The horror of torture is enough to make anyone crazy.

It was also thanks to Gao Tianzun’s extremely strong will that he could barely suppress this sore spot, but he found that his control over his body seemed to be vaguely unbalanced.

The High Heaven Emperor realized something in a moment.

This trick ~~~

Spewing out a mouthful of blood, he forcibly operated the cosmic secret energy, trying to eliminate the terrible power in his body, but found that this power could not be eliminated in a short period of time.

Gloomy, he realized that no matter what, he had to solve the projection first.

But my heart grew more and more solemn.

Just a simple projection can suppress him, how strong is the strength of the Buddha?

If the Cancer Gold himself appeared, wouldn’t he still have no power to fight back?


The wind of the glacier crumpled, and the whistling sound was like the low murmur of a beast, and the roar was tinged with eerie and desperate loneliness.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

A crisp sound of footsteps came, and Gao Tianzun stretched out his hand to stand up on the ground, turned around and looked behind him, the fierce wind wrapped in endless wind and snow, and his vision could not be seen through at all.

But Gao Tianzun could feel a desperate aura approaching.

Squinting his eyes, a looming figure in the wind and snow is slowly becoming clear.

A meal of crisp footsteps.

The figure of Godanwei appeared in front of him, a familiar face, a familiar mocking look, and the pupils of his eyes had turned golden: “Sigh, after eating a scarlet poison needle, you can still maintain almost complete combat strength, and it is indeed an old monster that has lived for an unknown number of years.” ”


Seemingly praised, as soon as the words fell, Ge Danwei did not give Gao Tianzun any chance to speak, and the power of projection was already very small.

The disappearance of the figure was accompanied by a sudden explosion of the entire ice.

At the moment when the air wave exploded, Ge Danwei’s figure seemed to move instantaneously to Gao Tianzun’s body.

A punch mixed with matchless power slammed into the opponent.

Gao Tianzun was naturally not a vegetarian, his wrinkled face swept through the incomparable anger, and the cosmic secret energy erupted unscrupulously.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The war between the gods broke out again, the fierce winds raged, and the molten curtain of the sky rolled upside down, and from God’s point of view, you would find that the planet that was still blue was now covered by a dense and vicious crack.

Soot, dust, and red molten slurry will signal the outcome of this planet.


In the stunned eyes of everyone, the planet exploded.

The planet was completely unable to withstand such a violent collision of forces and turned into tiny pieces of dust.

With the destruction of the planet, terrifying waves of wind erupted, and hundreds of millions of kilometers were raging, and even the distant Grandmaster fleet was implicated.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

In a short instant, tens of thousands of warships were destroyed in small parts under the double squeeze of the aftermath of the collision of the planetary explosion and the collision of the two powerful forces.

Clusters of fire bloomed like fireworks in the dark universe.

The screams of countless soldiers in despair were completely annihilated by the flames.

Tony on the Avengers suddenly turned pale and shouted, “Friday.” ”

“All also engine start, accelerate out of blast range.”

With Friday’s report, the engine started and immediately evacuated, but unfortunately it was still late.

The aftermath of the mighty explosion wave had already struck, but fortunately, the Avenger had been modified by Tony, and the defense system was already very powerful, opening the energy defense barrier in time, coupled with the distance, and did not suffer too serious damage.

But it is still like a flat boat in a rainstorm that is constantly swaying, and there is a danger of being overturned at any time.

Tony and the others could only subconsciously grasp the things around them to stabilize their bodies in the violent shaking swing.

And those who don’t catch it can only keep tumbling.

I don’t know how long it lasted, but finally, the terrible storm of air waves disappeared, and the Avengers finally stabilized, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s almost over.”

“Good danger!”

With a palpitation in his heart, he glanced at each other happily.

Looking at the planet that had completely turned into dust, Tanzan smiled bitterly in his heart: “In the future, this level of battle should not be casually watched.” ”

“Yes, this high-level war is simply too much on the sidelines, and it almost disappears to watch.”

Even Bill, the horse-faced thunder god as strong as the future, was smiling bitterly at this moment.

This time it was too dangerous, even so far away, it was only an aftermath that almost destroyed them, just look at the tragic situation of the Sect Master’s fleet.

The battle between God and God is certainly not to be seen directly.

Tony and the others looked at each other and smiled, they had seen this kind of battle, so they had expected it for a long time.

However, there is still some fear in my heart.

“But no, just a projection can fight with Grandmaster Gao Tianzun like this, and those monsters are getting stronger and stronger.” Banner thoughtfully.

The same as the Ground./Ball Man, although he had no idea how powerful the Golden Sequence really was.

But at first he believed it was definitely not as strong as it is now.

For example, in the original New York Demon Invasion event that shook the world, the thirteen golden towns guarded the gates of hell, and the golden sequence at that time was definitely not as terrible as this time.

If the gold group was so terrible at that time, it can be said that there was almost no need for that person to personally shoot.

These thirteen gold alone can fight the hell of the devil crying father and mother.

It took a few years to grow to this point, how did these demons do it? How did that one do it?

Can’t it be so terrible to absorb the talents of orphans all over the world?

Banner’s exclamation made the rest of the people nod in agreement, and I thought the same thing.

“Friday, what did you see?”


A holographic projection came, and I saw the precise picture displayed in front of everyone, and I saw that the blue planet had been completely blown into the dust of the universe.

Only some irregularly sized rubble floated.


Patton, who had a good look, suddenly pointed to a corner of the picture, and Friday understood it and immediately magnified the picture that Barton was referring to.

I saw a huge black rock floating on the screen.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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