Although this group of bad cosmic pirate organization battleships was huge, it was not slow at all, plus the gun port on the battleship that emitted a cold glow.

Let Tony and the others dare not make a move easily for a while.

Eventually, the Avengers were surrounded.

“What should we do?”

“Two ways, either resist with all your might, or pretend to surrender in search of opportunities.”

The situation is pressing, and it is no longer allowed Tony and others to consider others, looking at that cannon, Tony and the others still decided to concede a wave.

Hard steel is impossible to hard steel, there is no need for hard steel at all.

The number of opposing warships was in the thousands, and each of them was medium to large warships, and even if they wanted to resist, they could support it for a few minutes.

This is still taking into account the bottom card please next.

If you don’t consider the bottom card, it is estimated that it can support for tens of seconds.

If that’s the case, then give a spanking and surrender.

As for the fact that while surrender has damaged the prestige of the Avengers, the situation can only make them so now.

A minute later, they surrendered in their entirety.

Their ship is adsorbed by a frigate, while Tony and the others are imprisoned in a cage at the bottom of a battleship, which contains not only a few of them, but also the slaves of the rest of the alien race.

These alien races are basically dragging their families with their mouths, old and weak women and children.

Everyone speculates about uneasiness, emotional instability, panic, sluggishness, despair, etc.

Watching Rogers and the others frown.

This characteristic metal dungeon has a light blue energy barrier.

Black Widow comforts the captured old and weak women and children, while Dr. Tony Banner and a few others begin to study and gather in front of this energy barrier.

“The Avengers are here on Friday, and they’re only temporarily using them, and there are many advanced permissions that they can’t turn on, like those things.”

“The backhand you left behind is really starting to take effect.”

Tony and Dr. Rogers Banner muttered quietly.

At this time, Tony clicked in front of the Hungarian of his characteristic black combat suit, and saw that tiny metal particles seemed to have life constantly covering a black frame.

“I have to say, Tony, this is absolutely a great masterpiece, nanotechnology is so mature for you to use.”

Dr. Banner exclaimed.

Tony grinned, “But without the help of Dr. Helen and Dr. Banner, I wouldn’t have applied nanotechnology here so quickly.” ”

Yes, this is one of his scientific and technological achievements during this time.

In an accident, he met the female doctor named Helen, whose nanobiotechnology technology was extremely mature, and then he had a flash of inspiration and thought of his steel armor.

A steady stream of aura flickered, and finally, with the help of two doctors, in a short period of time, he was able to fully apply nanotechnology to his technology.

Okay Tony, don’t tout it.

“oK, it looks like our M Congress is in a hurry, damn, these use some techniques that I haven’t seen before, high-frequency oscillations, electron flows, touch consequences I believe you definitely don’t want to see.” 」


Wrangler Galaxy, a planet full of technological overtones.

The lights are unbridled, the noise and the laughter and scolding.

Cosmic pirates, mercenaries, adventure groups, etc. will choose a nearby planet of joy to play on after the mission.

And this planet called Seth is one of them.

Hustle, roars, roars, screams were originally the theme song for this planet.

But today, the atmosphere on the planet Seth has become very silent.

Logically, on the planet where the major forces are stationed, there is a common unspoken rule on this entertainment week, and this unspoken rule has basically reached a consensus.

No one is allowed to challenge the order and disrupt the development of the planet’s entertainment.

Of course, there must be no exchange of fire here.

No matter who challenges these orders, as long as anyone challenges these orders, then it is bound to suffer a common blow from all forces.

This is also basically the ground rule of other areas of chaos.

So in general, it is impossible for someone to disturb the rules on the entertainment planet, as the mainstream of entertainment, the black market is supplemented by the planet, the atmosphere is of course absolutely top-notch.

Today, however, the atmosphere has become very silent.

Because, on this week, there are several big people, basically the big people who all the major forces do not dare to provoke.

Powerful men appeared here, so much so that the people on the planet did not even dare to make a loud noise.

According to the current division of the universe for the strong, even if the planet is large, once there is any malice or disrespect may be sensed by the other party, then it will be a terrible disaster.

And a few of the biggest names are enjoying food on the top floor of the most luxurious hotel on the planet.

The hotel has 199 floors and was built on an island backed by the island’s seaside.

The scenery is beautiful and elegant, and the jungle trees on the island are huge, as if they were in ancient times.

Some large trees can even reach a height of 100 meters.

Coupled with the man-made decoration, the entire island is a perfect tourist rest island formed by hotels.

Whether it is service, food, play and leisure, etc. are absolutely top-notch.

Of course, the price is also very expensive, and the cost of a day may be the bounty of a mercenary of a certain level of not low level for an A-level or even S-class mission.

So there are people living on the island, Rao is so, the whole hotel is even basically emptied, all the service staff are concentrating on waiting for the service of these big people, and the other major forces in the hotel are invited out of the original very unhappy.

But when he learned the reason, he didn’t dare to put one, and he decisively flashed people.

In front of the top dining table of this hundred-storey luxury hotel, while eating food, while looking at the beautiful scenery not far away, more than a dozen young girls laughed and chatted.

“Sigh, this ingredient is very good, the processing is very good, it is really worthy of the highest consumption area on the planet Seth.”

“Of course, this time it costs a lot, so Sister Ye has spent a lot of money.”

“Haha, let Sister Ye have a lot of bounty for each mission action, let Sister Ye feel the seventh sense.”

* (Ask for the collection of flowers monthly pass, thank you guys, love you guys ~ ~ )

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