Looking up, those deep, bottomless eyes made Hella a little flustered.

When she heard those words, Hella also knew that the thoughts in her heart were also known to the other party, and she couldn’t help but bow her head, but the shock in her heart was beyond words.

The other person seems to be able to read her heart?

As a Heavenly Father-level strongman, if you want to capture her thoughts, a strong person of the same level can’t do it at all, then this one obviously surpasses the Heavenly Father’s level.

A monolithic universe?

Four big words crossed Hela’s mind.

The single universe beyond the Heavenly Father level, this level is far from what she can imagine, she is not even the absolute top of the Heavenly Father level, and if she wants to surpass the Heavenly Father level, she does not know how far to go.

Maybe her damn old man only touched a thing or two at his peak.

Karen looked at Hela, the goddess of death, who was no longer domineering, and the look of the little girl who made a mistake was afraid of being taught by the adults, which really made him want to laugh.

Only from the naked eye he could see the thick resentment that echoed around this Hela.

It was the resentment forged by the fall of billions and billions of lives, which showed how many lives were contaminated under this master’s hands, and how many corpses and blood seas had been treated.

This strong resentment made Karen’s sword brow frown invisibly, but then it did not pay attention to his heart.

I went to the lobby and sat down on the edge of the sofa, took a sip of coffee, and put the cup on the glass table in front of me, everything flowed smoothly and elegantly.

Then he said softly, “The name of the goddess of death is really deserved, and it is reasonable to say that you who have contaminated the lives of countless people should never live in my hands.” ”

The unhurried voice, though soft, made Hella startled and her hands clenched, but then she relaxed.

As clever as she knew Karen’s words didn’t completely cut off her life.

So some of her careful thoughts were also put down.

Sure enough, Karen continued, “But you’re smart, so you don’t have to die.” ”

Hella was secretly relieved, she would not doubt what this man was saying, and when it came to his strength, lies were not necessary.

Even if she is the strength of the Heavenly Father.

Her strength was not worth mentioning in front of this man, and if the other party wanted to kill her, he would not be able to waste much strength, which Hella knew very well.


Hela’s heart lifted.

“But from today onwards, I don’t care what you do in Asgard, but in the galaxy, if you dare to violate the order of the Sacred Realm, you will die.”

Ling Ran’s killing intent rushed straight into Hela’s soul, and the will that was full of domineering as if dominating the heavens almost made Hela’s heart tremble.

Hella looked pale at the man sitting on the couch in front of her like a noble prince.

The god who ruled the heavens, the vast will of eternal recovery, pressed against her heart, so that she did not even have the slightest idea of resistance.

The cold gaze was like a sharp bayonet.

With this terrifying power, Hella was like going back to her childhood, facing Odin, the king of the gods at her peak.

At that time, Odin was fighting the Eight Wilds, and she was still just a weak warrior.

However, Odin at that time was completely inferior to the man named Karen in front of him.

This is the true deity, is this the existence that dominates the Holy Land?

“I know, even if I take revenge, it won’t affect here.”

Hella swallowed and spat and nodded hard.

She suddenly felt that her back was probably soaked in cold sweat, wet.

Karen’s eyes rippled and he nodded with a chuckle, and at the same time, the majestic momentum receded like a tidal wave and disappeared, as if everything that had just happened did not exist.

After knocking Hela, Karen waved, “I won’t take care of your family affairs, as long as you don’t toss it to me.” ”

“You can leave.”

Hella had no room to object, and certainly did not have the idea of opposing, but instead breathed a sigh of relief and respectfully saluted Karen and turned away.

Karen didn’t get up either.

Sipping coffee to himself, not knowing what he was thinking.

Hella did not intend to teleport away directly, but slowly walked out of the manor, and when she left the manor’s range, her tense emotions also relaxed, and she did not even use her divine power to isolate the rainstorm under the tension.

Let the rainstorm pour over her petite, / torso.

Long black hair draped over her shoulders, panting heavily.

“It’s too scary to provoke.”

Without the slightest hesitation, Hella intended to directly use her divine power to open the space and teleport away from here.

But at the very last second, powerful perceptions frantically sound the alarm.

Hella seemed to realize something, and quickly stopped the use of divine power.

Instead, start flying away from Antonia.

Suspended in mid-air, he turned his head to look at the island and cursed himself.

After she was nervous, she almost forgot how the island, as the lord of the Sacred Realm, could not have a boundary, fortunately she did not open the space teleportation, otherwise perhaps she would have to be directly crushed by the space under the reaction.

Even if she has an immortal body.

With the drumming of the dark green divine power, a teleporter turned on, and Hella did not hesitate to step inside, as if there was a terrifying beast behind her that was about to devour her.

Unbeknownst to Hela, the cold eyes of the island dimmed at the moment she left.

Even if Karen is on the island, these loyal warriors of the gods will not let a Heavenly Father-level dangerous element on the island.

If Hella dared to make any move, thousands of warriors would appear in front of her in an instant.

The blow of terror will come.

Even if Hela’s strength exceeds that of these Saint Fighters, it will have to be turned into dust in an instant.


Hela’s departure went unnoticed inside the island.

Even the torrential downpour did not stop the excitement of the people on the island.

This time, although he did not fully see how gold fought against powerful enemies, he could still imagine the shocking battle.

After all, they have always been the saints who appear as gorgeous, honorable beings.

The battle scene is also very visually impactful, but it is a slight pity that it was not seen this time.

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~~)

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