Although Godanwe is still young, his vision is no longer comparable to that of ordinary teenagers.

His wisdom was no worse than that of the rest of the demons.

But there are times when they have their own arrogance, such as this time.

Hela, the goddess of death, although a huge hidden danger to Asgard, may even have evil Odin because of his attitude towards Hela.

But he didn’t care.

Even if the relationship between the Holy Land and Asgard is not bad.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Sacred Realm is now a behemoth for Asgard, and even a single golden temple cannot be matched by Asgard, except of course the newly established Serpent Temple.

After all, the Ophiuchus Golden Crystal had just broken through the seventh sense.

Most of the Saint Seiya in the temple were only bronze level, and there were not many silver levels, which were still taken away from the Holy Land.

But no matter which other temple was there, it was enough to crush Asgard.

Needless to say, the temple has a golden sequence of the late seventh sense or even the peak level, and only one thousand to two thousand bronze and silver level saints in each temple are enough for Asgard to drink a pot.

You must know that several of the silver people now have already begun to touch the seventh sense, and in a year or two, the silver Saint of the seventh sense will erupt.

Godan Wei dared to say that in two years his Cancer Temple, there would be ten more Silver Saints who had broken through the seventh sense level.

What is this concept?

Just these ten Silver Saints alone could not solve the problem with the now old Odin.

He unleashes his kindness to Hela, and Odin dares to say a word?

Moreover, from the moment the Sacred Realm established the Twelve Temples of the Zodiac in the galaxy, the moment the Twelve Golden Sequences grew, the status of the Sacred Domain and Asgard had changed, and although the two forces were allies, they were also divided into upper and lower levels.

Godanwe was certainly entitled to unleash goodwill on Hela.

Hella obviously did not want to be an enemy of him, and he certainly would not go to target Hela, provided of course that Hella did not die.

As long as Hella dared to violate the Order of the Sacred Realm, then he would still kill Hela.

As for the matter between Hella and Asgard, it was Odin’s family affair, and he didn’t bother to take care of it.

For the kindness released by Godanwe, Hella was also pleasantly surprised.

From her own perception of Dormammu’s words, she knew that Dormammu had eaten the planet a few years ago, especially in just a few words of conversation, Hella was keenly aware that the other party’s power could be extremely large.

Maybe Godanwe is just the tip of the iceberg.

As for Dormammu, love it.

Of course do the drama to do the whole ./ set.

With a smile, Hella ticked her finger at the innocent Strange on the side: “Little devil, come and have fun with the old lady, you are the opponent that the old lady attaches great importance to.” ”

Strange was innocent, but he also understood that the other party obviously had no intention of killing him.

It was just a rest, and Strange had a bitter expression on the surface, “helpless” to open the teleporters and leave.

The two of them found an asteroid thousands of kilometers away and “fought” it.

Just like fireworks, all kinds of powerful magic continue to bloom, all kinds of golden lightning, terrible blade spikes roar.

It seems to be playing fiercely.

But in fact, the two of them simply did it casually.

The two were furious when they played Dormammu, and if he had a face, his face would be livid.

Godanwe and the other golds who had been watching the drama on the planet, and the other golden people in the other temples of the galaxy were also amused.

“This eldest daughter of Odin is really interesting person.”

“Very clever in doing this, escaping the curse of the Dark Covenant, and unleashing goodwill on us, worthy of being sealed by Odin for a thousand years.”

“Sigh, Dormammu’s lungs are exploded, of course, if he has lungs.”

“The rift between the dimensions is getting bigger and bigger, and Dormammu looks like he’s going to come in person?”

“Don’t you need to help?”

“No, Godanwe alone is enough, and His Highness is there.”

“It is.”

Although they are far apart, they do not hinder the communication between the gold, and at their level, as long as the distance is not too far away, they can communicate through the concept of distance through the mind.

As for Dormammu, the gold didn’t pay much attention to it at all.

The name of the Dark Dimension Lord is indeed very large, and what devours the universe looks like a BOSS.

But if Dormammu dared to really come down, then the gold dared to go out and directly destroy each other.

Now gold can really do it.

It depends on whether Dormammu has the guts.

At this point in the battlefield, Dormammu was so angry that he almost lost his mind, and the sky roared in all directions: “Damn Hela, damn stinky little devil, you all give me death.” ”


The rolling black tide turned into a piece of Wang Yang that swept through everything, and the entire space violently shook and distorted.

Godanwei frowned at this and said, “No, this place is too close to the ground./ball, if it really fights, the aftermath of the ground/ball will not be able to withstand this, and the battlefield will have to be moved to other places.” ”

It feels a bit tricky.

But at this moment, with a crisp sound like a mirror shattering.


Heaven and earth seemed to have lost their color at once, everything turned into darkness, and everything in time and space seemed to have stopped.

At this time, I don’t know when, Dormammu and Godanway seem to appear in another dimension, another strange parallel space.

A world detached from reality.

The whole world becomes a strange space, like a mirror with regular cover-ups.

Being in this world makes people feel dizzy.

The outside world can see everything that is happening in this space.

Far away on another planet, Hela and Strange shrank their pupils suddenly.

“This mirror dimension…

“This is…

The latter had already recognized this trick of changing the spatial structure, but what shocked him was that the attainment of this mirror dimension had far surpassed him, and even surpassed the fallen Supreme Mage Gu Yi.

You know, the power required to pull a strong person like Dormammu and Godanway into the mirror dimension without realizing it…

At least he couldn’t do it at all.

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~)

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