“Should I say you’re stupid, or are you bold?”

“Gee, how do you want to die?”

In the face of the indifferent gaze of several young girls, the blue-skinned bald leader and the rest of the deputy leaders had cold sweat on their foreheads, and a cool breath rose from the bottom of their hearts.

It’s like being stared at by a terrifying beast.

The sickle of death was already hanging above the heads of several people.

How could they not be afraid?

“Damn, I didn’t expect to be heard by them.”

“It’s over.”

Several people were bitter in their hearts, and the bald-headed blue-skinned leader had a hint of despair, which was good, originally wanted to use the name of the Sacred Realm to fool a wave of other forces.

Now he was caught on the spot by the lord of the family.

The corner of the teenager’s mouth wiped a cold smile, and at this moment, he actually looked like a certain Cancer guy pretending to be a guy: “I should say that you are bold?” Or is it stupid? ”

Obviously, the mentality of teenagers has begun to have this concept.

For the golden sequence, the young girls are very admired, and they are fighting to become the warriors of the new generation of the golden sequence.

The teenagers have their own gold to worship, and so do the girls, but most of them worship Li Yingna, the only girl in the golden sequence.

The crowd had originally learned the clues of the task from Sister Ye, and the excited young girls rushed directly to look for clues.

But I didn’t expect to encounter this group of people who actually played such a ghost idea.

In fact, it was reasonable to say that even if this pirate leader did this thing, it would not affect the name of the Sacred Domain, after all, it only took advantage of the people’s hearts, and also took advantage of the mentality that the major forces did not dare to gamble.

If only the other Saint Seiya might not take it seriously at all.

But young girls can not tolerate a little sand, and children who have not entered the experience are extremely eager to show their hearts.

In the eyes of everyone, this pirate leader had originally violated the just order of the Holy Land.

He should be judged, and I don’t know how many times he died.

And now even more I want to use the name of the Holy Realm to do things, that is simply to offend the Holy Domain.


A drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

The music in the box is still full of heavy metal and carnival, but the atmosphere has become extremely terrible, so depressing and heavy.

Even the rest of the people can hear their own hearts beating.

The one in front of them seemed to be not a few children at all, but a terrible beast that made people fearful and frightening, and the momentum that loomed in it even suppressed these warriors who did not know how many times they had experienced the brink of death.

I didn’t dare to move.

The powerful senses that come down the edge of perennial life and death tell several people that they must not move, and perhaps moving is absolutely death.


The brown-haired teenager did not bother to continue to talk more, and lazily stood up and walked slowly toward the pirate leader, the crisp footsteps passed in the ears of everyone, and the fierce music could not be hidden.

“Damn, move, I’m going to escape, I have to escape.”

“What is the power, why can’t I move at all, is it controlled by something?”

“It’s over, it’s dead.”

As the teenager gets closer and closer, it seems harmless to people and animals, but in fact, the feeling of death in everyone’s heart becomes stronger and stronger, and everyone wants to escape.

He wanted to resist, but found that his body was completely unable to withstand his own drive.

It was as if the body was not its own at all.

That heavy pressure suppressed the hearts of all people, and as the teenager approached, this terrible pressure became heavier and heavier, and even made one of the deputy leaders who was not strong enough in his own strength directly collapse to the ground.

The air in the entire box seemed to have become viscous.

Apparently squeezed by the mysterious momentum caused this phenomenon, and the surface of many glass cups in the box began to crack.


Finally, the boy finally walked to the opposite side of the leader of the blue glowing head, and in front of him was a huge table filled with all kinds of drinks and food, and so on.

The obstruction of the table did not stop the teenager’s footsteps.

When the boy made contact with the table at the moment, a miraculous scene occurred, and he saw that the table seemed to be cut by a mysterious force, and it was completely split in half directly from the middle.

And these two halves of the table, only supported by the corners of the tables on both sides, should be directly down.

But I don’t know why, but it is so floating.

But the magical picture did not attract the attention of the pirate leader, and his eyes were already on the teenager.

Staring at the young man’s young face, his body could not move, and he could not even speak.

You can only look at the teenager with a pair of eyes, revealing a prayerful look.

Hoping to impress the teenager, he was not afraid of death, but he did not want to die like this, and he had heard that among the various power means of the Saint Fighters, there was a power that made the scalp tingle.

It has been rumored that those who were killed by the hands of these holy warriors and who bear the burden of sins have been committed.

You are bound to enter the legendary infinity abyss hell dimension.

After death, the soul is banished in hell, endured the endless torment of thousands of years, burned by the endless flames of purgatory, and after death even the soul cannot be liberated, which shows how terrible it is.

Among them, the Saint Seiya of the Cancer Temple is the most able to play with the soul, especially this Cancer Golden Sequence, which can drive or even directly banish people to hell.

This also makes the reputation of Saint Seiya even more terrifying in the universe.

In the universe, in this dark forest, death is nothing at all, death is a terrible thing, but most people who can break through have realized that they know that sooner or later they will die, maybe because of war.

Death is acceptable, but that does not mean that the soul will be tortured after accepting death.

Thanks to the strength of the Sacred Domain, which was strong enough, the allied forces that destroyed dozens of forces in the outer reaches of the galaxy, coupled with the powerful strength displayed by the Golden Sequence of the Twelve Temples that originally shook the universe, caused other forces in the universe to dare not provoke at all.

In addition to the Holy Realm’s style is also more just.

Otherwise, the Sacred Realm would have been destroyed long ago by the alliance of other forces in the universe.

No one wants to have a guy who can play with souls exist in this universe.

(Thanks for the big guys for their monthly flower passes and subscriptions, thank you.) )

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