The boy finally walked up to the bald leader.

The leader sitting on the sofa was more than two meters tall, coupled with the wide arms full of green muscles and violent muscles, and his vicious face made his entire momentum like a brutal beast.

Even if you sit on the sofa, the height of the teenager must look up at this giant.

It seems a little small.

But the reality was the opposite, the teenager gently tilted his head, and the cold and contemptuous gaze made this strong man’s heart tremble.

Unable to speak, only with a prayerful look in his eyes.

I hope this teenager can let him go and show kindness.

But don’t look at the young girls who look young, but in fact, after experiencing harsh training, it can be said that they grow up very fast, and killing people is not worth mentioning at all, let alone criminals.

You know, in the training of Saint Seiya, it is not just simple training.

Basically, the hands are stained with the blood of the wicked.

The young man ignored the bald leader’s pleading gaze and held out an index finger to lightly point at the bald leader’s brow.

In the confused eyes of the latter and several other deputy chiefs.

I saw that there was a golden ripple spreading on the teenager’s index finger, and the twinkle of the starlight was like a ripple that had been broken by the calm water surface and spread over the head of the bald leader.

This strange phenomenon made the eyes of the other deputy leaders widen involuntarily.

The sight reminded them of rumors about Saint Seiya in the universe.

“Damn, he’s going to torture the boss, he’s going to banish the boss’s soul into that abyss of hell.”

“When the boss is finished, will we also be tortured?”


The other deputy chiefs were filled with despair, and they decided that the teenager must use that cruel method to torture the boss, and after the boss was tortured to death, the next estimate would be them.

Although the speculation is different.

But they thought it was true, and none of them could survive.

Through the leader’s mind, the information was known by the teenager, and as he read through the memory, the killing intention in his heart was already determined.

As a memory is passed through the teenager’s mind, a dazzling golden light blooms in his eyes.

When the information he wanted to know was in hand, the teenager did not put down his index finger, still aiming at the bald leader.

Looking at the other person’s praying gaze, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: “Your hands are stained with blood, greed, lust, lust, arrogance, and anger have made your sins unforgivable.” ”

“When judgment comes, you will go to hell and repent of all that you have done.”


The fingertips of the index finger bloom with dazzling starlight, and the combination of dots of starlight is as beautiful as a milky way.

The beautiful light contains a dreaded death.

The strong breath of death made the eyes of all those present, including the bald leader, suddenly widen, filled with boundless despair and horror.

“Sigh, I didn’t expect Harris to use this trick, it was really enough.”

“He can actually play this trick, it seems that his progress is really not small.”

“Cut, actually, I can be okay too.”

“Forget it, the only one we can match Harris here is Ollie.” A young girl rolled her eyes at other friends who didn’t want to face it.

“Okok, I admit Ollie is really good.”

“Sigh, the great Mr. Ollie, the future can inherit the existence of a new generation of golden robes.”

The rest of the young girls didn’t say much.

On the contrary, the blonde teenager who quietly wants to be a beautiful man has a shy face that is slightly red, and it seems that some of them can’t stand the ridicule of their friends.


At this moment, a wave of terror was transmitted throughout the tavern, and this wave of terror instantly made the other pirate members of the entire tavern suddenly stagnate.

Everyone’s movements were still in this short moment.

It was as if an invisible force had suppressed all of them.

“Damn, damn, what is this?”

“It came out of the boss’s box, what’s going on?”

“What terrible fluctuations, this power…

“It feels like we’re going to die, and if we don’t run away, we’re going to die.”

“Why can’t you move, why, damn, move, Fark.”

Everyone roared madly inside, and the strong breath of death made these people feel extremely uneasy, especially their bodies were suppressed by this strange force, making it impossible for them to control their bodies at all, coupled with the terrible power fluctuations that made people feel frightened.

They’re almost all going crazy.

How they were not familiar with that kind of fluctuation, it was definitely a precursor to some kind of energy burst.

When they annihilated a planet that dared to resist, they had used the destroyer cannons on the main battleship, and when they exploded their savings, the fluctuations were basically similar to those they are now.

That is, once this energy bursts out.

Let’s not say what will happen to the planet, but they will definitely die first at such a close distance.

In the private room.

“Fortunately, the owner of this tavern ran away in advance, otherwise it would have cost me some effort.”


The beauty is like a small galaxy floating in front of the bald giant like a whirlpool, looking at this beautiful scene so closely, the bald leader is not only not happy, but on the contrary, more and more frightened.

Cold sweat kept falling on his forehead, but the majestic energy fluctuations evaporated almost instantaneously.

“Gone guys ~~”

The teenager turned back and waved.

“It’s really not interesting, it’s better to pick up the beast in the hotel, how cute.”

“It’s just that it doesn’t mean anything at all.”

“Don’t say it, it’ll be interesting right away.”

“Looking at Harris, I should have a clue about my task.” One of the teenagers calmly hugged Hun with both hands.

In the face of the eyes of the friends, Harris nodded: “Let’s go, guys, call them, we should go to complete the task, when the task is completed, we can also have a good rest, there is a week of rest after the task is completed.” ”

“Then I’m going to go to the ground./ball, nowhere is Antonia.”


With the conversation, the figures of the young girls had disappeared into the box, leaving a group of people stuck in place, and a beautiful miniature galaxy constantly spinning starlight.

“Damn ~~”

The bald leader did not wait for the psychological scolding, and the terrifying energy exploded in an instant.


(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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