The joke between the two brothers Loki High was not happy to say another.

But now that the two brothers Loki and Thor have walked down this thousand-story step, their hearts are becoming more and more solemn.

It was also more and more shocking.

The two brothers knew the prestige of the Sacred Realm, and the famous town guarded the Golden Thirteen Temples of a galaxy.

At first, the twelve temples were the prestige of stepping on the corpses of dozens of combined armies, and Thor could still learn that the three empires of the galaxy, and even to some extent, they were not inferior to Asgard.

It was the three empires of this level that were completely destroyed by the three golden sequences sent by the Sacred Realm.

How terrible is that?

That is to say, if the Sacred Realm wants to, then Asgard…

Coupled with the recent appearance of Thor’s sister, Odin’s deep sleep, and various external and internal pressures during the Asgardian Civil War, Thor has finally become a lot more mature.

Not so rampant, such as the advent of the earth./ Before the ball, Thor thought that Asgard was the master of the nine kingdoms, and some people dared to rebel and send troops to suppress it early.

Over the years, Thor knows a lot of truth.

There are too many powerful people in the universe than him, and there are too many forces that are not weaker or even stronger than Asgard.

Especially since Odin fell asleep, Asgard has ushered in many covetous eyes.

It also made Thor really understand the importance of strength, in fact, the real deterrent to the Nine Kingdoms over the years was not only Asgard, but Odin.

Sol’s life was not easy during this time.

The strength of this sister Heavenly Father, who did not know where it came from, was a huge disaster for Asgard except Odin.

Had it not been for the help of his mother, Frigaard, perhaps Asgard would have been completely captured by Hela.

Despite the help of her own brother, mother and the whole of Asgard, Hela, the goddess of death, resurrected the entire legion of death and the giant wolf named Fenrir had seized half of Asgard’s rule.

The situation has reached a stalemate.

But his mother, Frigaard, told him that Hela’s power came from Asgard, and that the longer she stayed in Asgard, her power would grow.

Slowly to the end her power will get a top./peak.

Even in the end, maybe Odin might not be her opponent when he woke up.

Thor was at first not convinced, he did not believe that Odin, the former king of the gods, would not be Hela’s opponent, but after he went to visit the sleeping Odin, he was silent.

The ensuing battle with Hella also began to confirm the words of her mother, Friga.

Her strength was constantly increasing, and the speed of the increase was even beyond his imagination, and he believed that it would not be long before even with the help of his mother, he might lose.

In the end, Loki made a suggestion to visit the Sanctuary and persuade the Lord of the Sanctuary to ask for help to quell the rebellion.

Thor felt a little disagreeable at first, but in fact he was really a bit of a hypocrite of the man named Karen.

Although on the surface Karen looks handsome and usually looks very mild, Thor can always feel that there is a terrible majesty and domineering under this appearance.

This temperament seems to be engraved in the soul and bones, just like when he was a child, he faced his father Odin.

The situation became more and more erosive later, and he made up his mind to come to the Sacred Realm.

Although his heart had long been prepared, when he actually came to the Sacred Realm, Thor and Loki were really shocked.

Let’s not say that this scenery, full of ancient Greek style buildings, every inch, every place seems to be inadvertently chaotic, but there is a unique sense of beauty, there is a unique vicissitudes and antiquity.

The buildings on the surface of the floating independence and sanctuary are like miracles.

To be honest, even Asgard can’t compare to that.

Asgard was called the God Domain, but Thor and Loki always felt that the name of the God Domain seemed to be a bit fake, how did they think that this place should be called the God Domain?

The kingdom of God.

The most important thing is that it is too young, everything here seems so young, and unlike the ancient vicissitudes of the architectural construction style, all the warriors living here are too young.

At a glance, Thor and Loki could easily tell that none of the biggest warrior guards were over thirty years old.

Teenage warriors make up the lion’s half.

But no matter how young, from all the people here, both of them felt a thick and incomparably dangerous atmosphere.

Especially when passing by the training ground, the training of teenagers who looked only eleven or twelve years old was called a ferocity.

Who would dare to imagine an eleven-year-old girl who looks delicate like a flower sitting on a push-up with dozens of tons of boulders on her back?

After seeing another little girl of about the same size punch the same tens of tons of boulders into powder.

Thor and Loki suddenly twitched at the corners of their eyes.

Thor was fine, Loki had already begun to think about how to run, and thought back to whether he had offended the Sacred Realm before.

If anything, Loki can guarantee that he will call out to Heldam to open the Rainbow Bridge at the first time…

Thinking about the Rainbow Bridge, the back road Loki began to relax a lot, but suddenly seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly turned blue.

“Damn, the Forbidden Barrier here is too strong, and the Rainbow Bridge certainly won’t be able to get here.”

Loki suddenly returned to God, where is the Sacred Domain?

It can be said that it absolutely belongs to the realm of God, and Asgard has many forbidden boundaries and the like, how can the Sacred Realm not have it?

And in thinking about these young warriors, it seems that every speed can basically break through the speed of sound, and the stronger ones are even more sub-light speeds.

The other party really had any thoughts about him, even if he could open the Rainbow Bridge, a random Saint Seiya near here could instantly knock him out of the Rainbow Bridge range.

You must know that these little calves do not know what is called kindness at all.

Just look at the boulders on the training ground that have been completely beaten into tiny particles, just give him a punch, Loki doesn’t know if his body can hold it.

Thinking about the consequences, Loki couldn’t help but shiver and honestly followed Thor’s side.

Rainbow Bridge or something, just think about it.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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