After wandering around the Sacred Domain for a long time, the two people knew something about the culture here in the Sacred Domain.

And Loki, as a person with a very deep mind for the city government, understands it more thoroughly, but the more he understands, the stronger his shock becomes.

The awe grew stronger.

The more he observed, the more he understood, the more he could discover the greatness and mystery of the Sacred Domain, even if Loki was such a cunning god, he even dared to think a little carefully about his father Odin, but he did not even have the courage to think about the Sacred Domain.

Because the gap between the two sides is too big, too big.

So big that Loki didn’t dare to think about it.

It didn’t take long for the two to wander around to the center of the Sacred Realm when a teenager led the two to a temple building in the Sacred Domain.

The architecture and decoration are carved, and the architecture and carving are closely combined, like a stone work of art.

From the vortex on the Ionic pillar pillar, the flower basket composed of honeysuckle leaves on the Corinthian column column, to the graceful maiden on the statue of the girl, the relief on the cornice of the gable gable of each temple, it is all exquisite carving art.

Carving creates the perfect ancient Greek mythological architectural art, and it is precisely because of the carving that this temple building appears more mysterious, noble, and perfectly harmonious.

But Thor and Loki were only slightly amazed at this time and then looked at the shadow in front of them.

As if in a holographic projection, I saw this person wearing a luxurious white suit, and his handsome face and temperament made him look like some incomparably noble emperor.

Exudes a strong sense of majesty and domineering.

This temperament even reminded the two brothers of their own Odin, who had fallen into a deep sleep.

When they saw this person, the two brothers Thor and Loki instantly became respectful and said in unison, “Your Highness Karen ~~”

Although it is reasonable to say that the thousands of Thor brothers can simply be Karen, a person of about thirty years old, who does not know how young master, Karen can be in the same position as Odin, or even a higher status, and it is not too much for them to shout His Highness.

And even for granted.

In Asgard, strength is always respected.

Karen’s shadow sat on the couch, apparently still on Earth, looking at the Thor, who seemed to be becoming more mature, and Karen took a sip of his coffee and said, “I know very well your intentions, and I once said I would not participate in the civil war in Asgard.” ”

For other people’s family affairs, Karen has no interest in getting involved.

What’s more, he had clearly told Hela about this matter before, if he were to rebel, wouldn’t he slap himself?

Cullen wasn’t going to do that kind of thing yet.

But what he didn’t expect was that Thor actually shook his head: “Your Highness Karen, we are not here to mediate.” ”

Not to mediate or help?

Karen was surprised.

Could it be…

Karen seemed to think of something, and his jewel-like eyes glowed with a deep glow.

Thor did not know what Karen was thinking, and sincerely continued, “I hope to be able to get help from the Holy Land, because another disaster in Asgard is coming.” ”

“I’d love to listen~~”

“In my dreams, in the near future, Asgard will usher in a great catastrophe, and eventually the creator of the twilight of the gods, the flame giant Sutert.”

“His presence will completely destroy the whole of Asgard.”

Karen frowned slightly, “I remember the Flame Giant Suterte was badly injured in a battle with Odin three thousand years ago?” It should not have recovered by now, and it should not be difficult to defeat him and seal him with your strength. ”

Karen was really confused.

In his foreknowledge, Asgard did indeed welcome the flame giant Suterte, and without his presence, according to the direction of history, it was because Hella was too powerful, so Thor instructed Loki to release the sealed flame giant Suterte and destroy Asgard.

It was for this reason that their spaceship encountered Thanos’s Dark Star, and Loki was suspected of being killed by Thanos.

Then it leads to the reversal of the future.

But because of Karen’s appearance, everything changed completely.

Especially now, Hela, while powerful, has awakened the Army of the Dead, as Thor’s mother, Frigga, is not dead, and with the help of Loki and the entire Asgard, can also confront Hela.

At least for a while, there is no winner or loser.

Even if it ends up because Hela is getting stronger over time, it will definitely not directly release the Flame Giant.

As Karen pondered, Thor explained the real reason.

With a heavy face, he opened his mouth to Karen, “In my dreams, I saw the flame giant Suterte, I also saw Hela, and I saw the earthly python that was enough to destroy the world~~”

The moment he heard the earthly python, Karen’s eyes instantly glowed with a golden light.

In the Marvel Universe, the earthly python originally seemed to be the second of the three sons born to Loki and the female giant Angleboda, called Yemengarde.

But now it seems that this is clearly not the case.

But Karen didn’t care about these messy relationships either, but he had to say that he did have a slight interest in this earthly python.

Suddenly, Karen seemed to think of something.

If he remembered correctly, the earthly python seemed to have been thrown into the endless depths of the ocean by Odin, that is, this guy seemed to be on the ground/ball.

The thought of this, Karen’s powerful little universe on Earth burst out in an instant.

Powerful senses frantically scan the entire planet.

Finally, in the depths of a certain sea, a trace of eerie breath was detected, and the eyes crossed the golden divine light, and Karen sat on the couch with a look of amazement on his face: “It is really interesting, this powerful concealment, if it is not deliberately searched, it is estimated that he will be directly ignored.” ”

He could clearly “see” that in the depths of the ocean, a giant python stretching for thousands of kilometers was sleeping, and every moment was growing at an alarming rate.

Karen knew from a little calculation that in less than a year, the python’s body could even circle the ground. Ball a lap.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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