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“Who do they seem to be looking for?”

“As if on a mission to the Sacred Realm, I heard that a group of people actually jumped into the galaxy directly into the galaxy to destroy a race and capture most of them.”

“Huh? What kind of person is so bold, this is a frontal provocation to the Sacred Domain, is it a person of great power? ”

“I don’t know, but I heard that one of the Golden Sequences of the Thirteen Temples of the Sacred Realm was extremely angry, and directly issued a mission to completely destroy each other, including those involved with each other, within three days.”

“Hiss, that’s really outrageous.”

“Yeah, didn’t you see that even one of the silver sequences under the gold sequence was out of the way?”

“I really don’t know if I’m alive or dead.”

The news circulating between the chaotic realms can never be underestimated, even if the galaxy is almost guarded by the thirteen holy temples, outsiders cannot intervene in the galactic forbidden area, but as long as it does not violate the order of the sacred realm, in fact, most people can enter at will.

So some news about the Milky Way has actually been circulated.

Of course, the galaxy also has spies from other forces, and the recent movements of the Sacred Realm seem to be somewhat Buddhist, unhurried and leisurely slowly continue to develop, out of the usual maintenance of the order of the galaxy.

For example, kill some fleets that do not follow the order and step into the galaxy.

Or maybe there are Saint Seiya looking for some Death Star to cultivate their own Upanishads or something.

Either some Saint Seiya practitioners want to relax for a while and then go around in a civilization of the galaxy, or the young girls who feel the influence of cyberpunk style like to drill into those chaotic places.

In fact, in a sense, the probability of encountering a Saint Seiya in the galaxy is still there.

However, it was not too common, don’t look at the number of Saint Domains plus the Thirteen Temples Saint Seiya almost reached 100,000, but if they really sprinkled out, under the great galaxy, they could not even pick up a wisp of water.

However, one of the advantages of these Saint Seiya drills is that they have greatly expanded their contacts and increased their experience.

Before the Sacred Realm, the Thirteen Temples were simply the supreme dominance in the entire galaxy, especially the three golden sequences that destroyed the entire three empires.

This ferocity almost made the rest of the forces almost unable to lift their heads.

Coupled with mystery, nobility, etc., it only makes people have such a preliminary impression.

Later, the Saint Seiya stepped out of the Sacred Realm one after another to carry out their own experience beyond the universe, and under the initial contact, from the initial fear, fear, etc. to the surprise later.

Many people were surprised to find that these beings were rumored to be like the god of death, the grade level was not said lightly, and in fact, the temper was still very good.

As long as you have a temper with these young girls, as long as you are not a person who is a big adulterer or a big evil, in fact, you can even make a friend after a glass of wine.

After that, it completely reversed the rigid impression of the outside world that the Sacred Realm was afraid of the tiger.

This also greatly increases the good influence of other neutral or positive forces in the galaxy, the grade is light, the temper is good, the strength is strong, and the forces behind it are even more hegemonic level.

For a time, the fledgling tigers became the most popular group in the galaxy.

Of course, those who don’t like it still don’t like it, many people with bad intentions, spies, etc. want to contact these still young tigers, want to find intelligence through hypocrisy, deception, and lies, or simply hit the attention of these little tigers.

The power of Saint Seiya, the small universe, and the Holy Cloak are not particularly big secrets in the universe.

For the cultivation system of the Sacred Domain, many forces were quite covetous.

Therefore, it is inevitable to get this information from these fledgling hairy boys.

However, they were disappointed.

Little tigers don’t look at young and fledgling and the like, but as saints who awaken the small universe, they represent omnipotence, and the most important point is to awaken various abilities.

Among them, the two abilities that most reassure the other golden sequences that the little tigers are going out and wandering are the perception of good and evil and the search for memories.

Perceiving this ability is the most basic ability for Saint Seiya.

Especially for the perception of goodwill and malice, if someone has malice toward the little tigers and has a ghost fetus, no matter how good, how cool, how kind the surface is, you can see through it.

After that, it’s about finding memories.

As long as the strength of the other party is not as good as that of the little tigers, it is extremely easy to explore each other’s memories.

After that, the little tigers knew what the other party thought of themselves and the Sacred Domain, and the little tigers who felt offended directly pierced each other without mercy, directly hitting the forces behind each other.

The slightly clever little tiger simply thought that he was a snake and made up a cultivation system that he didn’t know anything.

Then he swore that this cultivation was extremely difficult, and if the talent was not enough, the cultivation would directly explode to death.

Even in the Sacred Realm, I don’t know how many people died.

The other side’s spies thought that they had obtained the cultivation method of the small universe, and brought it to the people behind it in ecstasy, but the result was pitted, and as soon as the cultivation was completed, the whole person directly exploded.

This force is not only not afraid, but on the contrary, it believes in the lies made up by the little tiger.

As a result, almost the entire force believed that the young and talented backs were all wiped out on this unwarranted cultivation method.

This angry force wanted to find the little tiger to settle the account, but when it was not yet found, a group of small tigers ganged up to find the door, and there was no more nonsense to directly destroy this force.

These things are not secrets, and after being publicized, they shocked people with ghost fetuses.

We all know that although these little tigers are just starting out, this kind of little guy could not survive for a few days in this dark forest.

But who lets the other person play in a god suit compared to the others?

In particular, the other party’s Sacred Domain behind it was not an ordinary force, there were thirteen Heavenly Father-level strong people at the Light Overlord level, of course, the newly established Giant Serpent Sacred Temple in the back should be the fourteenth.

Although I have never seen the gold of this Serpent Temple, most people in the universe know that what can be called gold is basically the Heavenly Father’s level, and even…

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