This is much more efficient than the police in M-country.

“It’s not good.”

Tony had a cold sweat on his forehead under his face armor, his thoughts racing, and the screen in front of him was constantly calculating the plan to escape.

But in the end, the best outcome is that he has a fifteen percent chance of escaping.

That’s when the likes of Hulk and Rogers attract most of the firepower.

As for the chance of the entire Avengers escaping, it is less than one percent.

“Who are you?”

“How dare you disturb the black market?”

A low hoarse voice in the sky reached everyone’s ears, and Tony and the others looked up in a flash and saw that the light shining on the battleship was too dazzling, and they could only faintly see a shadow emerging from the sky.

This shadow seems to be tall and thin, but there is always a gloomy temperament to go.

At least it makes people look a little scalp tingling.

Who are Tony and the other Avengers? How many strong people have you seen, how many life-and-death battles have you experienced?

If nothing else, that battle with Thanos alone gave them a glimpse of the true Cosmic Overlord Strong.

Not to mention the Saints, and even the god Karen.

Compared to these strong people, this person is a hair.

The deterrent created is nothing to them, but their concern is that the situation is now almost desperate.


“Sir has a minute left.”

“Damn… Tony knew the time it would take for the Avengers to arrive, and he suddenly scolded involuntarily, looking at the other party’s tiger-eyed look, obviously a posture of ready to move, and it seemed that he did not give him any time to delay.

A minute was enough time for them to turn to ashes under these gunfire.

“Don’t talk? Then become the residue of the universe. ”

“Everybody prepare it for me.”

Not getting an answer made the man seem a little annoyed, and the cold voice reached everyone’s ears.

“Sir, a huge energy source has been detected approaching at high speed.”

Just as the Tony Rogers Avengers were about to fight to the death, Friday’s voice came from Tony and the others’ miniature headphones, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.


Tony subconsciously had a black question mark.


The next second, the overwhelming god-like momentum swept the heavens, and the domineering momentum swept through layer by layer, just like the revival of the ancient will, like a prison that instantly suppressed everyone’s body.

The air in several streets across the black market seemed to twist under this terrible momentum.

The powerful momentum was like substance, so that the walls of the streets and the ground of the black market began to crack, which showed how terrible it was.

This undefiant will mixed with the momentum made everyone subconsciously shocked, and there was a faint feeling of surrender and kneeling.

Whoever it was at this moment, at the same time as the shock began to guess in his heart.

Tony and the others felt this momentum, and there was a vaguely familiar feeling, as if they had guessed something and couldn’t help but glance at each other.

“Just by virtue of momentum can affect reality, such strength is definitely not an ordinary strongman, there is no such strong person on the entire planet, who is it?”

“No, no.”

The leader of the Black Market Guardians had originally suspected who it was, and was sure that there was no such strong person on the planet, and even wondered if such a strong person had sneaked into the planet in a low profile.

But then suddenly seemed to think of something, a drop of cold sweat crossed his face, and his whole body seemed to start trembling.

“Damn, damn, how did I forget these people?”

“Yes, they look like they’re a whole race.”

“Did they come from one place?”

Just when the leader of the black market guards was acting in fear, the rest of the black market was not stupid, of course, they could guess something, and these fierce guys suddenly lowered their heads and did not let go of one.

Sure enough, as they had guessed.

A good-sounding voice like a royal / Sister sounded in everyone’s ears: “Sigh, such a bully is the same race, I will not watch this.” ”


With the strange sound, the heavens and the earth seemed to suddenly stand still, and everyone found that their bodies, air, light, breeze, etc. were all still.

Only the eyes and the mind can function.

Such an uncontrolled panic in everyone’s heart, even their own bodies can not control, does not mean like a sheep to be slaughtered?

It is impossible to imagine the same great power.

Definitely a strong one.


All the bodies stood still, but just above the street, a beautiful girl in a red trench coat, with burgundy hair, appeared in front of Tony and the others.

That beautiful posture and temperament is like a god to be admired.

Noble, ancient, holy.

Even if it is not a race, everyone will involuntarily think that this is a beautiful person.

But when I saw this woman.

Whether it is the leader of the black market guards or the other people in the black market, their pupils suddenly shrink suddenly, and their hearts roll with boundless wind and waves.

“Damn, sure it’s this woman, listen to what she says and sure those who are of the same race as her.”

“It’s really strange that such a powerful being, the same race is still so weak, is it a deformity?”

“That big green monster is the same race as well?” I remember it was a transformation, right? ”

“What a strange race, is the distinction between strong and weak so serious?”

Everyone has their own thoughts.

And the Cosmic Pirate Captain’s heart was even more turbulent, and his heart was shocked.

Feelings of regret, horror, fear, and despair flow through the mind.

“Damn, damn, are they actually of the same race as this man, it’s over, we’ve caught the wrong guy.”

Although he had just reached the planet, as the captain of the space pirates, with 10,000 pirate warriors under his command and hundreds of warships, he did not know anything.

Just by the first sight of this woman he knew what the identity of the other person was.

Especially when he heard what the other party said, his heart suddenly sank, and he knew that maybe disaster was coming.

Because, this is his M is a mighty universe, a Saint Seiya outside the galaxy who destroyed dozens of united forces, especially this woman also shocked the universe, called the terrible existence of Jean Ye.

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