“Sister Ye is an old Silver Saint Seiya, and he can’t find out where to go than the rest of the Silver Saint Seiya, and even Lord Godanwei has said that Sister Ye’s talent also belongs to the first echelon.”

The younger siblings who are still young are full of adoring eyes, which makes the young girl’s heart very useful.

However, the surface is still modest: “There are many stronger than me, such as Orphi, Chiron, and Joyson, who are all very strong.” ”

“Sister Ye, is our mission really not in a hurry this time?” What if these guys run away? ”

A pretty little girl with thirteen or fourteen years of blue hair wrinkled her small face and seemed a little worried.

“What are they afraid of, where are they running?” These damn guys dared to violate the just order of the Sacred Realm and must be captured and brought back to face the judgment of the Sacred Domain. ”

“Yes, Jonah Star has been taken so many innocent children, but he just wants to sell them, and he dares to come to our galaxy.”

“It is necessary to judge, except for those few main brain figures, and the rest will be executed on the spot.”

The young girls were full of anger on their small faces.

As a new generation of Saint Seiya, although the grade is still light, but the strength is beyond doubt, each strength is almost at least the sixth sense of the early stage, a few experienced the baptism of divine power after the talent is good or even reached the middle stage.

Since the Sacred Realm awakened more and more warriors of the small universe, especially after the Sacred Domain was buried in the universe.

The original basic pattern of hidden cultivation in the Sacred Realm had undergone some basic changes.

One of the biggest changes is the mission, basically the Sanctuary will release the mission, each completed mission will earn the corresponding points, and these points can be exchanged for some treasures, Saint Seiya Combat Skills, the latter a powerful Saint Seiya teaching time.

And what drives all the Saint Seiya crazy the most is Karen’s teaching time and divine power rewards.

You know, every powerful Saint Fighter can only be possessed through cultivation, but even through life-and-death fighting or fighting.

For example, Jean Ye, she has experienced the experience of the universe, and even traveled to the hell dimension to fight with those powerful demons.

In terms of light wheel combat experience, she can completely kill any Saint Seiya of the same level who has no actual combat experience.

Of course, the Sacred Realm did not have such a Saint Seiya with no combat experience.

And the divine power is not to say, the magic of the divine power is naturally beyond doubt, the divine power of each Saint Seiya can only be touched by the initial cultivation contact.

The rest of the time there was no chance of seeing contact with divine power.

Now, the bonus points can be exchanged for divine water droplets, which does not make all the warriors crazy.

Divine power has a thousand effects, and it is naturally not an ordinary big for these warriors.

For this reason, the enthusiasm of the warriors to do the task was also greatly enhanced, although the orders originally issued by the Sacred Domain were also done by everyone to the best of their ability.

This new generation of Saint Seiya is tasked with retrieving the guys who are wreaking havoc in the galaxy.

The rest can be killed on the spot, and the main brain figure is arrested and directly tried.

As for this level of mission, of course, there was no need for a Saint Seiya who was close to stepping into the seventh sense to let Ye out of the horse, her task was only to watch the younger brothers and sisters who stepped out of the galaxy for the first time.

After all, although it is a dozen Sixth Sense Saints.

But the universe is so big, there are still many strong people, and there is still a risk of falling if you are not careful.

Although these young girls were very excited and curious to do the task for the first time, they did not have the slightest fear, and for everyone, this mission under the leadership of Jean Ye was more like a tour of the new understanding of the universe.

“These people are really interesting, and their hearts are really dark.”

“After all, living in this dark forest, if you don’t have a dark heart, you will die long ago.”

“Anyway… Suddenly, while chatting, everyone noticed that Jean Ye raised his head and looked up at the blue sky with those beautiful big eyes, and seemed to be a little surprised.

Let Ye’s appearance make these young girls who had been chatting happily wary.

A strong sense of will exudes, but does not feel any dangerous atmosphere.

At best, it was the malice of some guy on the planet who was not accustomed to the Holy Land.

“Sister Ye.”

“Is the enemy coming?”

However, although they couldn’t feel it, it didn’t mean that Ye Ye who was about to step into the seventh sense couldn’t feel it, maybe the enemy was slowly approaching in a more distant place to let Ye feel it.

Let the corners of Ye Leaf wipe a smile on the corner of his mouth, the beautiful face and the jewel-like eyes look at the boys with red ears./ Red.

“How did they end up in this place? Can’t stay on the ground well./Ball to do their superhero experience? ”

“This was actually caught, if only the fans of the Avengers knew that they would be going to take off the powder.”

“Haha, there is a good drama to watch.”

Let Ye Yi come to the edge of the top floor with a cup like a good show, ignoring the height of several hundred meters while drinking wine while looking at the sky.

The others were suspicious, completely unaware of what Sister Ye was doing.

However, looking at her appearance, there should be nothing wrong, and she doesn’t care too much, eating food by herself.

Time did not last long.

Thousands of massive warships hovered at anchorages in outer space on the planet.

Two of the medium-sized warships slowly landed on the planet.

Looking at the two landing battleships, Ye Yi’s mouth wiped a smile.


The black market in the other hemisphere is even more dirty and chaotic than those in the elegantly decorated places.

This is where the planet is mainstream.

Because most people who come to this planet will choose to come here instead of going to the other half of the planet to enjoy expensive services.

The black market, full of cyberpunk sci-fi colors, is extremely crowded even at night.

The brightly lit streets were filled with noise, screams of excitement and loud roars.

In the Blackstone Market, Tony and the others escorted here with other captured alien races, looking ahead at what seemed to be the level of the Cosmic Pirate Captain talking to the people of the Blackstone Market to discuss the price they were sold.

Tony glanced at several of them.

Eyes involuntarily swept nearby, and the guards in the vicinity who were armed with guns and did not know what race they were, and if they wanted to escape, they obviously had to deal with these people.

(Ask for a monthly flower pass collection subscription, thank you guys, Mo Mo Da ~ ~)

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