“No, this power is dead so close.”

Everyone watched this scene and speculated.

Most people felt that the Avengers must be doomed, and this kind of explosion on a small scale comparable to the explosion of the star was not something that a mere medium-sized battleship could resist.

Even they were stopped because they were a little too far away.

But even so, dozens of warships were destroyed, which shows how terrifying this power really is.

Most people feel that if they can’t start a war again, or a high war, the people on the Avengers die, will the Sacred Domain give up?

Once the Sacred Realm is angry, it is bound to be an earth-shattering war.

There was some speculation and uneasiness in the hearts of the people.

But as the golden light dissipated, everyone’s pupils suddenly shrank suddenly.

Seeing the golden light, the Avenger was not damaged in the slightest, as if the terrible fluctuations that twisted and tore everything apart did not affect it at all, but these were the reasons why they were not shocked, but they saw that a figure appeared in front of the Avengers.

“That’s the Golden Cloak?”

“Saint Seiya of the Golden Sequence??”

The beautiful gold-colored armor, full of sacred, ancient, vast, and majestic, just by looking at it, it feels like seeing a god.

In their hearts, they instinctively feel that only God, only true gods, are qualified to wear this beautiful and noble golden robe.

And what is the symbol of the Golden Vestment?

Only Saint Seiya of the Golden Sequence can wear it.

Seeing the Golden Saint floating in front of the Avengers, everyone’s hearts clattered.

After looking at the shape of the holy garment, he also instantly got the identity of this golden sequence.

The Golden Saint who rules the Temple of Cancer, Godanwe.

A top Heavenly Father…

Not only these soldiers, but even everyone on the Avenger were stunned, they did not expect that in such a crisis, the Golden Saint Fighter would appear in front of them and save them.

Had he been following the Avengers? Or is it just a coincidence?

The three of them, who had never seen gold, stared at each other with wide eyes, and they didn’t expect that the golden sequence would actually appear in front of their eyes.

It’s just that Tony and a few other people frowned, especially Patton’s original eyesight was far more than ordinary people after the physical fitness was strengthened in all directions, and the vision was even more terrifying at a glance at the golden figure in front of him, which seemed to be wrong.

“No, he shouldn’t be counted as himself, more like a projection?”

Barton shook his head.


The rest of the people were different.

Tony nodded knowingly, “It should be true, there are a few galaxies separated from the Milky Way here, even if the level of gold can fly at a high speed and even locate it… ”

At the end of the speech, he seemed to realize something, and his heart shook violently.

Yeah, how could he not have imagined that the gold coin not only had the ability to explode the power, but should also have the ability to locate and open the portal.

If the Cancer Gold wanted to, he could simply open the portal and cross several galaxies to reach here.

If this is just a projection, does that mean that the Cancer Boy thinks that this high celestial figure does not need to be used to solve it?

If so, how terrifying is the Golden Saint Seiya?

Tony is not a playboy on the ball, and now that his vision has improved, he knows what the Heavenly Father level means to this universe, which means that he is really a terrible strong man who can easily destroy a planet at will.

This kind of strong person at the top of the universe, the Golden Saint Seiya has the confidence that it can be solved with only one projection?

Tony frowned and watched.

At this time, the Ge Danwei in front of him was suspended in front of the Avenger, looking at the Grandmaster Gao Tianzun, who was also floating in front of the mothership, and his handsome face was with a hint of interest: “You are the Grandmaster Gao Tianzun, and the years have brought you not only wisdom, but also experience.” ”

“But experience should have told you that it is not a good choice for my Sacred Realm, so who gave you such self-confidence?”

“There should be very few people in the universe, if you can tell me, I must be very happy ~~”

The sound is as clear as a spring, and people are not disgusted.

But what he said made everyone present feel creepy to hear.

The meaning of the voice in the words is very simple, as long as it is not a fool can hear it, so that everyone can’t help but shiver.

This is obviously a game between two great powers, and this game is no longer something that can be solved by two planets.

If you are not careful, it may really trigger a high-level war at the interstellar level.

Whoever gets involved in this level of war has to be torn to shreds.

Grandmaster Gao Tianzun squinted his eyes at the man in front of him with a very clear smile, and smiled: “If your Buddha-figure comes down, I don’t mind telling you, but it’s just a projection, you want me to say it all, too greedy child.” ”

Sure enough, it was a projection.

Tony’s mind was suddenly clear.

As a projection, Ge Danwei did not have the slightest sense of surprise that he had been pierced, and if the Heavenly Father-level High Heavenly Zun could not see through it, then he really underestimated the other party.

“The projection is enough for you to drink a pot, and you have the courage to calculate the Sacred Domain, so let me see your confidence, old man, it is not a good thing to look down on me~”


Godanwei’s tall and slender body disappeared in an instant, and it took a full second for the void in place to burst out a terrifying wave of air.

With the disappearance of Ge Danwei, Gao Tianzun’s look changed suddenly, and the vast cosmic secret energy erupted like Wang Yang’s sea.

A terrifying force erupted from above him, and this powerful force tore apart the sound of the void brought about by the High Heavenly Ancestor in an instant, and when he looked up sharply, he saw a slender leg wearing a golden leg armor split down fiercely.

The power that exploded along the way made Gao Tianzun instantly know how terrible this moment was.

But the speed was too fast and too fast, so fast that it almost made him unable to react.


In the end, Gao Tianzun felt as if his shoulder had been hit hard, and in an instant, accompanied by terrifying waves of air that exploded in all directions, his figure fell down like a cannonball.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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