Tony was speechless, looking at these pretend teammates, and he was very tired for a while.


Tony smiled helplessly and raised his hand in surrender.

However, he still agrees with this matter in his heart, after all, it is still very important for him or the entire Avengers to rush out of the planet and enter the universe to enhance their vision.

Especially for those scientific and technological civilizations and their developed forces outside the universe, there is no doubt about his promotion.

Absorbing advanced technology, his steel armor will definitely be sold to the latest level.

Although it is very uncomfortable to owe the people of the Sacred Realm, it is not worth mentioning for the good aspects.

“Shall we go together?” Aren’t there some people left here? The recent situation has begun to erode again, after the fall of the Hydra, but still some forces have obtained certain technologies, the Sacred Domain basically ignores worldly things, and they only appear in the event of a crisis of annihilation. ”

“So much so that now they are starting to stir up trouble, and lately there has been a lot of competition between various forces.”

“There have been a lot of superpower crimes in New York in the past two days, are you sure you can handle them?”

Tony looked at Fury and questioned.

These days, the Avengers are busy, various super power events appear frequently, and major events at the international level are emerging in an endless stream.

In order to maintain order, Tony doesn’t even have time to make a villain with Little Pepper.

The sacrifice is so great, which shows how unpeaceful this time is.

And once the Avengers leave, can the current abilities of S.H.I.E.L.D. be dealt with?

He didn’t want to wait for his return to leave the Avengers with only a mess, and even the Avengers Mansion had been bulldozed.

Fury wiped a smile from the corner of his mouth and glanced at Coulson on the side.

Looking at the appearance of these two people, the rest of the people suddenly understood in their hearts that this old guy must still have a back hand.

Seeing the appearance of the Avengers, Fury didn’t say much nonsense, clapped his hands, and saw a group of people walking through the door of the hall.

The leader was none other than the Night Devils in the Alliance of Defenders, while the other group of men and women in S.H.I.E.L.D. black combat uniforms were also men and women.

Banner recognized the Asian girl and exclaimed, “Skye? ”

Yes, he was hunted down by the military when he was still a Hulk, and accidentally met with a girl and went to Antonia Island to try to find a solution to Hulk.

As a result, the two of them have a good friendship.

The two have always been in touch, but Banner doesn’t know how Skye has actually entered S.H.I.E.L.D. and become an agent, which does not shock him.

Banner’s shocked look made the girl very happy, except for the secret service agreement that she could not tell the uncle, she also wanted to see the shocked look of the uncle who had always been calm.

As she wished, the girl smiled and waved her small hand: “Hey, Uncle Banner.” ”

Unable to sit still, Banner got up from his seat and nodded hello to the heroes of the Defenders, then came to Skye’s side and whispered, “When did you become a secret agent?” Don’t you know that agents are dangerous?”

For this girl, Banner is also a junior.

Of course, it is very favorable.

“Hey, uncle, I have my own opportunities, oh, I’m not weak now, and joining S.H.I.E.L.D. can also help me find my parents.”


Banner smiled helplessly, Skye’s life he also knew a thing or two, and also used Tony’s advanced artificial intelligence Jarvis to look for, but there was no clue.

Unexpectedly, Skye actually joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

When the two communicated, a crisp slap came from the ear.

I saw Fury clapping his hands to attract everyone’s attention: “Okay, our tea time is over, the chat can be put down for a while, everyone should be familiar with it.” ”

“Fury, these little guys are the new agents you recruited?”

“Matt, I’m relieved, but these kids are still very young, let them face those fierce supercriminals?”

Tony questioned.

Team Rogers shook his head: “Fury, let those kids become agents, I absolutely don’t agree.” ”

“I agree.”

Banner hurriedly raised his hand, and Barton and Natasha shook their heads in silence without speaking, and with what they knew about Fury, these little guys shouldn’t be that simple.

The defenders looked at each other, not expecting that the Avengers themselves were “infighting”.

It seems that there is a good drama to watch.

Matt swiped a smile from his eyes and watched in silence.

“Hey, gentlemen, although you are superheroes, you must not underestimate us.”

A dark-haired girl beside Skye couldn’t help it.

As soon as the words fell, he patted Skye on the shoulder.

Skye was clear, squeezing his eyebrows at Dr. Banner beside him.

In Dr. Banner’s puzzled expression.


Suddenly, the entire Avengers Mansion shook violently, not very often, but still shaking continuously.

Drip! Drip! Drip!

The sudden shock caused the Avengers Building Gold Alert System.

The originally bright light turned red.

“Sir, vibration level, level three, according to the scan, the vibration frequency comes from the girl named Skye next to Dr. Banner.”

“And the shaking continues to rise.”

Jarvis’s voice relayed in everyone’s mind.

Feeling the vibration under his feet, everyone looked at Skye’s face and became very shocked.


Fury waved, and Skye nodded and turned off the vibration wave, and the vibration disappeared.

The shocked look of the crowd made Fury enjoy it very much, but the surface still left no trace, a calm and relaxed look.

“Skye, who has recently awakened the power in her own bloodline because of some things, according to our analysis, Skye’s superpower is vibration, and she can release its powerful vibration waves.”

“When her abilities reach a certain level, this powerful vibrational wave can even destroy an entire planet.”

“She, named Ginny, has the ability to awaken to self-healing, and the bones in her body have also mutated, and six pairs of metallic claws can be catapulted between the bones of her hands, and her physique is beyond that of ordinary humans.”

“Rolls, what awakens is the power of mind.”

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers ~ ~ thank you guys, Mo Mo Da)

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