One of the higher level magic, the shield of Seraphon.

When the huge defensive magic composed of magic can even block the impact of planetary impact, it can be seen how powerful its defense is.

This is one of the most defensive spells of the Strange Learning Magic.

Bite! Bite! Bite!

The torrential rain of crystal thorns struck the shield of Serafin with a crisp jingling sound.

But Strange had a cold sweat on his forehead.

Damn, why did Casillias’ get so much stronger??

Feeling the shield of Serafin that was faintly shattering under the dense impact, Strange knew instantaneously that Casillias’s strength had definitely become much stronger in this short period of time.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the same high magic, and the other party’s high magic would shatter his magic in one shot.

There wasn’t even a little time for a stalemate.

Especially looking at Casillias’s expressionless face, the breath fluctuations were not the slightest bit unstable, and it was obvious that the consumption of this guy by the high magic just now was almost nothing.

“No, you can’t spend it with him here, once the Mage’s Temple is breached and the Dimensional Seal Formation is destroyed, Dormammu will come.”

“You have to get rid of Cassirias as soon as possible.”

Strange knew the purpose of the other side, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi fell, although the Mage Temple also had some old high-level mages, but the enemy came too much.

The Frost Giant, the Flame Giant, the Dark Elves, and the Dark Cultists had all come together.

This huge scale of enemy invasion.

Even if there is a powerful magic barrier to guard, as time goes on, it is only a matter of time that it will be breached.

Strange was also worthy of the next generation of Supreme Mages designated by Koichi, and in anxiety did not affect the battle between him and Casilias.

Time does not know how long it lasted.

As an old high-level mage, Casillias’s strength is beyond doubt, and Strange, as a future supreme mage, is far more talented than the supreme mages of the past, but the time of cultivation is still early, and the hard power is still not as good as Casilias.

It can only rely on many magic weapons such as the suspension cloak to compete with it.

Nor does it fall into the ascendant.

Even over time, he continued to absorb the experience of battle, so that Cassilias began to use actual combat experience to suppress it in the end.

Cassilias had begun to be very dismissive of Strange, the so-called future Supreme Mage.

But now he had to admit that this Strange talent was indeed terrible, so terrible that it made him jealous.

“Stephen, why are you struggling, do you really think there is still hope in this world?”

“Look at the world, war, war, or war, hypocrisy, cunning, betrayal, and profit have become the themes of this world.”

“Illness makes life so short, why not embrace the darkness, we will all have eternal life.” 」


In the space beyond the planet, we saw that the huge black and purple energy was constantly emerging like a long river, as if one of them was about to appear from the ancient abyss.

This terrible black river seemed to drown the sun.

The desert was originally scorching hot, and the blue and cloudless sky suddenly dimmed.

Foreshadowing the coming of disaster, the desert rolls up thousands of miles of wild sand.

The black pressure of the dark clouds spreading tens of millions of meters is frightening.

The howling of the wind masked the sound of everything.

Cassilias smiled evilly and shouted with open arms at the stunned Strange who was dancing in front of him with a cloak, “Look, darkness has come, and no one can stop the coming of darkness, and no one can stop the arrival of the great Dormammu.” ”

The Mage’s Temple breached?

Feeling the terrible dark power of the vast evil, Strange’s heart sank.

Dormammu is coming, which means that the seal of the Mage’s temple has been broken.

In the end, the only hole card that could stop Dormammu’s arrival was gone.

“Embrace the darkness and become the most loyal servant of the great Dormammuth, and you will have eternal life, and a being that you can never touch.”

“Join us, Stephen, and you’ll be the greatest warrior under Dormammu.”

“Together, let’s redefine this world of hypocrisy.”

Casillias gave Strange an invitation with a sincere face.

But the gloom and cunning that flashed in his eyes did not escape Strange’s eyes at all.

After a long silence, the wild sand swept in, and the whole heaven and earth seemed to be plunged into the world of wind and sand.

But Strange and Cassilias were not affected in any way.

The majestic dark power was constantly spreading and expanding, and Strange looked up sharply at Casillas and said easily.

“Casillias, do you know the meaning of time?”


Cassilias frowned, not knowing what the other person meant when he suddenly said this.

But then the pupils shrank suddenly.

Just then, Strange squeezed out a French seal with both hands, and saw that the Eye of Agomoto hanging from his neck was actually opened, and a ray of emerald green light bloomed.


Casillias’s voice was not finished, and in an instant, the whole heaven and earth seemed to fall into a standstill.


The whole world outside the planet seemed to be reversed, and the originally sunny hemisphere was solemnly solemnized by a terrible darkness, as if the sun had been extinguished.

People throughout the hemisphere had no idea what was going on.

Emotions of shock, fear, excitement, nervousness, etc. are transmitted to everyone’s heart.

And this shocking vision was also transmitted to the entire world’s network, and everyone began to discuss it on the network.

“My God, is this another alien invasion?”

“The end of the world?”

“Is it true that the sun is going out and the world is about to fall into an ice age?”

“It must be a demon king of some dimension again, and monsters and the like are about to come and destroy the world.”

“Anyway, I’m not panicked at all, Cancer’s gold is still on the planet, plus so many Saint Seiya, even if there are any monsters, they will definitely be banished by them.”

“That’s right, just watch the movie, hey, shoot it.”

“Wow, can you see free movies again?” This reality is not something that can be shown in the picture of a movie. ”

“Sigh, you can see the Saints shooting, especially the Golden Sequence shot, and you have only seen it a few times in the years.”

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~~)

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