“Wow, that’s so funny.”

Karen smiled, he had long foreseen the future of change, this earthly python that had been predicted to destroy Asgard and finally die with the thunder god Thor, if he wanted to, in fact, if he wanted to, he could directly destroy the sleeping python that was still sealing the sleeping.

The earthly python has superhuman durability, is virtually unharmed, and is almost immortal, but he will still be killed by some extraordinary force.

Even Thor, even if it is Thor, will eventually die with it.

But unfortunately, any silver-level Saint Seiya in the Sacred Realm could easily kill this earthly python.

The fist that can smash any of them into an atomic state, the earthly python obviously can’t stop it.

But Cullen was curious about what the future of this change would hold, plus he really had no idea of meddling in Askid’s business.

So after thinking about it a little, he said to Thor with deep meaning: “I once had a communication with Odin, and I can give you a chance.” ”

“I will not intervene directly in the affairs of Asgard, but I will stop the war between you, and the time limit is one year, and after one year, you will do whatever you want.”

“A year is enough time for you to find a way to be stronger.”

There was an irreversible will in the voice, so that Thor and Loki did not dare to continue to ask.

Although it is a little reluctant, it is actually not bad for Thor and Loki.

Giving Asgard a year is enough time to change some.

Thor and Loki respectfully saluted Karen and planned to leave, but as they were leaving, Karen’s voice recalled, “Don’t forget, in addition to facing a Heavenly Father-level Hella and the Army of Death, in a year’s time, the earthly python will also awaken.” ”

“The prophesied gods will eventually come, whether they will be reborn in the ashes or destroyed, and I look forward to that moment.”

“It’s just the two of you who can change that, Saul, and Loki.”

Hearing this sudden bad news, the two brothers of Thor shook violently and looked back sharply, at this time the figure of the mighty shore like a god had disappeared.

Only slightly dimly depicted mysterious frescoes.

Thor now finally understood why Karen had only given him a year, not because he didn’t want to give more, but because a year later the dusk of the gods was about to fall, and the real test of Asgard was coming.

Hela, the fiery giant Suterte who destroyed Asgard appears in the dream, and the earthly python that awakens from the slumber of the seal a year later.

All of this weighed down on Thor’s heart like a heavy mountain.

This is the real biggest crisis coming.

Thinking that he would eventually die with the earthly python in the prophecy, Thor’s face was a little ugly.

He wasn’t afraid of death, but now Asgard needed him, and he couldn’t die yet.

If he had died, his people, Asgard, and his brother might have all died at the hands of Hela.

Although Hella is afraid of the Sacred Realm and looks very well-behaved, her anger at Asgard and her anger at her father Odin can almost burn everything.

Thor wouldn’t bet that Hela might remember family affection.

Thor was in a bad mood, not to mention Loki, who had just thought he was dealing with that sister, but now that he was well, there was actually an extra earthly python.

Not to mention the prophecy of the gods at dusk.

One “good” news after another almost didn’t make Loki simply stay away from the Holy Land.

“That’s a lot of trouble, what are you going to do?”

Loki looked at Thor with a somewhat uncertain look and asked uncertainly.

He only hoped now that his brother would not be overwhelmed by anger, yes, it was anger, not fear, he knew his brother quite well, and in what kind of desperate situation this brother would not be afraid at all.

Only full of high morale and war will, Loki who is really facing a desperate situation even believes that even if Thor is scarred and blood flows, he will use his last strength to roar at the enemy and launch an attack.

Loki was somewhat reluctant at this point, but he had to admit that he could not compare with Thor in terms of courage.

Thor’s bravery forged the glory of Asgard.

That’s why Loki can never compare to Thor in terms of people’s hearts.

Intrigue and trickery will never be on the table in the eyes of the people of Asgard, only bravery, muscle, fighting, and fighting spirit are Asgard, and Thor is the best of them.

But now the key thing is that this is no longer a question of courage or courage, nor is it a question of fighting spirit or fighting spirit.

A Heavenly Father-level Hella and the Legion of Death do not say that a one-year truce is enough to make the already powerful Hella stronger, as well as the so-called Twilight of the Gods, and the earthly python that awakens a year later.

Does the three add up to Asgard’s real bearing?

Or can he and Thor really get through this crisis?

Loki shook his head inwardly, the probability was too low.

“I have an idea, maybe I can do it.” Thor’s eyes lit up with a ripple.


A mountain range in Asgard, the undead said that this huge mountain range was completely occupied, and the originally beautiful mountain range was caused by the negative atmosphere of the Undead Legion to cause everything to wither.

Everything went dark.

The gray and white atmosphere covers the mountains, making the whole mountain range good and hellish, and the golden and brilliant architecture of Asgard completely presents two worlds.

A huge fortification had been built beyond the mountains, all weapons were in place, and hundreds of thousands of warriors had once again established positions to guard against the legion of the undead that might strike at any time.

In order to fight against Hela, the three warriors of the Immortal Palace are all sitting in it.

The Three Warriors of the Immortal Palace are the strongest warrior swordsmanship masters besides Thor, Fan Dahl, the Lion of the Immortal Palace, Vostag, and the brave Hogan, who are also the best friends of Thor.

For thousands of years, four people were born into death, fought side by side, and forged deep friendships in countless battles.

Of course, there is also the goddess of war, Shiv, who is also very good in battle.

The four were definitely the strongest warriors outside of Thor, and looking at the gray mountains in the distance, the look of the four of them was very serious.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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