“Anyway, you have to leave as soon as possible.”

Godanwe shook his head, the words had just fallen, the power was completely exhausted, and the projection instantly dissipated with a ray of light, and only a Cancer gold coin floated in front of everyone.

Tony glanced at the others and reached out to take the floating gold coin.

“It looks like we do have to speed up and leave.”

Tony smiled bitterly.

Originally, the journey of these few months has made them gain a lot, and their soft and hard strength have been greatly strengthened, and they have more or less produced a little pride in their hearts.

But the scene just now completely extinguished the arrogance that had just risen.

What he was more worried about now was the current situation, which could drive a Heavenly Father-level to test the behemoth of the Sacred Realm with a gun, and it was obvious that the other party was not a simple person.

The Avengers, who have a deep relationship with the Sacred Domain, have become targets for each other.

The Avengers and the new three may be able to become the top superhero group on Earth.

However, compared to those who could calculate the Sacred Realm, it was not at all comparable to their small bodies.

With a small hand, they don’t even have the ability to resist.

“On Friday, start the space jump, we have to leave.”

“Okay, sir~”


The Cancer Temple Arena, on the huge arena stage, let Ye and a few other silver people not pay attention to the “fierce” battles under the arena.

Instead, focus on Godanway.

From the beginning, this originally lively and lively Godanwei stared at the sky with a serious look, constantly emitting a suffocating breath.

Obviously something must have happened, otherwise this adult would not have behaved like this.

It seemed that less than half an hour had passed, and the golden light emitted by Godanwei’s eyes had slowly dissipated, and he lowered his head thoughtfully to look straight ahead, and his thoughts kept flowing.

“It’s really interesting, to be able to use Gao Tianzun, an old fox-like figure, as a gun to make a temptation, the other side is not weak, or it must have the strength to crush Gao Tianzun.”

“Can it crush a Heavenly Father, is it a single universe?”

“Or higher?”

As I thought, I unconsciously frowned.

The solemn and dignified appearance let the other silver people know that something big must have happened, and they were sitting in a precarious position for a while.

“Your Highness must know about this!”

Thinking of this, Godanwei did not hesitate to directly spread his thoughts through the Cancer Palace to the earth.

The next second, a familiar and majestic voice rang out in Godanway’s mind: “What is so anxious.” ”

“Your Highness, there is something that must be reported to you.”

The earth is idle and bored, and Allen, who is wandering around the snack street of a city in the eastern country and eating food, puts down the food in his hand, ignores the girls on the street who are almost starry-eyed, and raises an eyebrow.

“It looks like a new darkness is coming, but I don’t know who this person really is.”

“Monomer universe?”

“There seem to be not many strong people in this universe who can have a single universe, but there are not many.”

Allen kept scratching the names in his mind, but he found that none of them seemed to be directly aimed at the Sacred Realm.

Who would that be?

And the most crucial thing is that the other party seems to have stirred up the fate of the future, and even he cannot see through the future situation for a while.

The future is in chaos.

Interestingly, it got me a little interested.

A smile crossed the corners of Alan’s mouth.

“Inna seems to have gone to the universe a few days ago, contact her to tell her about it.”

“Got Your Highness.”


A planet under the command of a first-class power in the Sextant Dwarf Galaxy.

On the top floor of the planet’s most luxurious hotel, the palatial décor shows this life that only the truly wealthy can enjoy.

On the open-air balcony on the top floor, the other tables are full of powerful or wealthy people in the universe eating food.

Laughing and chatting.

“Have you heard?” Just now something big happened. ”

“What are you talking about?”


“Hey, what are you talking about?”

“Haha, just now, the guys who have Cancer gold coins and are said to be related to the Sacred Realm were attacked, and the person who attacked them, guess who?”

“Dare to attack these guys? They’re not going to die? It is said that the gold coin has a gold-infused power, and it is said that it is a move that can make the overlord-level strong person fall head-on, who is looking for death like this?”

“I didn’t believe it at first, but after my subordinates confirmed the news three times, I finally learned that it was Gao Tianzun who launched the attack.”

“What? Grandmaster Gao Tianzun? ”

“That’s right, it’s him, he attacked those people, and he was killing those people, and the gold coin appeared as the projection of that person, and there was a big war with them, and guess what?”

“Gao Tianzun won?”

“Haha, I know you can’t guess, it was Gao Tianzun who lost, their battle did not last long, only less than half an hour, and even shattered a planet, Gao Tianzun was beaten all over his body and even fainted, if it were not for his men desperately trying to save it, I guess it might be over.”

“Hiss ~ ~ a projection can almost kill a Heavenly Father-level overlord, this Cancer gold is so strong?”

“It’s simply terrible, a single projection can defeat the Heavenly Father Level, which shows how terrible it really is, you must know that there are fourteen golds in the Sacred Realm, and this Cancer is said to be not the strongest one.”

“Sigh, but Gao Tianzun has offended the Sacred Domain, and I’m afraid he’s finished.”

“Hey, who knows, but judging from the style of the Sacred Domain, this Sect Master Gao Tianzun is really going to be unlucky, and sending a single piece of gold at will will destroy him.”

At first, it was fine, but the next news shocked everyone present.

The identity of the people who can dine on the top floor of this hotel is not simple, there are their own forces behind them, the news is naturally well-informed, and the Grandmaster Gao Tianzun as a Heavenly Father-level being, naturally is being paid attention to all the time.

The news that Gao Tianzun had been defeated and fainted and treated on the Saka Star almost instantly reached the ears of the major forces.

During the discussion, the burgundy haired girl who watched the scenery and ate food on the edge of the top floor picked up the willow eyebrows.

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