Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Layers of air waves exploded, and the body of Grandmaster Gao Tianzun fell towards the lower level at high speed.

The air waves generated by the collision of this force even forced back the mothership-class battleships, which showed how terrible the strength of this leg really was.

On the contrary, Gao Tianzun’s fall did not make Ge Danwei stay where he was, on the contrary, he took advantage of the victory to pursue, and his figure instantly turned into a golden beam of light to chase, and the latter was even faster than Gao Tianzun.

Coming to the back of Gao Tianzun, in the latter’s shocked eyes, he saw that Godanwei was already waiting for him below, but he was greeted by an index finger.

On that index finger, the faint golden light that bloomed made Gao Tianzun feel a terrible sense of danger of death.

Seeing this, Gao Tianzun did not hesitate to directly explode the most powerful cosmic secret energy.

But it was still too late.

Gao Tianzun’s eye curtain had already become a golden curtain of light, and the next second, endless pain was transmitted from his body.

The vast power of the gods gathered his Hun chamber fiercely.


The body was no longer able to control and flew towards the sky like a cannonball.

Gao Tianzun couldn’t stop his figure at all, and that majestic force made him even smash everything along the way.

Even if he wanted to forcibly stop his body, he couldn’t do it.

“Damn. This power!! ”

Gao Tianzun could only grit his teeth secretly, he couldn’t believe that the other side’s combat strength was so terrible.


I don’t know how long it has flown it, I don’t know how many planets have been crushed along the way, finally, Gao Tianzun’s body has bombarded a planet that is not too small, this planet seems to be a primitive planet, initially has its own ecological environment, but there is no life for the time being.

If there may not be today’s changes, in the next few billion years there will be life on its own planet.

But today’s catastrophe is destined to shatter the planet.


Gao Tianzun fell like a meteorite.

The terrible impact caused the planet’s surface to crack for tens of millions of kilometers.

The dense cracks are like cobwebs.

And his whole body continued to break through the soil and rock layers of the ground, like a drill bit, constantly falling towards the ground, until finally, he was rushed into the underground lava, and the fist mark of the Hun was clearly visible, and the corners of his mouth were also overflowing with blood.



In the molten slurry, Gao Tianzun spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the molten slurry spat out a foam, he looked at his own wound before the Hun was feeling his own injury, and he looked extremely surprised: “This kind of power! ”

One of the oldest races in the universe, his wisdom is not to be said, but he can become a strong person of the Heavenly Father, his flesh may not be as strong as the Eternal Titans, but it is definitely not weak, but just that punch he felt that his body was still being destroyed, muscles, cells are all damaged.

If it weren’t for the Heavenly Father’s recovery ability, this punch would probably have caused him to be severely damaged and lose his combat effectiveness.

Such a subtle control of power? It is possible to smash any object to such a subtle degree, this destructive force, it is simply a natural warrior, and it is no wonder that the Sacred Realm has such a great prestige in less than a decade after the rise of the universe.

Sure enough, it was not ordinary.

As Gao Tianzun thought about it, he felt that the terrible momentum was getting closer, looked up sharply, gritted his teeth and smiled bitterly: “It always feels like this choice seems to be a mistake.” ”

Shook his head without much thought.


The molten slurry exploded, and Gao Tianzun’s body had already broken through the ground to the surface of the planet, leaping to the top of a mountain of tens of meters.

Only to see that most of this planet belongs to the ice age, endless ice rivers cover the planet, but his location is a green primeval forest, but now it has been destroyed, he broke through the bottom shell, endless molten slurry erupted from the dense cracks that stretched for thousands of kilometers.

The high temperature blends with the low temperature of the glacier, and wisps of white smoke are constantly stirring.

Thousands of miles nearby seemed to be shrouded in white steam.

Tens of millions of kilometers of dense cracks in the earth crack wantonly.

Even if it was shrouded in steam, the gorgeous and noble golden holy garment emitted golden fluorescence and shone in all directions, and the white water vapor could not hide it, so bright and eye-catching.

The white jade cloak fluttered with the wind, his hands embraced the Huns, and his cold gaze looked down at the high heavenly figure below.

Gao Tianzun naturally did not admit defeat, although he admitted the power and horror of this golden sequence, but if it was a Buddha-figure, he might still be slightly afraid, but the projection was not enough for him to do so, and it was just that he was slightly careless, and he also slightly underestimated the speed of the other party.

Two icy eyes collided.

Majestic momentum burst out from the two strong men.

The boundless momentum collision made the space somewhat distorted, torn, and vibrate.

The rubble on the ground was suspended by the pull of this momentum.

The battle is naturally not too much nonsense, Godanwei in the spirit of beating the other party to the idea, directly erupted the projection of all the power, the projection around the burning golden flames, against the high heavens below the punch, in a flash, hundreds of millions of beautiful meteor swarms fell towards the ground.

The terrifying speed of light fist was as sharp as a rainstorm, and the pupils of the High Heavenly Emperor who watched it shrank violently.

“Drink ~~”

With a loud cry, the vast cosmic secret energy was like a volcanic eruption, and the green energy was like Wang Yang’s sea rolling back to the sky.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The aftermath of the collision of two terrible forces was enough to shake the heavens and the earth.

The terrifying explosion resounded through the heavens, the dust and smoke scattered in the sky, and the shock aftermath of the collision of the two forces made the planet crumbling like a duckweed in a storm.

The planet is shaking violently, endless storms and waves are raging, and typhoons connecting heaven and earth are tearing everything apart.

The originally blue sky became gray.

The terrible underground molten slurry continues to erupt with cracks.

The whole scene is like the end of the world.

The pursuing battleship was hundreds of millions of kilometers away, looking at the apocalyptic scene, looking shocked.

Everyone could see that the planet was on the verge of shattering.

Just this collision has such a terrible scene, how terrible it really is.

Tony and the others in the Avengers were even more stunned.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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