woman, spend a little of his money whatever.”

“Oh, this.”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter, you tell you, you haven’t been here you don’t know, there are a lot of fun here, there are a lot of good food, by the way you can buy some souvenirs or something.” 」

As the two women left, their voices grew weaker and weaker.

Seeing Jean Ye’s attempt to spend Tony’s large amount of money through Jane, Karen also shook his head helplessly.

It’s strange to say.

In the outside world, Tony Stark’s Iron Man share plus billionaire, plus the appearance is not very pleasing to women.

Only the girls in the Sacred Land seemed to be very strong.

And unified.

Originally, the purchase of a villa in Tortonia was not like that, but it was some of the girls who were obstructing it that they bought a villa that was not particularly large and the location was not good.

The most important thing is that Tony this guy is not yet aware, and he thinks that the outside world can’t buy a villa in Antonia, and he Tony can buy it.

Think you’re the card face.

“Your Highness.”

Karen waved his hand, “Wait for the development of the situation, if you feel that things are out of your control, you will do it, and the premise of my deal with Gu Yi is to ensure that this planet is safe and sound.” ”

The Time Gem is indeed very anti-heavenly.

But it wasn’t necessary, if the Time Gem of the Past could indeed attract his attention.

But now his realm, time, fate has begun to grope.

Even when he reaches the great universe above the eighth sense, then he can really stand in this universe.

This period of time is to consolidate the eighth sense and launch an impact on this realm.

And when breaking through the great universe to reach the ultimate power of the small universe of the gods.

At this realm, even if the five great creation gods were not afraid.

Therefore, he basically did not appear very much at the moment, in addition to consolidating his cultivation, he was still absorbing the fragmentary information above the eighth sense in Athena’s broken divine personality.

In addition to the thirteen golds, including the fourteen gold of the Ophiuchus Crystal, which has gradually grown, have all grown.

If the gold is united, even the strongest of the single universe level may fall.

Together with the rest of the Saint Seiya, the Sacred Realm was now a behemoth.

It can even be said that there is no difference with the kingdom of God described in the Bible, mythology.

So much so that he didn’t bother to do those little things.

There is nothing to practice, look at the landscape to play he is not fragrant?

Why did you establish the Sanctuary in the first place? The biggest benefit besides being stronger in poop is whether it’s good to be lazy.

What Thanos, what Infinity Gauntlet, is now asking him to come to the galaxy to see, the gold can call him a man in minutes.

So his current strength and position, most things do not need him to shoot.

For example, Dormammu, now with Godanwei as a person is enough to be regional, or even expelled.

Thinking about it, there is a sense of accomplishment, looking at these young girls with respectful eyes, Karen can’t help but wipe a smile from the corner of her mouth.

From scratch.

After so many years of layout, the galaxy has become one of the forbidden areas of the universe.

His fame is also awe-inspiring in the universe.

After sighing slightly, he shook his head: “The next thing is up to you to deal with, I have to go to old John for tea, this old guy knows that every day to urge me, headache.” ”

Thinking of old John, Karen felt that his headache was not good.

Old John didn’t know if he wanted to hold his grandson lately, and as soon as he saw him, he wanted him to quickly find a wife to marry and have children.

Every time he came back, he had to be nagged, and by the way, he found a bunch of princesses of a certain royal family, or a rich family of a certain consortium, which can be described as tireless.

If he had been bothered to pay attention to people, he would have been too lazy to pay attention to him, but old John was different, he loved him since he was a child, and he also regarded old John as a grandfather for so many years.

Old John has done his best for him for so many years.

If it weren’t for the divine power washing, the body would have been unable to carry it long ago.

In public and private, he also had great respect for old John.

He did not dare to refute these things, the rebuttal was a nag, and only old John dared to treat him so much in the whole world.

Helplessly sighed, the figure blurred and disappeared.

Left Godanwe a few little guys snickering.

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~~)_

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