“I know that the golden sequence has the power of a god, but it is still frightening to see such a scene.”


“Is this the strength of the Heavenly Father?” Grandmaster Gao Tianzun even if it was, the golden sequence was just a projection, and he could still have such power. ”

“But didn’t that gold coin just preserve one Upanishads?” How can a projection come out directly? ”

“I thought that gold could use some means to store its power into gold coins and set a trigger point, but now it seems that their means are far more than we think.”

“Do you think he beat that master?” If he loses, I don’t think we’re going to be well. ”

“Who knows”

The crowd on the Avengers was talking, but still shaking the battle on the planet, a distance enough to feel the depressing and powerful impact of the collision of the two Heavenly Father Peaks/Peaks.

The strongest of Tony’s men is Dr. Banner after his transformation.

As the strongest of the Avengers, Hulk’s strength is absolutely unquestionably strong, if he runs wild, almost out of Thor no one can stop it head-on.

Of course, perhaps wearing anti-god armor to start the load mode can fight.

But as strong as the Hulk is still only a planet-level strongman, at the top of the planet level, the damage that can be brought is definitely far less than that of the Heavenly Father level.

is far from the difference.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Circles of terrifying air waves continued to explode in the sky.

The terrible wind raged, and with the sound of explosions, it exploded into the sky, and the two figures collided and flew away at the same time.

Stop your body and look at the expressionless master in front of you.

Godanwei twisted his neck, his eyes crossed the cold light, and with a wave of his cloak, the mighty momentum suddenly exploded.

The terrible golden light turned into flames burning on his body, and the stars dotted with stars surrounded him, and in a trance it seemed as if he could see a vicious but divine and contradictory giant crab.

But then it disappeared.

It was as if the image just now was just an illusion.

“Play with you, Inna’s moves are very useful!”

Pointing his index finger in front of him, he looked at the dim sky, and Godanwei was in all directions, like ominous scarlet points of light, just by looking at it, he could feel the incomparable depression and fear.

The Sect Master who was watching this scene frowned fiercely, and the Cosmic Secret Energy had already reached the highest point, and the vigilant heart had reached the highest point.

“Scarlet Poison Needle ~~”

The corners of the mouth outline a slightly mocking arc, and the cold sound is transmitted.


As the sound of something shattering exploded, a scarlet glow burst out on Godanwei’s index finger, and the scarlet beam of light instantly tore through the air, even beyond the speed of light, and slammed into the master.

Unlike other moves, this one has only speed, and the speed is extreme.

The breath of death made the Sect Master’s heart jump, in the face of this terrifying speed, he almost couldn’t react, fortunately, his Heavenly Father-level combat strength was not vegetarian, the powerful cosmic secret energy volcano erupted, and a series of terrifying dark green energy erupted from the limbs to the whole body towards the front.

In a flash.

Heaven and earth seemed to have shattered, and there were only two colors between heaven and earth, one was green and scarlet.


With the earth-shattering noise, the collision produced a powerful fluctuation, the violent and terrifying ripples of power spread to the surrounding areas, and the cracks in the ground under the feet continued to extend the entire planet.

A huge wind of air waves will blow everything away.

Space is distorted.

And the hot magma continued to gush out from the cracks, turning into a red canopy of sky and rolling upside down.

Under the natural disaster, Gao Tianzun did not have any damage, and he defeated this move head-on, he squinted his eyes, and the wisdom brought by the endless years allowed him to formulate a battle plan from the beginning.

It’s actually quite simple.

That is consumption, if the other party is a Buddha-figure, he may only be able to desperately, but it is just a projection, and there is not much power stored in it, as long as the power is consumed, then the projection will also dissipate.

This is also why he has always let the other party take the initiative, and even at any cost to erupt powerful cosmic secret energy to the other party.

It is to force the other party to either resist or dodge.

The maximum consumption of the opponent’s projection power.

His battle plan was successful.

“Still too young ~~” Gao Tianzun smiled softly, and his voice was full of ease and contempt for the young man’s inexperience.

But as soon as the words fell, a familiar voice came from my ears.


Although this sound was not loud, it was like a drum that shocked Gao Tianzun’s heart, making the Sect Master’s heart jump, and before he could turn back, he felt that his back was being held against an index finger.

The thick breath of death spread, like the scythe of the god of death hanging from his neck.

“It’s over.”

This was Gao Tianzun’s last thought.

The next second, I saw that the index finger of Godanwei, who was wearing a beautiful and noble holy robe behind him, gently pressed against his descendant, and gently spat out a few words with a cold smile: “Scarlet poison needle ~~”

A dazzling scarlet glow bloomed from his index finger.


As a circular wave of red air exploded around his index finger.

The terrible impact instantly exploded into Gao Tianzun’s figure, and Gao Tianzun couldn’t even send out a scream before he flew straight away.

The hair under the helmet and the white jade cloak behind him danced wildly with the air waves exploding.

With the dragon that connected heaven and earth, against the background of the raging wind and the end of the day, it was like a mighty shore like the supreme god.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Gao Tianzun’s body simply could not withstand his own control and tore the air under the high speed, and was thrown by the huge impact for an unknown number of kilometers, and along the way, he smashed how many glacier trees he knew.

Eventually a trench of thousands of kilometers was drawn on a sea of condensed ice.


The power of the impact was exhausted, and Gao Tianzun lay on the ice and spewed out two mouthfuls of blood, and in front of him was the ditch he had crossed.


Endless pain.

His own nerve paralysis, like the most terrible poison in the whole universe, flowed through his body, and this poison was constantly torturing his will and torturing his five senses.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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