Just see the ripples of gold.

The metal shell walls of the entire operation room suddenly exploded in several places, and sparks splashed everywhere.

At the same time, I saw that the originally crimson and somewhat viscous air suddenly became bright and clear, and it was obvious that the teenager had just directly broken the gravity instrument.

“Your technology is still pretty good.”

“But damn you are still dead, go to hell and repent ~~”


With such evil people, Harris was also too lazy to talk too much, and he saw a golden energy bloom between his index fingers, and with the explosion of supreme power, the defensive energy barrier of Marbury and other pirates was instantly broken.

“Please spare us.”

“Let me go.”

Regret, Marbury and others now have only regret in their hearts.

Rampant and arrogant have put them all in this situation.

In fact, several pirates around Marbury also have some resentment towards Marbury, originally they did not agree to the robbery in the galaxy, Marbury insisted on going his own way, and finally succeeded in suppressing the dissatisfaction in their hearts.

But now that the Saint Seiya had attacked, they had completely fallen into a desperate situation, and the dissatisfaction in their hearts had already surfaced, but now it was too late.

Marbury is arrogant, but he doesn’t want to die, but the mission of the Sanctuary is to judge these pirates, and absolutely no pirate is allowed to survive, and Harris and the other little tigers who have received the task will not be merciful.

One of the harshest teachings in the Holy Land is absolute inconceit, and the second is absolute inability to be merciful.

He even threw out a bunch of examples of being counter-killed by his opponent because of his soft heart.

So of course the little tigers don’t make a fool of themselves.

Looking at the already empty operation room, Harris smiled, and the little tigers behind him also looked at each other, and a terrifying light flashed in their eyes at the same time.

Suddenly, the majestic power of mind completely enveloped all hundreds of warships like the boundless Wang Yang Sea.

Almost crushing the general sea of mind, tens of thousands of pirates were finally completely read into the powder of the universe in despair, and they could not even utter a scream.

“Take action, Olly~~”

Among the friends, Harris, who was the leader of the small group, nodded to Orly, and the latter knew it, and the other friends left the place in an instant.

Hundreds of warships were left unmanned, but fortunately there were many innocent races on the planet of the galaxy that had been plundered.

Although civilization is not particularly advanced, it is not much worse by then.

With some memories, you can skillfully steer the battleship, and the battleship will turn around and return to the galaxy.

And the only innocent people who remain will return to their homeland to continue to develop and survive, as for these warships are not suitable for this less advanced civilization now.

These warships are mastered by a civilization that is not advanced enough and powerful, and will only become fragrant and will be remembered at any time.

“Gravity, this technology can become a standard of training ~~~” Harris is very smart and thoughtful.

In fact, the idea of using the gravity formula to train, Karen had such an idea.

Therefore, among the missions released in the Sacred Realm is to find technology about gravity.

But without explaining the use of gravity technology, Harris personally felt fifty times the force of gravity, and he instantly thought of the use of this gravity technology.

“Harris, it looks like we’re not having bad luck this time.”

A girl with short blue hair and a slightly rounded face said with a smile.

“Yes, it turns out that the use of this gravity technology is like this, and I think Your Highness has always been thinking about us…” Another sighed to the girl.

The rest of the little tigers also sighed.

The benefits of this gravitational style naturally need not be said much, even for those who have awakened the small universe, the benefits are great, not to mention those who have not yet awakened the small universe.

Gravity is absolutely huge for the initial workout.

It can even be said that gravity technology is being used by the Sacred Realm on a large scale, so it can definitely greatly improve the cultivation of all Saint Fighters.

If gravity technology can reach hundreds of times, thousands of times, or even tens of thousands of times, it is extremely useful for the golden sequence.

I think they will definitely be greatly praised this time, and maybe even get the personal guidance of His Highness.

Being able to get the personal guidance of His Highness was what all the Saint Seiya were looking forward to the most.

It is precisely because of this that they will work so hard to complete the task.

“Okay, it looks like Ollie they’ve got it done, let’s go~~”

“Oh well”

Three minutes later, I saw the tail flames of these hundreds of battleship thrusters erupt, and the space in front of them rippled, and in an instant, these hundreds of battleships instantly passed through this space wormhole and headed towards the galaxy.



Hearing Orphie’s return, Karen Difference, who had been sitting on the couch drinking coffee and watching the TV news, turned his head with some surprise: “Harris, have they found a mature gravity technology?” ”

“Yes, the technology is very perfect, and now we have found that it is possible to achieve large-scale use, but most of the materials are available, and even the materials we have acquired on the black market are enough, but one of the materials is a material that can greatly increase the gravity multiple and need to be acquired in other galaxies.”

“Then publish the task~”

Karen didn’t care, as long as he could use the gravity realization, in fact, he thought that he could achieve gravity, but he only needed the Saint Seiya after awakening the small universe.

If you want to achieve a thousand times the gravity, the requirements for the realm are also needed.

Therefore, it is best to look for gravity devices, with this gravity technology, there is no doubt about the benefits of supplementing Saint Seiya, and within a period of time, the Sacred Realm can definitely usher in a huge wave of progress.

As for money or something, what’s that called?

Since the destruction of the three empires, the Sacred Domain had never known what was called lack of money, and the destruction of the Three Empires Sacred Domain would not abandon such a huge resource.

Among them, the most advanced technology and resources were almost all emptied by the Sacred Domain.

Even because it was too huge and vast, such a huge resource was put on a primitive planet.

The scientists that Antonia has been recruiting will not eat and drink in vain.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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