The vast black boundless Wang Yang, a holy golden yellow figure broke through this frightening darkness.

The figure standing in the darkness, noble, powerful, ancient.

The powerful momentum even pushed back the terrifying dark energy.

The golden light that pierced through the darkness was like a bright lamp that lit up everyone’s heart, and even some people on the earth who were still worried, looked up at the small but still clearly visible figure and couldn’t help but cheer.

“Even buy karma, look, that’s the golden sequence?”

“It should be, in this case, only the golden sequence has struck.”

“Yeah, at that height, only they can do it.”

“Familiar breath, familiar taste, Grandpa Qinghui.”

“Sure enough, we still have to see the Holy Land shoot, it’s a pity, the battlefield should be in space, we can’t see it at all.”

“A bunch of idiots, I’m already on the astronomical telescopia, hey hey, live in HD, but why only see that damn black thing.”

“Why don’t you use unmanned aerial photography to broadcast live, I want to see the scene of the Saint Seiya fight, the visual impact is much stronger than watching the movie.”

“Are you guys crazy?” This is an alien or a monster invasion battle of some dimension, and you actually regard this kind of high-level war as a movie? Are you crazy or am I crazy? ”

On the top floor of the Avengers Building, Tony and the U.S. team looked up at the sky without speaking.

“Sir, the energy detection has exceeded the calculated reduction, the other party is unidentified, the body is roughly composed of energy forms, Mr. SORRY, our satellite has been destroyed and cannot effectively continue the detection.”

Energy body?

Not caring about Jarvis’s apology, Tony frowned thoughtfully, looking at the black pressed sky that was constantly flickering and thundering, and muttered to himself, “Life energy body, this is a little interesting.” ”

“The energy of life, that is, the physical means are completely useless?”

In recent times, the US team Rogers has chewed a lot of movie books and the like, and he can understand these words.

Tony nodded, “Well, since it is an energy body, it is basically insulated from physical means, and it must also be effectively attacked by kinetic energy weapons or genetic weapons, but there are not many such scientific and technological weapons in this world, even if I have not developed a rough weapon.” ”

“Is there any other way?”

“I once wanted to study a new type of weapon that would construct an area with a completely different spatial structure by splitting and reorganizing the structure of elementary particles, isolating its contact with normal space by force field.”

“Oh, can you say something I understand?” You know that although I have learned a lot recently, this is obviously not a vocabulary that ordinary college students can understand. ”

“To put it simply, space is two-dimensional, once in naked contact with three-dimensional space, it becomes like a bubble in boiling water, it begins to expand, but because it is two-dimensional, it will only increase the area, and it is the two-dimensional process that it produces that constantly expands the volume like a bubble.”

“It’s like space collapsing and compressing.”

Tony briefly outlined it, and although Rogers still didn’t understand it, he understood the last sentence.

Space collapses.

Really, I have to say a bunch of words I can’t understand, isn’t this embarrassing for my country?

But then he frowned, “Tony, this weapon.” ”

“Well, it is a conceptual weapon, and in terms of current technology, it is not realistic to study it, although there are some clues, and if this weapon is studied.”

Tony also hesitated, the concept of weapons research is difficult, but once it is researched it is simply a big killer.

Even he can say that it is a huge deterrent even in the entire universe.

Even if in the future there is no need to rely on the Sacred Realm to defeat those powerful enemies through it, this weapon is still inspired by seeing the discussion of Gemini moves of one of those Golden Saint Seiya in the Sacred Realm Sticker.

But if this weapon is researched, the consequences will only be afraid.

After thinking about it or shaking his head, he thought of another idea to discuss with Dr. Banner and, if successful, might be one of the cards to protect the planet.

With a sigh, Tony sighed, “If it weren’t for his presence, I wouldn’t have imagined what the fate of this planet would have been.” ”

“Maybe when the demons invaded, the planet might have fallen.”

“Yes, the mythical demons have appeared, and at that time we didn’t have the concept of aliens.” Rogers smiled bitterly.

During the war years, there were still so-called aliens, demons and the like.

Apart from war and war, what else is war.

It was all infighting between countries, and as a result, he woke up seventy years ago, thinking that the war was over and that he could retire, and as a result, the enemy changed from Hydra to an enemy outside the planet.

One by one, various flagship armies invade, and at every turn is a boss that has the power to destroy a planet.

Even a determined soldier like Rogers couldn’t stand it.

His vibrating gold shield can be seen that it is a little damaged.

This time is no exception.

An enemy of this level, he couldn’t get in his hands at all…

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.


In the Dark King’s Sun, the sound of laughter was transmitted to Dormammu and Strange’s ears.

“He’s not qualified, I don’t know if you think I can do Dormammu?”

Turning his head to look at the young man in the beautiful and luxurious gold robe, Strange was relieved and almost finished.

Before almost failed to gamble, the consequences of failure are self-evident.

At least in front of Dormammu, the Dark Lord, his fate was absolutely unimaginable.

Dormammu felt this familiar breath, this angry breath, and he remembered the guy who had humiliated him endlessly.

The fury exploded like a volcanic eruption.

The suffocating and oppressive breath swept towards the two of them, and the black Wang Yang tumbled as if to completely destroy the two.

But the young man did not have the slightest fear, and the corners of his mouth wiped a disdainful smile: “Dormammu, it seems that the lesson that Your Highness gave you was not enough, give you a chance, roll back to your dark dimension, otherwise the blade of the Sacred Realm Judgment will eventually cut through the rift of the dimension and harvest your life in your dark dimension.” ”

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