A strong gray-white haze obscures the mountains and rivers.

The strong stench made the three warriors of the Immortal Palace and the battle-hardened warriors such as Shifu can’t help but frown.

One of the three warriors, dressed in exquisite and full of romance, Vander, held the hilt of the long sword hanging from his waist, and frowned slightly when he felt the stench.

For millennia they had experienced more disgusting venues with Thor and smelled even more foul smells.

Just looking at the gray-white haze in the mountains, the roar of nothingness slowly became louder with time.

The Three Warriors of the Immortal Palace and Shiv began to stand solemnly, standing on the defensive wall of the Gaosong, vigilant.

And the warriors guarding the city walls were also shaking their spirits.

They knew what that meant, and the dozens and hundreds of battles and wars they had made everyone aware of the characteristics of the attack of the Legion of the Dead.

It didn’t matter, Vandal gritted his teeth, and the hand holding the hilt of his sword around his waist was almost visible with force: “Damn, their attack is ahead of schedule.” ”

“Thor and Loki go to the Sanctuary for help, and if Hella appears, then ~~~”

“Then none of us are opponents!!”

Shiv coldly spat out a few words.

The hearts of the people also sank, the last battle, when Soloki fought with the goddess of death, Hela, Friga suddenly issued a powerful magic, and Hela was overconfident in her own immortality, resulting in being severely damaged by powerful magic.

But Frigga herself was greatly damaged.

Maybe I thought it could be delayed for a while.

But the Army of the Undead is about to attack, isn’t it

The hearts of the people sank.

There was a bad premonition in my heart, and sure enough, a large number of tens of thousands of undead spirits wearing armor rushed out of the mountains, and in the front of the undead, a giant wolf walked unhurriedly, and there was a beautiful queen-like woman sitting on it.

Green and black intertwined tights, feminine./ feminine full of domineering and majestic.

Red./ With a disdainful smile on his lips, dark green jewel-like eyes looked at the people on the wall, and whispered, “Ignorance… ”




The gaze swept from the three warriors of the Immortal Palace to the faces of Shifu, and this voice-like voice was clearly transmitted to everyone’s ears, ignoring the ugly faces of several people and smiling contemptuously.

“None of this is nothing.”

“But stupidity will lead you to extinction.”

“Stubbornly resist, do not measure up to the strength to fight against those you simply cannot oppose, and be loyal to the old man who is almost dying in his twilight years.”

“Tell me, this is Asgard?”

Like the sound of thunder, it shocks everyone’s heart.

The contemptuous gaze, the contemptuous words, combined with the countless legions of the undead, even made the soldiers of Asgard suddenly have a little shake in their hearts.

“Oh, by the way, what about my stupid brother, and an adopted miscellaneous.”

“Look at them, look at you, you have sacrificed your life for the so-called king, you should have personally opposed my Asgardian prince, but the future king has cowardly evaded, what are you still insisting on?”

“Surrender to me, and I will make Asgard stronger.”


Before he could finish his demagogic words, he saw a terrifying roar in the sky, a huge lightning bolt split from the sky, and a figure slammed down on the front under the city wall, confronting Hela and the countless legions of the undead.

Fight all with one person.

“Wow wow wow wow wow look, our prince, my stupid brother, Odin’s designated future king, are you here to die?”

“You should take my so-called mother and that smash.”

Looking at the smoke-filled place in front of her, Hella clapped and clapped, a look of amazement, but the tone was extremely insulting.


As if cooperating with his master, the giant wolf roared disdainfully at the front.

Hella smiled and touched the giant wolf’s furry head.

“Thor ~~~”

Above the city wall, the three warriors of the Immortal Palace and everyone else watched in surprise as the dust and smoke cleared, and the figure that appeared, and because of this back, the warriors of Asgard, who had originally had a little wavering in their hearts, also became resolute.

He looked at Hella as if he were dead.

Look at the army of the undead who are not dead.

Do they know where Thor went?

Go to the legendary Sacred Realm, which is even more powerful than Asgard, and ask for help, even if Hella is so powerful, she will not be its opponent.

They also believed in Thor, and Thor would not let them down.

A deep voice shook the battlefield: “Hela~~~”

As the electric light dissipated, as the smoke dissipated, Thor stood a thousand meters away from Hela and the Army of the Undead, looking at the beautiful face, Thor said, “Hela, truce ~~”

These few words were uttered, and everyone was shocked so far.


“What is he talking about?”

The three warriors of the Immortal Palace and Shiv looked at each other with a confused face, what really happened, why did they suddenly say a truce?

Vandal glanced around and suddenly said, “Loki, what about our reinforcements?” ”

At this moment, the figure of Loki and the helpless face appeared next to everyone.

Looking at Loki’s appearance, the hearts of the people sank again and again.

“As you can guess, the one in the Holy Land is not willing to participate in the civil war in Asgard.”

“We failed?”

“It’s not a failure, at least ~~~” Loki looked at the heavy faces of the crowd and smiled at the sky: “At least, they are also reinforcements!” ”

The others were puzzled.

At this time, Hela, who heard the truce, couldn’t help herself, she knew exactly what this stupid brother was thinking.

They don’t think the initiative is on their side.

“Are you kidding?” My stupid brother, look at your scarred walls, look at your tired faces, this battle, I will let you die completely in stubbornness, why do you stop me? ”

“Just by the so-called Hammer of Thor, in your hand?”

To Hela’s disdainful words, Thor smiled and pointed to the sky: “By them.” ”

A terrifying pressure swept across Asgard in an instant, shaking the heavens and the earth and shaking Hela, whose face suddenly changed and looked up at the sky.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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