The kind of blindness that sees Dormammu as a weak lord of the Dark Dimension is moving.

At least Strange was impressed.

Even if there was an Agomoto Eye to rely on when it really faced Dormammu, the bottomless and bottomless as an abyss was enough to make people despair.

Even he had to admit that he was afraid.

For this kind of overlord-level existence, he was afraid that he should be, he was not a supreme mage who would be calm even in the face of death in the future, he had only taken a few steps on the path of magic now.

Gifted to face Dormammu in his superiority, if he had not been tenacious enough, it is estimated that he would have collapsed long ago.

However, the young man in front of him almost regarded this overlord-level existence as a weak person, and even reprimanded him, this kind of power was really worthy of being a fierce golden saint.

“Arrogant stinky little devil, you remind me of that bastard.”

The enraged Dormammu is like a demon god, and the threat is enough to shake the Eight Wilds.

The strong momentum makes anyone despair.

At least Strange already had a hint of fear in his heart.

On the contrary, instead of being a little afraid, Godanwei narrowed his eyes slightly, and those who knew him well knew that he was obviously angry.

Looking at the huge skull made of black energy in front of him, a cold voice passed in the ears of everyone: “You will pay for your offense to Your Highness.” ”


In an instant, the vast momentum like Wang Yang burst out in an instant, as if it were endlessly soaring, and the explosive terror momentum made the teenager like a god, holy, honorable, and vast.

But the breath of holiness makes people feel a wisp of dark breath in the dark.

So pure, ancient, desolate.

Just when they felt this breath, they even thought that this young man was a god who controlled the Yellow Spring of the Netherworld.

Dormammu was even more shocked.

How could he not be familiar with this kind of breath, this little devil could directly connect with the hell dimension without the slightest loneliness, and open the connection between the two dimensions without any consumption.

Godanwe didn’t know what Dormammu was thinking, and he was too angry to talk nonsense with Dormammu.

It is like the revival of the ancient will, like the demon god who has returned from hell.

Dormammu was even angrier.

“Damn stinky little devil, go and die.”

The roar of the heavens resounded through the heavens, and in an instant, the terrible boundless dark forces formed a rolling wave towards the two of them, and the vast dark forces were filled with terrible evil and decay, almost collapsing the impact of this space.

Apparently Godanwe’s dismissive words angered Dormammu.

But Godanwe did not have the slightest fear, and his expression was cold.

“Dormammu, who dominates the Dark Dimension, since he does not honestly stay in your Dark Dimension, attempts to invade the earth./ball, offend His Highness, all of them are capital crimes, accept the judgment from Cancer, Dormammu.”


The cold words were accompanied by a terrifying and monstrous will, only to see Ge Danwei raise his hands and cross, a vast small cosmic energy burst out, the boundless momentum was like a prison, and the dazzling golden holy light actually melted the nearby Wang Yangsheng, composed of boundless dark energy.

A golden glow that shines brightly, with Godanwe as the center, scorching like a furnace sun.

The holy and fiery light dispels all darkness.

Not far away, Strange’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the creature’s instinct had already issued a warning to him, frantically telling him to leave the teenager’s side quickly.

A drop of cold sweat hung from his forehead.

Before he could do anything, he saw the holy light bloom.

At the same time, tens of thousands of brilliant and beautiful meteor-like beams of light erupted in all directions with Godanwei as the center.

Sou! Sou! Sou!

The power of this terrifying beam of light was terrifying, and the speed directly exceeded the speed of light, tearing everything in the way, and even tearing this space into a long crack.

This terrible light-speed punch Strange didn’t even react, and the meteors swept across his body and his face.

It’s just that every time the beam of light crosses his body, his heart beats.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Hundreds of millions of beams of light tore apart all the dark energy Wang Yang in the vicinity, including Dormammu in front of him.

The powerful force exploded, and all the space nearby began to distort and blur, and the entire curve position had formed an irregular form.

This encompasses tens of millions of kilometers of spatial irregularities that begin to form a kind of squeeze and collapse on the inside.

Any of these life, objects are squeezed millions of times per second, whether organic or inorganic or living and so on.

Nothing in space allows any life to survive.

But neither Godanway, Dormammu nor Strange are ordinary people at all.

For this level of space squeezing, Godanwei didn’t even bother to move, and Strange was slightly sad, constantly casting high-level magic to form a powerful magic enchantment to protect himself.

I saw that the surrounding circular and thin magic barrier was constantly squeezed and collapsed by space, like water droplets falling on the surface of the water, breaking the calm and creating ripples.

But fortunately, the magic enchantment is also strong, and Strange is also a lot safer.

But Strange was quite afraid at the moment, this was just a short move to produce the aftermath almost let him directly fall, what a power.

No wonder the world calls the golden sequence a god.

Seeing that Godanwei’s breath did not fluctuate a bit, under the continuous squeezing and collapse of space, he used his flesh to resist, Strange was slandered in his heart, it was really a demon, whether it was strength, speed, physique and energy spiritual power, etc. It was simply an all-round crushing of himself.

Gu Yi also said that he was the greatest Supreme Master ever.

How did Strange feel that this Supreme Mage was just like that in comparison?

It looks tall and powerful.

But compared to this Saint Seiya, the mage looked how weak it was.

In just a few seconds, Strange sensed that if the golden man wanted to kill himself, he didn’t even have time to react.

Also magic, it is estimated that it is instantaneous.

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~)

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