The battle of Dormammu, although it caused a great reaction, was not too sensational.

People feel that terrible pressure, but they don’t see that danger with their own eyes.

So this high war is just a topic that makes people think about the after-dinner gossip.

The heat didn’t last long.

Although this war did not affect the lives of ordinary people, or even destroy a city, etc., the satellites of various countries in space were almost completely destroyed by the dark energy of Dormammu.

Fortunately, countries are not without receipt.

At least before the satellite was destroyed, some precious images were taken, in which they saw what the enemy really looked like.

The most brilliant thing is the satellite launched by S.H.I.E.L.D.

What appeared on the screen was under the endless dark frenzy, and under the black, purple, crimson and other colored lights, a huge skull composed of dark energy occupied a huge part of the picture.

Against the background, the dark king Yang who swept through everything with terror, a huge skull that stretched for thousands of miles.

Just looking at this picture makes people feel a sense of fear.

What is shocking is that in the face of such a terrifying existence, the teenager wearing gorgeous gold armor looks so “small”.

Just like the hero in ancient mythology who faced the evil and terror of the great devil, he was brave and fearless and challenged evil.

That kind of posture makes people feel moved by it.

In the sci-fi-like lobby on the top floor of the Avengers Building, the Avengers sit on a glass round table and are faced with the long-unseen S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury and Coulson.

The Avengers, the world’s largest superhero group, are now not responsible for any of their actions, not even M-Nation.

With Tony, a billionaire in M-country, as a supporter, he can single-handedly support the day-to-day operations of the Avengers.

As the founder of the Avengers, Fury and the Avengers have a relationship that is not very good, and the two sides also have some interests and cooperation.

Looking at the Avengers created by the hand in front of him, Fury was not happy, but looked very solemn.

The holographic projection projected on the glass round table is the last image taken by the S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite.

Looking at this picture, the crowd was silent.

“The situation is getting more and more wrong now, the earth./ball seems to be in the center of an eye of storms, and now there are more and more crises, some from the universe, some from other dimensions, and some internally.”

“The enemy is also getting stronger and stronger, the dimensional demon god, the cosmic overlord.”

“Our current strength simply can’t handle that.”

A deep voice relay in the minds of all the Avengers and made all the Avengers frown.

“Do you have a good idea?”

Tony listened to Fury’s words with some irritation, and his tone became irritable.

Fury’s one-eyed and invisible brush crossed a fine light, looking at the eyes of the crowd and saying in a deep voice, “We can’t stay here, the contrast between the earth and the ball is too small to compare with the universe, sometimes we don’t even know who our potential enemies are.” ”

“We cannot rely on the Holy Land forever.”

“The Sacred Realm is indeed powerful, but how long can it shelter this planet?”

“We need to get out of the ground./ball and set our sights on the universe.”

When the voice fell, Tony and the others already knew what Fury’s old fox wanted to say, and Tony, who was not at eye with Fury, wanted to taunt him, but he didn’t know why he was silent.

Everyone looked at each other, and Rogers nodded, “Times are changing too fast, scarier than when I wake up from sleep, I agree with Fury’s words.” ”

“Now there are more and more enemies snooping on the ground./ball, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger.”

“The Sacred Realm can’t always fight all the enemies on its own, we have to get stronger, we really have to get out of here.”

Rogers’s words are concise and to the point, and as one of the giants of the Avengers, his words must be taken seriously by the rest of the Avengers.

And it does make a lot of sense.

Dr. Banner, Tony, Hawkeye, Natasha and others all think of themselves as a behemoth while the Avengers are on the ground.

Compared to the more terrifying enemies, their strength is too weak to be small.

As superheroes, every time they fight and face a powerful enemy, they are solved by the Holy Domain, although this is very easy, but why not be unwilling?

“I agree.”

“I agree.”

Barton and Natasha looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Banner shrugged, “After being pointed out by Orphi, my relationship with the Hulk has improved a lot, and it also wants to be stronger, and I am also very yearning for the universe, so I agree.” ”

Aside from Thor, who is not there, Tony is now left.

In the face of everyone’s eyes, Tony skimmed his lips: “You all agreed, what do you want me to say?” ”

Then he paused and looked at Fury and continued, teasingly: “It seems that Fury you already have an idea?” ”

With what Tony knew about Fury, since he had raised this matter with them, he had obviously planned it for a long time, and it might even have paved the way for them.

“Yes, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a spaceship from the universe, and although it is somewhat damaged, it has been repaired by us and it is intact.”

“Spaceship? There are indeed secrets inside S.H.I.E.L.D. ”

Tony teased.

“There are spaceships but one less thing.”

Banner instantly understood: “The star map of the universe, or the star map of the distribution of major forces.” ”

“That’s right, it’s a star map, there is no star map, even if you have a spaceship to break into the universe, you are just a lamb that breaks in.”

Fury nodded.

“The only thing that knows a lot about the universe should be the Sacred Realm, it seems that I have to owe humanity again, to be honest, the taste of indebtedness is not good, otherwise you will go captain?”

“Or Banner?”

The corners of Tony’s eyes twitched, glaring at Fury, the old fox, and the inhuman things had to be done by him again.

“I don’t care, but maybe I won’t even see that person.”

Rogers smiled and shrugged his shoulders not that I didn’t want to go, but that I didn’t have any friendship with the other party, and it was useless to go.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you guys.) )

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