Everyone wears a neurosuppressor around their necks, something that can completely make everyone lose their will in an instant.

So these cosmic pirates don’t pay much attention to them either.

It also gave Tony a good chance.

As a genius inventor, the field of electronics is almost complete, and it is easy to disassemble a neurosuppressor.

In fact, as early as the battleship cage, he used nanometals to destroy the nerve suppressors on the necks of all the avengers.

Even other aliens are the same.

It can be said that the so-called nerve suppressor is just an ornament for everyone, if they do not want to alarm these cosmic pirates, they can already unload this thing.

After glancing around.

The Avengers glanced at each other invisibly, and the US team and Barton Natasha quietly approached Mimi’s guards on the black market.

And these guards did not notice.

The tiny metal particles inside Tony’s clothes are slowly converging, ready to form steel armor.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out.

This time, the Avengers must solve the opponent at the first time, otherwise once these people react, they may hurt these innocents.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little tense.

Those who were captured were nervous, and ever since the neurosuppressors had been solved by these races that called themselves humans, everyone knew that these people were obviously not ordinary people.

And there is a chance to escape, and everyone is naturally looking forward to it.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

One of the guards seemed to sense something and hurriedly raised his energy gun to aim at the approaching Black Widow Natasha.


But the next moment, Natasha rushed to the guard at a very fast speed like a female leopard, and the slender beauty of the legs stepped on with force, and the whole person directly took off, her legs/legs stepped on the guard’s shoulders, and the long dark spikes in her hands pierced directly into the guard’s head.

“Ho ho ~ ~ ”

The guard’s entire body was twitching in disbelief, and finally completely unconscious and kneeling on the ground.


Rogers and Barton and the others also burst into flames, and the battle began in an instant.


With an angry roar, Dr. Banner’s entire body began to swell wildly, and the originally thin body of one meter and eight meters exploded into a huge green monster of more than two meters with the explosion of muscles.

“Damn, these guys.”

“Quick, kill them for me.”

“Fire, fire now~~”

“How dare they spread wilderness on the black market, they don’t want to live?”

The fighting power of the Avengers is unquestionable, and the guards of the black market are almost completely wiped out in a short period of time, but the great combat power of the Avengers not only does not make the rest of the onlookers on the streets of the black market frightened, but on the contrary, they look schadenfreude.

The cosmic pirate captain who captured everyone was restrained by Tonister, who had already turned into Iron Man, and not only was he not afraid, but he shouted in disbelief: “Are you looking for death?” ”

“If you dare to spread wilderness here, you will be finished, and you will be torn apart by the joint forces of all forces.”

These damn guys.

The pirate is full of viciousness, and this time he will be punished even if he does not die, not only because the slaves they captured escaped, but also because the slaves in his hands were in trouble on the black market, and even killed the guards of the black market.

This is a challenge to order on this planet.

It is also challenging all the forces on this planet, even if this is not the original intention of the cosmic pirates, but those forces do not care so much.

Someone must be held accountable for this, and these slaves will surely die, but they are the Lord, and perhaps he will be pushed out to become a victim of this order.

His performance, combined with the schadenfreude expressions of others on the black market, made the Avengers seem to feel that something was wrong and their hearts sank.

“Quick, go fast~~”

Tony didn’t hesitate to yell directly at the aliens who had been captured.


“Sir, the Avenger is set off and has an estimated arrival time of two minutes.”

“What about electronic jammers?”

“The ultra-electronic jammer has an interference range of two thousand kilometers, the jamming battleship has three thousand two hundred warships, and it is expected that there will be thirty large warships and one hundred medium-sized warships that have not received interference.”

“Damn, surely the vacuum greatly reduces the interferometer electron frequency range?”

This was not good news for the Avengers, and a hundred medium ships alone would be enough for the Avengers to drink a pot, not to mention the thirty large ones.

Large warships are equipped with at least one Destroyer-class gunfire as standard.

How many destroyer guns are equipped also depends on how much is invested, but it does not mean that there is only one game, and it is also equipped with many advanced technologies.

Although the Avenger has Tony’s presence and powerful firepower, due to the limitations of technology, it is impossible to be more advanced than the civilization of the universe.

Tony didn’t think the Avenger alone would wipe out the hundred medium-sized ships and thirty large ships.

But now there is clearly no way.

Fortunately, these cosmic pirates have not guarded the spaceship, and most of the members have been drinking and enjoying it during the week.

This is not a big opportunity.

Just as the Avengers were about to leave.

The next moment can make Tony and the others suddenly stop.

All the faces suddenly changed as they looked at the sky, and they saw that the originally dim black market suddenly became brighter, and the sky did not know when a dense number of warships suddenly appeared, and warships of different sizes, plus single-man combat warships, almost filled the entire night sky.

The dense muzzles of the guns were aimed at Tony and the others.

It emitted a cold and merciless light, letting Tony and the others know that if there was any change, the next second they were bound to be completely blasted into slag by endless artillery fire.

Tony and the others suddenly sank.

Hulk wasn’t afraid to roar and roar at all, but was stopped by Rogers’ outstretched hand.

“Damn, what about changing it now?”

“There is no way at all, this day Luodi Net, me and Hulk have a chance to try, you are not sure.”

“Fark, did they react so quickly?”

Tony and the others couldn’t help but scold, from the time they resisted the shot to the time they were surrounded was no more than a minute, just a minute, this efficiency…

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~~Momoda~~)

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