People find everything that has happened in the past decade so wonderful and unbelievable.

Aliens, mythical undead, demons, demon kings and more.

So many terrible disasters have not allowed the ground./ball to fall, because of the rise of the Holy Land, because of the appearance of superheroes, let the world know.

The ground./ball is not without its own defensive armed forces.

In particular, the existence of the Sacred Realm has increased the confidence of the people of this world a lot.

For their people, the Sacred Realm is their greatest patron saint.

So-called aliens, demons and the like who want to invade the earth./ball are bound to be punished by the Holy Land.

Even now, when the Sacred Domain disappeared and left, people had panicked, but it was also clear that the Sacred Domain would not abandon this planet, and they also firmly believed that when aliens invaded, when some evil invasion of the snooping planet, the Sacred Domain was bound to come again.

This time the same is true.

You know, now the gold of a Cancer is in Antonia.

Not to mention the hundreds of Saint Seiya.

Didn’t it just fall into someone’s hands?

Therefore, they did not panic at all, but they were excited to guess that this time it was the alien race or the demon of which dimension or something.

Different from the calm of ordinary people.

The forces of various countries and organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D. are not very calm.

The latter is fine, knowing the style of the Holy Land, the friction between the countries and the war they will not care, but for the catastrophe that endangers the world of this level, it will definitely be shot.

National leadership simply cannot be said.

All day long, there is fear everywhere, at every turn is alien invasion, demon invasion and so on, and the most important thing is that they have no solution at all.

It’s all about the Holy Land.

Now it can be said that people believe most in the Sacred Realm, and the peak of prestige has reached a peak./ peak.

They believed that only the Sacred Realm could help the world, and that they were the planet’s last guarantee.


An almost suffocating aura of terror enveloped the planet, and the heavens and the earth suddenly seemed to turn into darkness.

The dull and rolling turmoil swept the heavens and the earth.

The animals on the planet instinctively felt threatened, from lions, tigers and elephants, to small dogs, rats, insects and ants, and other crazy screams and escaped, and fell into a terrible panic.

They don’t have much wisdom and don’t know that someone can protect them.

They just want to escape, but in the end they can only lie on the ground trembling and wailing.

Above the islands of Antonia.

The sea breeze whistled, the crazy rolling waves on the surface of the sea hit the island one after another, and the dull thunder exploded, like a scene of the end of the world.

Heavy rains poured down.

The people of the island are not staying outside, but staying in their own homes, staying in the hotel and still relaxing, or joking with their friends and their lovers with a little wine.

Or go online and people discuss.

As for safety or anything, Antonians can proudly say that there is no safer place in the whole world than here, not even the White House of M.

Even if there is a storm outside, they only need to drink tea and watch a play in the island.

Because in powerful enemies, there are also people guarding them.

The young girls who smashed the sky with their fists and shook the earth with their feet would defeat these enemies.

Just as they expected.

Under the pouring rain, hundreds of young girls stood on all sides of the island, cliffs, harbors, hotel floors, signal towers, star roofs and so on.

This dense rainstorm could not get close to the young girls at all.

Some people just looked up at the sky, at the dark clouds that pressed down on them, as if they could see through the clouds the coming Dormammu outside the planet.

Others were looking at the endless sea, as if they were seeing the enemies who were still fighting the mages of the Mage Temple.

The eyes emitted a cold gaze.

Everyone was waiting, waiting for orders.

Waiting for the order to be given, they will turn into the gods of death to harvest the lives of these people, and they will also be desperate to fight against Dormammu.

On the balcony of the Temple of the Goddess, Karen sat on a beautiful and expensive chair with a big furry lion looking at the sky.

Beside him was Godanwei, who was already dressed in a beautiful and noble golden robe.

“It seems that Dormammu still hasn’t forgotten me.”

“I even prepared an extra hand.”

His eyes shone with a ray of divine light, as if he had seen something interesting, and there was a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, it was still very impressive to Dormammu.

But he wasn’t surprised at all.

His appearance, even if Gu Yi fell Dormammu, would certainly not forget himself.

The strength he had shown at the beginning was definitely no worse than Gu Yi’s.

Even more powerful.

Dormammu’s vision would not fail to see his potential and strength.

Unfortunately, Dormammu still miscalculated, he did not know how exaggerated his strength had progressed.

Even any gold level is not worse than the original self, and even to some extent, it is much stronger.

Even the weakest golden crystal has now broken through to the seventh sense.

With the characteristics of Ophiuchus, it can be said that the combat strength is definitely not weak.

Even if Karen is not there, Dormammu descends to the ground./ The movement of the ball is so big, the combination of tens of thousands of light and bronze and silver level Saint Seiya can make Dormammu shut down.

Not to mention a total of fourteen gold.

This level of combat effectiveness, even if Dormammu really descended, could not be good, let alone just a doppelgänger who did not have one percent of the strength.

Even if you find a so-called helper, it is just like that.

But when he saw the helper, he smiled, and Karen had no idea that Dormammu still had something to find Hela, the goddess of death, who had been imprisoned and sealed by Odin for a thousand years.

As Odin’s first child, the sister of the thunder god Thor, her divine power is undoubtedly the most powerful, and Hela’s divine power is strong, as early as a thousand years ago, she and Odin at the peak of the battle to conquer the battlefield, the Nine Kingdoms of the Divine Domain in her hands.

There is no doubt that there is a Heavenly Father-level being.

Since Hela’s strength is inextricably linked to Asgard, as long as she is in Asgard, her divine power will continue to grow and stronger.

Unexpectedly, Dormammu would actually lift her seal.

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