“It seems that the news is spreading quickly, but think about it, it is not particularly far from here ~~~” The girl ate the unique things of the planet gracefully while looking at the silent secret passage in the distance.

“I didn’t expect such a thing to happen this time, a conspiracy against the Sacred Domain?”

“Since you have to go through it anyway, let’s find out about this matter.”

“I remember the Guru was in Saka Star.”


Saca is the fourth planet of Taiyo Star, it and 8 major celestial bodies form the Taiyo Galaxy in the Celestial Furnace System, Saka Star is also the only planet in the Taiyo Galaxy with life, it is also the most diverse planet in the Taiyo Galaxy, containing incredible rock formations, deserts, volcanoes, wastelands, archipelagos, lakes and oceans, etc., as well as the two moons of Akar and Sabir.

Saka Star and even the main planet of the Cosmic Overlord Grandmaster Gao Tianzun are located.

The surface of the planet is surrounded by many known and unknown cosmic channels that can access various known and unknown universes, and the general spacecraft cannot enter and exit normally from the outer space of Saka Star and is quite dangerous, and is used by many people on other planets as a garbage dump and criminals, so the entire Saka Star is full of garbage and the people are fierce, violent, and powerful, the social order is managed by the High Heavens and the people on the planet like to watch the arena fighting.

Today, however, everyone on the planet Saka knows that something has happened.

The number of escort patrols of soldiers throughout Saka increased, and all those who entered Saka were subject to the strictest scrutiny.

Not long after, a message spread throughout the planet Saka.

The Grandmaster waged war with the Cancer Golden Sequence, and was defeated and fainted by the opponent.

The news swept across Saca, and everyone realized that something was wrong.

Excitement, panic, and despair filled the entire planet of Saka.

Everyone realized that the lord who had ruled the planet Saka from high above was now in big trouble.

If before, no one would think that someone would dare to provoke the lord of this Heavenly Father-level overlord, so Saka Star would become a paradise for tyrannical people, but now, it is like hell.

For the master who rules over it has offended the Holy Land.

An even more terrifying behemoth, an almost invincible force in this universe, a few years ago, the combined armies of dozens of forces were destroyed by him, and even later by the revenge of the Sacred Domain.

The horrors of the Sacred Realm were also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at that time.

Everyone in the universe knows that the Holy Realm, absolutely, absolutely cannot be provoked and must not be offended.

Because the Sacred Realm is full of god-like beings, or is walking on the road to the gods.

The Heavenly Father-level Overlord was already an inviolable and powerful person in the universe, however, there were more than a dozen in the Sacred Realm, and there was an even more terrifying and powerful master, Karen. York.

In the past, the powerful Sect Master Gao Tianzun had offended this behemoth.

Perhaps it will lead to revenge, and once the Sanctuary is angry, then no one will doubt the destruction of the planet Saka.

So a large number of people want to leave Saka, but they find that the current planet is completely forbidden to leave the planet.

Panic is almost insane.

But under the iron-blooded suppression of the guards, this almost explosive riot also lay dormant, but with time, the storm was bound to sweep again.

Three days passed.

The oppressive atmosphere of the whole saka star is getting lower and lower, and the gladiatorial arena, the bar, the happy street, the garbage dump, and everything else is generating riots all the time.

Every second someone dies because of the riots.

On the top floor of one of the tallest buildings in Saka, in a huge and palatial room, the almost fallen guru who should have fainted and “seriously injured” stood with his hands behind his back in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking down on the crazy people of the planet.

Beside her, the muscular middle-aged woman in armor respectfully said, “Master, the situation on the planet is very wrong now, and most people have begun to breed riots because of panic.” ”

“We’ve cracked down.”

Her body was full of anger, which showed that her hands were also stained with the blood of many people in these three days.

The Grandmaster nodded with a pale face, not caring about the riot of Saka Star, but instead asked another thing: “Did he leave?” ”

“Left yesterday, seems anxious to do something else!”

It seems that for this “he” is very jealous, the strong middle-aged woman’s voice is much lower.

“Why do we have to listen to him like this, for his words, we are guilty of the Holy Land.”

Looking at the way the Sect Master frowned, he was suddenly a little puzzled.

She really couldn’t figure it out at all.

Do you know that under the trade-off, the Sacred Domain and this mysterious person, the Grandmaster would actually risk offending the Sacred Domain for this mysterious person?

Could it be that this mysterious man’s strength far exceeded that of the Sacred Realm?

But how is this possible, on the bright side, not to mention how many Saint Seiya below the Heavenly Father level, there are thirteen Heavenly Father level combat strength on the bright side, and all of them have been shot, and the combat power is definitely the existence of the top of the Heavenly Father level, and perhaps even join forces to compare with the single universe.

And then there’s the Ophiuchus Golden Saint who never made a move.

But as well as the Golden Sequence, can this Ophiuchus Saint Seiya be inferior?

At least not a Heavenly Father?

There is also a Karen who can dominate the Sacred Realm, and most people in the universe have already speculated that this is already a single universe.

This high-end combat power is enough to crush everything, how many of the entire universe can say that it is comparable to this level?

However, it was such a behemoth that the master actually chose to offend for the sake of a mysterious person.

It just kept her in disbelief.

In particular, the other party seems to know that disaster is coming, and directly slipped away.

As for the confusion of his subordinates, the master did not say anything, but silently shook his head.

“Maybe it was the wrong choice ~~”

Just when Gao Tianzun’s thoughts were complicated, a young girl had already arrived at Saka Star.

The so-called tight and complex authentication is like a joke for a golden sequence, who descends on the star of Saka silently, and no one notices it at all.

Walking through the streets of Saka Star, feeling the people who are depressed and emitting anger all the time, the girl smirks with disdain.

“Whoops, Violence./Force, Desire./Hope, Is This the Saka Star?”

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