The guards of the Sacred Realm are not many.

Although the area of the Sacred Domain was huge, compared to the land area, the number of people with less than 100,000 seemed to be somewhat small, but there were a large number of guards Saint Gladiators patrolling the teleportation platform and even in the more important places nearby.

At least Thor and Loki had nearly a thousand of them wearing the Holy Vestments made by the new generation.

The new generation of holy garments are also made from the raw materials of the holy garments, and there is no basic gap.

Through its own exclusive constellation small universe, it can be engraved on the new holy garment, which basically has more than 90% of the power of the holy garment.

But there is still a gap between them and the true eighty-eight holy garments.

However, there is an advantage that wearing this new holy cloak can completely achieve the perfect fit, and even after a long period of warmth in the small universe, the holy cloak will continue to evolve and upgrade, even comparable to the golden holy robe, when the strength reaches a certain point, it can even become a sacred clothing.

And even higher.

Thor and Loki, the two brothers and sisters, did not know this, but just looked at these thousands of saints dressed in beautiful holy clothes, each of them emitted a strong and dangerous atmosphere, holy and powerful momentum, and Thor who had some war intentions to see was a little embarrassed.

Even if you say a few, he Sol is not a person who is afraid.

The key is that there are thousands of them, and there are many from the breath point of view, and even feel much stronger than him, this is also a ghost, in the words, he has a right thing this time, of course, not instigated, en ~

He is Thor, the future king of Asgard, and it is impossible to provoke, but he has grown, and he has to be steady.

Loki, as Thor’s brother, saw his brother’s face change, he knew what this guy with a strong head was thinking, and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“I remember you saying that as a warrior, no matter what kind of enemy you face, what kind of opponent you face, you will never back down, right?”

How could Loki, who had gone farther and farther down the road to attacking his brother, miss such a good opportunity to follow his brother down the steps to the teleportation platform, and smiled at Sol.

“Shut up, Loki, I’m about to become the king of Asgard, not a reckless man, the Sanctuary is our ally of Asgard, how can you provoke our relationship, you must be punished for your provocation.”

“I decided I wanted you to feed Slypnes~~”

Sol Yizheng verbally rebuked his unconscious brother, did this attempt to provoke a battle between him and the Sacred Realm really think that he could not see through it?


Hearing Slapney’s Rocky’s face suddenly change dramatically: “Walter? ”

Loki’s face turned blue when he heard the name, and he even felt that the whole person was a little bad.

What is Slepnith? It was the mount of Odin, the king of the great gods, only an eight-legged god horse, named Slepnith, the eight-legged god horse was a white snow horse, with eight legs, when his father king Odin rode it to conquer the nine realms, this eight-legged god horse could not only cross the sky but even enter the underworld.

At that time, the young and arrogant Thor was not convinced that the Frost Giants had destroyed his royal rites, so he privately led the Three Warriors of the Immortal Palace and Shiv and others to the Frost Giant’s territory to try to teach and warn the Frost Giants not to invade Asgard again. But Thor and the others, who were outnumbered and arrogant and confident, were trapped in Jotunheim.

Just as the moment of a fight, Odin came to negotiate with his own eight-legged horse, Slapnis, scaring off the Frost Giants and bringing back the trapped Thor.

Of course, these are just some deeds, as the mount of Odin, the king of the gods, its life span is almost endless, and the most critical strength is comparable to some sub-heavenly father-level strongmen.

In some abilities, it is even more powerful than the strong of the Heavenly Father.

With such great strength, coupled with Odin’s mount, Slapnis’s temper is not too good.

Especially after the collapse of the Valkyrie Legion, it can be said that Pegasus was almost completely lost, and it took many years to recover some.

But for this reason, Slapnis’s temper became increasingly grumpy.

Except for Odin and the Queen of God, who appear to be very docile, the others do not pay attention to it, especially the two brothers Thor and Loki, who have been mischievous since childhood, and they have whimsically wanted to ride Slypnes, only to be taught a harsh lesson by the angry Slapnes.

After that, I saw a hanging punch once.

Even Thor when he grew up.

Loki is even more miserable, his abilities have no effect on Slapnis, what illusion magic or the like, every minute to break you clean.

After entering the Infinity Hammer, Loki wisely dodged.

But unfortunately, Thor used to pull Loki recklessly and was later punished with it, not only for confinement and the like, but also for feeding Slapnes.

During the feeding, Loki and Sol had to pray that Uncle Ma was in a good mood, and when he was in a good mood, he might spare the two brothers.

But when the mood is not very wonderful, it will be changed by the relentless hammer.

After growing up, the strength of the two brothers came up, but it was also very painful to be hammered by the Slypnes of the Yatian Father’s level, basically cultivating for a long time, and it was very insulting.

Unexpectedly, now the father and king fell into a deep sleep, perhaps because of recent events, Thor also grew up.

After the big events of Thanos and so on, Thor grew much faster than others thought, at least Odin was satisfied before he fell asleep, and slowly handed over his full strength to Thor.

After taking power, Thor basically locked up the throne.

Loki was originally very unhappy, but after he was almost killed, something happened between him and Thor, which caused him to think a lot, and his jealousy of Thor was still there, but it was not so strong, just unhappy.

But now, he’s not just upset.

“Are you kidding? Brother~~”

Loki had a grudging smile on his face.

Thor slowly descended the stairs of the teleportation platform, and the patrolling Saint Seiya guards on both sides of the huge staircase replied without turning their heads: “You guess ~~”

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