At this moment, almost all people’s hearts are filled with negative energy.

The girl was very disgusted.

Gently lifting the head of the mantis to look at the tall / towering into the clouds of the magnificent building, as if to see the figure on the top floor, the eyes glowed with a cold light.

Step towards the building.

However, before he could take a few steps, several thin, gloomy-skinned green-skinned scavengers suddenly aimed at the girl with gun-like weapons.

“Loot, hand over all your money, and kill you immediately if you don’t.”

A slightly taller man in the lead seemed to be lying in front of him, and with a slight manipulation, he saw that several dim compartments on the long gun were instantly lit up by blue light, obviously full of energy.

Looking at the tall girl in front of him, the gloomy face of the leading green man crossed a wave of joy.

The prey had been staring at him from the moment he had begun to step into the street, and he could tell that the girl was definitely rich.

From the exquisite fabric and temperament of the clothing, the head is definitely not ordinary.

After robbing this woman of a sum of money, she could be sold to the slave market, which was a large income, and this kind of beautiful slave was very popular in the slave market.

This greedy thought could not escape the girl’s perception.

Dai frowned, originally looking at the building, slightly obliquely tilted the head of the mantis and turned his head to look at these ants.

It was this glance that made the bodies of several greedy scavengers shake violently.


The original pair of beautiful eyes were like the scythes of the two gods of death in their eyes at the moment, and they seemed to be in a dark world, with only a pair of cold and terrible eyes hanging above the sky.

They are like a tiny ant under the eyes that hang above the firmament.

In this dim space, there is only boundless darkness, boundless loneliness, boundless despair.

Fear, death, fear fill everyone’s hearts at this moment.

This fear drove the scavengers crazy.

“What is this place?”

“That woman is a god, it must be a god, the gods have come to punish us, and our sins cannot be forgiven.”

“Spare your life, please spare your life, we don’t dare anymore.”

“What bullshit gods, it’s all fake, hurry up and let us go.”

The pleas for forgiveness, the murmurs of fear, the cries of cursing resounded throughout this dim space.

But what makes the scavengers even more frightened is that they find that their minds, their consciousnesses, and their bodies seem to be slowly freezing.

Endless coldness.

They began to realize that maybe they were going to die.

The girl ignored a few scavenging scavengers whose eyes had lost their life, a few ants who dared to offend her, and giving death was already her greatest mercy.

“The guy with Godanwe is right, this guy is really injured, but it’s not serious, and his breath hasn’t weakened much at all.”

The beautiful face, the red hair like the scorching sun, is Li Yingna, who has traveled to the universe.

Originally, her goal of travel was not Saka at all, but as she was traveling in a spaceship toward other galaxies in the universe, Godanwe sent a message.

This made her change her attention instantly.

Just as Ge Danwei had guessed, she also believed that there must be someone else here who was driving the Sect Master Gao Tianzun.

She was going to investigate the situation here.

Therefore, even if she arrived at the Saka Star, she did not directly descend with great fanfare, but sneaked in, which could directly drive a Heavenly Father-level strong person to offend the Sacred Domain, and it was obvious that the other party’s strength was not bad.

Li Yingna was not afraid, but not brainless.

She has a delicate mind that belongs to women.

It’s just that after perceiving it, she was a little disappointed, most of the life level of the whole planet was not high, only two made her more concerned, one was Gao Tianzun.

The other actually has the air of Asgard.

After a moment’s deep groaning, Li Yingna stepped toward the building on the tallest building.

The seemingly unfast pace actually contained a speed that ordinary people could not catch up, and within a few seconds, her good posture disappeared into this street, leaving behind several waste pickers who had completely lost their breath of life.

In less than a few minutes, Li Yingna was downstairs to the tallest building on the planet.

Unlike the planet’s somewhat chaotic, dirty places, this building that belongs exclusively to the Grandmaster is decorated with grandeur, cleanliness and tidyness.

There are countless small patrol ships patrolling the sky all the time, and there are at least tens of thousands of soldiers stationed downstairs, and there are countless soldiers on every floor of this hundreds of meters high building.

It also has state-of-the-art weapon systems, defense mechanism systems, battleships and much more.

It can be said that the most closely guarded place in the entire Saka Star is in the building where Gao Tianzun is located.

Almost no one could break through the heavy defenses to attack Gao Tianzun.

I believe that even the Asgardians of this planet will not be able to break through, but unfortunately, these so-called defenses are simply not worth mentioning for Li Yingna of the Golden Sequence.

There is a bridge of about 100 meters between Li Yingna’s feet and this building, and the river is under the bridge, and anyone who wants to enter the building is bound to pass through this bridge.

Skimming her small mouth, Li Yingna continued to walk forward.

And the guards on the other side of the bridge actually seemed to have not seen Li Yingna at all.

Blocking the breath, shielding the vision, the magnetic field of life, etc. is not worth mentioning for her at all.

The isolation of the magnetic field of life cannot be captured even by the scanning alert system of the building.

The extremely simple girl easily passed through the heavy defenses of these soldiers to the building, stepped on the elevator, and slowly came to the top floor.

The top floor of the building has an area of tens of thousands of square meters, and the empty and luxurious space decoration is worthy of the residence room of Grandmaster Gao Tianzun.

The ultimate in luxury.

The young girl was amazed, but then she didn’t care too much, after all, she wasn’t interested in these things, and her Scorpion Palace was much more gorgeous than this.

Moreover, the uniqueness of the extremely civilized decoration is far more than this simple luxury.

Step by step, I walked toward the interior of the room, and finally saw the high celestial figure still looking down on the planet in front of the window sill.

The corner of the girl’s mouth smirked with a sneering smile.

(Ask for a monthly pass for flowers, thank you guys, Mo Mo Da ~ ~)

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