Karen is full of relief that the new batch of little tigers set sail, and when they grow up, they are bound to become the pillar level of the new generation.

I don’t know if Providence or intention.

In this batch of fifty thousand Supplementary Saint Fighters, a large number of extremely talented geniuses appeared, and what concerned him most was the appearance of twelve and their outstanding geniuses.

The degree of evil of these twelve genius young girls is not inferior to that of the first generation of golden sequences.

It had been less than a year since the awakening of the small universe, and the best one had already reached the middle of the sixth sense and even moved to the late stage.

And judging by the talent trend of these children, the breakthrough of the seventh sense is estimated to be only about a year.

Experiencing a wave in the hell dimension will even speed up the process.

Relieved, Karen waved his hand, and Orphie nodded respectfully away.

Continue to drink coffee leisurely.

Watching the TV news, just at leisure, a sense of foreboding was transmitted to his mind, and his jewel-like eyes flashed a golden light in a flash.

His brow furrowed slightly, and his mind moved.

I saw the ripples of the air in front of me, and a picture was immediately imprinted into the exercise, and the golden and beautiful country above this picture was like the kingdom of God.

Palatial buildings.

In the picture, this beautiful kingdom of gods has fallen into a war, and the roar and wail of exhaustion have completely plunged this beautiful kingdom into despair.

The enemy is a gigantic giant, a giant filled with flames like a demon god.

Holding a giant sword of flames, with a wave of his hand, there was an endless sea of fire, and one meteorite after another fell, just in an instant, it completely plunged this country into hell.

In front of this giant was Hela, Thor and Loki, who was supposed to be dead.

These three combinations surprised Karen slightly.

He didn’t expect that these three people would actually cooperate.

Especially Hela, who supposedly has a hatred for Odin that is as unwashed as the endless Wang Yang, and Thor and Loki are basically on her list of revenge.

But from Karen’s glimpse into the fate of the future, Hela seems to have made some kind of agreement or cooperation with Thor.

It seems that Hela’s future fate has also changed dramatically.

But the destruction of Asgard seems to have become a settlement.

Karen was curious about what Asgard’s future holds, and as he was thinking, a ripple suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He suddenly felt that the fate that had been relatively clear seemed to have changed again.

His face suddenly changed drastically, and the figure disappeared in an instant.


Somewhere dim and almost devoid of a dimensional void with almost no breath of life, the golden ripple door opened, and a perfectly slender figure stepped out.

Looking at the dim and empty dark void, Karen glanced around and frowned.

“Ran away, exiled by me in this dimension, and the power of the whole body was sealed, and it is logical that it can only die in loneliness.”

“He alone can’t do that.”

“What exactly is helping him?”

“And this breath, Infinity Stones?”

Karen’s mind kept turning, and he even tried to spy on the past, but found that a mysterious and vast force prevented it.

Obviously, the other party is deliberately erasing the traces here.

I don’t want him to know his identity.

It seems that it should be someone he knows, who is it, and there is such a person in the universe?

Names kept running through his mind, one overlord-level strong man after another, but finally he shook his head.

Although there are many strong people hidden in the single universe in the universe, Karen is very sure that if only the single universe level wants to quietly rescue this guy under his eyes, it is impossible.

This can only be done at the level above the monomer universe.

In particular, he also felt the breath of the Infinity Stones, but the problem was that most of the Infinity Stones were in his hands.


Karen suddenly had a guess.

After a moment of deep groaning, the figure disappeared into the dim void, leaving behind a slightly profound word.

“If that’s what I think it would be funny, will you come to me?” Thanos ~~~”

A ghostly voice relays throughout the lonely and dim void.


A kingdom of God sits in the void at the center of the galaxy.

There are many living planets spinning around the city nearby, and you can feel its beauty, holiness and amazement from a distance.

This is the mysterious land that makes the universe yearn for so far.


After years of development and growth, and the number of Saint Seiya has also increased, the Holy Land has been expanding, from the original fifty square kilometers of land area to the current one hundred and fifty square kilometers.

The construction and division of the Sacred Land is extremely characteristic, with ancient buildings, beautiful landscapes, and strict road planning, which are full of mythical country colors under the combination.

The thirteen houses of the zodiac, arched bridges connecting the palaces, buildings floating in the air.

Training grounds, rest grounds, pristine mountains and many more are planned.

It can be said that this city is the most perfect city in the entire universe, even Asgard is inferior.

The brothers Thor and Loki have a lot to say.

Standing on the Sacred Domain Teleportation Platform, as a relatively high teleportation platform for the Sacred Domain, once you teleport here, you can almost overlook the entire Sacred Domain, and when you look up, you can see the Thirteenth House of the Zodiac that floats in mid-air and is connected by the arch bridge.

This kind of great architecture is simply not something that a mortal could have created.

Even in Asgard, the only thing that can match this great building is the royal palace.

There are almost countless such buildings in the Sacred Domain, in addition to the great and vast building of the Thirteenth House of the Zodiac, there are all kinds of other buildings.

Just by taking a cursory glance, Thor and Loki were shocked by almost no words.

To describe this beautiful and holy city in words, forgive Thor, he could not say it at all.

Even Loki didn’t know how to praise.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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