The sudden explosion of the tavern, though it attracted the attention of others, did not take any action.

This pirate group has completely lost the trust of the major forces.

Moreover, there were surveillance methods inside the tavern, and when they knew who the person who blew up the tavern was after checking it, the major forces were already silent, and the Sacred Realm was certainly not a existence that they could provoke.

Regardless of the other person’s purpose.

None of them could have exonerated the Sanctuary for the death of the pirate regiment or the explosion of a tavern.

That’s not stupid, that’s looking for death.

The major powers are in disrepair, and even blocking the news, so that the rest of the planet seems to have no idea that the tavern has been blown up.

On the contrary, the major forces seemed to have a good heart, taking down the rest of the warships of the space pirates anchored outside the planet, and did not hesitate to execute the pirates who were confused on the battleships and did not know what was going on.

After dividing up these thousands of warships.

A representative found Tony and the other Avengers, and in the latter’s confused eyes, Chen earnestly apologized and compensated for a lot of things, food, energy, some technology stored crystals, money, etc.

Tony and the others were lost.

Not knowing what was going on, when the delegates left, Tony and the others looked at each other and looked at the large pile of food resources in the warehouse that were almost full.

Tony was looking at the technology crystal in his hand, although he didn’t know what was going on, but it seemed very good.

Nor did he pay attention to the other Avengers.

“Friday, get me what’s inside.”


I saw that in front of everyone’s eyes, a light flashed from the crystal, and a projection appeared in front of them, and what appeared on the projection screen was the use of a series of steps of science and technology.

“Wow, space jumping technology.”

“Electromagnetic pulses, I also have this, but the technology here seems to be more perfect and advanced, good things.”

“Is this VR technology? It’s totally immersive. ”

“Brainwave technology…

Seeing this large number of scientific and technological technologies, with perfect data technology, Tony can completely absorb these technologies in a period of time, and then his own technology will be greatly enhanced.

Tony was very satisfied, and sure enough, it was good to come to the universe.

In just this short period of time, he completely got something of great value.

Some of these technologies look very chicken, but on the ground./ball is definitely the most advanced wave, if these technologies are known by the world’s science and technology masters, it is bound to shake violently first.

What worries Tony the most is that some of these technologies don’t just greatly enhance the capabilities of his MK armor.

It can even be fully applied to the Avengers Building, or to the Avengers.

You must know that there are many weapons in these technologies, and even fighter-level weapons.

If he had eaten these techniques thoroughly, he could have directly applied them to the Avenger.

“What is the purpose of them sending such a big benefit?”

Captain Rogers was puzzled.

“Are you afraid of the gold coins in our hands?” Natasha guessed.

Then he was rejected by Patton shaking his head: “Probably not, they absolutely heard it, this gold coin is only triggered when we are in danger, as long as it is not difficult for us they do not need to be afraid at all.” ”

“Although they don’t know that this gold coin can actually be triggered actively instead of passive danger.”

“Well, that shouldn’t make them so low.” Dr. Banner agreed.

“Sir, just now, a group of people went to the space pirate battleship, carried out a raid, and now has full control of the ownership of this flagship team.” Just as everyone was guessing, Friday’s voice came from everyone’s ears.

As soon as this voice came out, everyone frowned.

“Raid that cosmic pirate group?” Looks like they should be finished. ”

“If that’s the case, maybe it’s something that happened over there in the Sacred Realm.”

“Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with us, since those guys are picked up, Tony doesn’t need to use your big guy, let’s continue our journey.”

“OK, let’s hit the road.”


I saw the black Avenger, which was originally like a fearsome dirt bird in the shadows, tear through the void in an instant with the eruption of the thruster flames and gallop away into the distance.

In just a few seconds, the back of the battleship was completely invisible.


An hour later.

At the same time, the planet had already received the information that the group of Sacred Domain people had left the planet, and the major forces that had been cautious suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s scary.”

“Yes, the only people who can make us treat it this way are those top powers.”

“The Sacred Realm is the greatest force, and if you don’t deal with me carelessly, maybe we will all perish.”

“It’s okay, the Sacred Domain people are not stubborn and hypocritical guys, at least even if they know the existence of the black market, they will let it go, obviously not the so-called over-righteous guy.”

“This is the smartest, the universe is too much darkness, and where the darkness is located touches the whole universe, the major galaxies.”

“Are they going to wipe it all out?” That is to say, they are making enemies of the entire universe, and all the forces in the universe dare to say that they are not stained with blood and have not launched a bloody high-level war? War of annihilation? If it can become one of the most advanced civilizations, the picture of history is bound to be stained with countless corpses and mountains and blood seas. ”

“Yeah, that’s why they’re smart, and they’ll only be destroyed if they provoke.”

“Under normal circumstances, they will develop silently on their own, and even get some resources, science and technology energy through our cooperation, etc., and the rise of the Sacred Domain cannot be stopped, no matter who it is.”

“Maybe in a hundred years, a thousand years, they will completely become the strongest forces that dominate the universe.”

“I really want to meet the one who rules the Sacred Domain, what kind of great god can develop the Sacred Domain to this point in such a short period of time, and what kind of wisdom will curb the arrogance that breeds in all kinds of fears and hypocrisies.”

“Countless forces perished because of arrogance / arrogance.”

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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