It was as if an endless brilliant meteor was shining through the sky.

The dark king sun covering the planet was completely dispersed in an instant, and people looked up at the sky, and their eyes reflected the beautiful picture.

Maybe people can’t see the picture in their whole lives, so beautiful.

“It’s really beautiful.”

“Yeah, I’m going to take a picture and use it as wallpaper for my phone.”

This kind of picture full of danger and beauty can satisfy the ultimate beauty of people’s hearts for the coexistence of power and danger.

But people have no idea that they pass by hell, each of these meteors has enough power to destroy a planet, and if it were not for Godanwei’s subtle control of power, if they were not careful, the planet might turn into cosmic dust.

Dispel the black energy of Wang Yang and wash away all impurities.

And the skull that made up the dark energy was also completely shattered into an atomic state.

But Dormammu has already opened the crack in the Dark Dimension, and the continuous energy of the Dark Dimension invades through the crack, as long as the rift between the two dimensions is not closed, Dormammu will never die, and can only be expelled or sealed.

Although not injured, Dormammu only felt humiliated by this move.

Another trick.

Just like that time a few years ago, he was beaten by the ant named Karen and lost his face.

Emotions such as anger and humiliation made Dormammu almost lose his mind.

Originally, I thought that the fall of Gu Yi was an opportunity for him to come to this dimension of King’s Landing, but again and again someone came to stop him.

“Damn bastard, Hela, are you going to go against the deal between us?”

The enraged Dormammu saw that the skull of the dark energy was even twisted, and a low, suppressed voice was transmitted to everyone’s ears.

Hela, who was tens of millions of kilometers away and was planning to slip away, suddenly changed her face when she heard this voice.

A drop of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

By this time, two icy eyes were already on her, Dormammu and Godanway.

“Damn bastard, actually dragged the old lady directly into the water, how can your little devil’s strength be seen as the existence of the Heavenly Father level, and even the combat strength exceeds the Heavenly Father level, which belongs to the existence of the top sequence, how can I be an opponent who has just broken the seal, not to mention the unknown existence on that planet that still makes the old lady feel that she is trembling.”

Hella was extremely sorry at this moment, she knew that she would not watch the play, and the fire burned on her.

Oh hard.

Laughing twice, he turned his head to look in the direction of Dormammu, and at this time the surrounding space changed, and her figure was already close to the range of the battlefield.

As a result, the closer the dangerous atmosphere of terror becomes.

It was as if the sword of Damocles was placed around her neck, reaping her life at any time.

Nima, Odin, that old guy is not so terrible, what happened in this thousand years of time? Why is there such a terrible existence?

Could it be an unknown god who awakened in some ancient era?

The cold sweat on her forehead was increasing, but the squeeze and collapse of the surrounding space caused the force field to be extremely unstable, and the cold sweat was evaporated in an instant, otherwise her style of the goddess of death would be broken.

Turning his head to look at the smiling eyes, Hella fixed her mind and maintained a cold and arrogant appearance on the surface: “Dormammu, the transaction between you and me does not mean that you are going to devour this universe, you seem to be using me?” ”

As a Heavenly Father-level being, Hella is arrogant but not without intelligence, on the contrary, she is extremely intelligent, and she just likes to kill.

But in some ways she could penetrate at a glance.

“Hela, I’ll help you break Odin’s seal, you just need to help me keep this little devil, now it’s time for you to fulfill your promise.”

“Otherwise, you don’t know the fate of breaking the Dark Pact.”

Hela gritted her silver teeth.

“Dormammu, I’ll only help you block him, and I won’t care about anything else.”

The dark pact with Dormammu could not be broken, or even she could not bear the curse of darkness.

But if you just block this little devil, it shouldn’t be a problem… Right?

Looking at Godanwei’s young face, which exuded a strong air of danger, she was suddenly a little uncertain again.

This little devil looked very young, but with that bottomless strength and momentum, Hella suddenly felt that she was not the wrong object?

After thinking for a moment, Hela pointed to the innocent Strange who was eating melons on the side, and said coldly to Dormammu, “I will help you stop him.” ”

Strange: ???

Dormammu: ???

Godanway: ???

Godanway and Strange were speechless, and Dormammu was even more speechless, they had no idea that Hela would have such an operation.

Strange only felt innocent, why, why target a weak and naïve little mage?

Is there still a little love in this world, when will they mages really stand up and shiver.

“Hela, are you planning to break the contract?”

Dormammu was furious, and he felt that Hela was teasing him.

Hella waved her hand indifferently, “Eh, what our contract says is that I will help you block a powerful opponent, you look at this little guy, Oh, what is your name?” ”


“Yes, Strange, look at him, he has this called what is called Eye of Agomoto, this thing is only available to the Supreme Mage.”

“The Supreme Mage, who also possesses the Eye of Agomoto, is an absolute enemy.”

“Dormammu, this is definitely an earth-shattering fight, and I may be hurt by it, but because you unsealed me from that damn place, I am willing to do so, you hurry up and conquer this dimension.”

Hela’s face was full of solemnity, but her heart was dismissive.

Let the old lady go on an adventure or even send her to death? Are you stupid to be an old lady?

Anyway, the contract did not clearly indicate what level of opponent she wanted to block, she did not care about her face, anyway, she would never help Dormammu to take risks.

Dormammu was almost trembling with anger.

Strange was speechless, I really thank you, I exaggerated me as if I could really match the opponent of the Heavenly Father.

Godanwe laughed at Hela’s teasing.

“The goddess of death is right, you are very good, you are not an enemy, solve this matter, you can come to my Cancer temple as a guest.”

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~)

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