In the empty and luxurious room, Gao Tianzun stood in front of the glass window and looked down, while a strong woman wearing armor stood respectfully on the side.

She knew that the Sect Master at this moment was in a very bad mood now.

If she had been in the past, she might have been able to offer comfort, but not now, and now she is not eligible.

Because she simply could not imagine the game between the strong of this level.

But she had been constantly guessing in her mind that this kind of game and calculation between the strong of the rank was just an incomparably exciting thing for her to imagine in her mind.

After a little simulation, my own blood felt boiling.

Just as he was thinking, a terrifying palpitation suddenly rose in his heart, and a suffocating feeling surged into his heart like a tide, making this battle-hardened warrior instantly realize that something was wrong.

Just behind her, a terrifying being was approaching.

The horror even made it almost impossible for her to raise her mind to resist.


A drop of cold sweat came from his forehead.


Biting the tip of her tongue fiercely, the tingling sensation made her suppress this feeling of suffocation danger, and she quickly pulled out her own exclusive energy gun and turned to aim at herself, a series of actions were completed in the blink of an eye.

The moment you turn your head, your pupils dillate violently.

Behind him was not an ugly-looking guy, but a beautiful woman, red hair like the sun, wearing exquisite clothing, beautiful shape, slim but powerful line curves, like a princess on some planet.

But the female deputy did not believe in her at all what a so-called princess was.

The breath that was enough to suffocate was emanating from this woman.

“Topaz, put it down, this thing is no different for a Golden Saint Seiya than a child’s water gun.”

At this time, the voice of the grandmaster was transmitted to the female deputy’s ear.

When the yellow fish heard this, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a trace of shock crossed his face, and he looked at the woman slowly approaching the woman in disbelief.

Just such a woman, is actually a Heavenly Father-level golden sequence that is not inferior to the Sect Master at all, or even stronger than the Sect Master?

A hegemonic level strong man at the top of the universe?

It’s incredible.

Trample! Trample! Trample!

Regarding the words of the Grandmaster, Ina did not say anything, and slowly approached step by step, Jiao, / The body emitted a holy golden radiance that was not stained with a trace of filthy dust, looking at the Grandmaster Gao Tianzun, who was still carrying herself, and the female deputy Topaz with a dignified and guarded face.

The red glow of the jewel-like pupils of the eyes became more and more sparkle.

Step by step, Li Yingna slowly appeared with the radiance of holiness, shoulders, hands, feet, and upper body slowly emerged with gorgeous golden armor.


With a very divine aura, with the pause of her steps, she was only ten meters away from the two of them, and the white jade cloak appeared with it, and there was no wind fluttering.

Li Yingna’s princess posture from the beginning suddenly transformed into a peak who stepped on the top of the universe.

The mighty pressure spread all around her.

She did not take the initiative to release her momentum, but Topaz just stood in front of this woman, and she couldn’t even breathe, just like the floating in the storm was swallowed up at any time.

Cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead and back, but Topaz didn’t even have the idea of wiping it.

Because she didn’t dare to move at all now, just like a Death God’s scythe hanging from her neck, as long as she had any movement, she would be cut off by the Death God Scythe at any time.

Ignoring the muscular woman’s expression.

Don’t say you don’t know, even if you know, she won’t pay any attention to it, just an ant.

Looking at the still back to herself, Li Yingnadai’s eyebrows frowned slightly.


The vast heavenly mighty momentum erupted in an instant, and under this terrible heavenly mighty momentum, like the revival of the will of the ancient gods, it swept across the heavens and the earth, and the entire planet vibrated madly under this momentum.

All the glass of the entire building instantly cracked and shattered, making an earth-shattering noise.

Under the pressure of this terrible momentum, the riotous people on the original planet did not even have the slightest ability to resist and fell to their knees in an instant.

No matter what you were doing the previous second.

The terrible momentum almost made them feel that they were on the edge of the cliff of the abyss of hell, and that they would fall into the endless abyss when they took a step forward.

“This is…

“This momentum, Guru? No, definitely not a guru. ”

“What kind of person would dare to be so brazen on the planet Saka?” Don’t you care about the guru? ”

“I’m not afraid of the Sect Master, is this Heavenly Power, is it??”

Shock, fear, despair are the first emotions in the hearts of all the people on this planet, but then some intelligent people think of a lot of them in the first turn of their heads.

Some even guessed it.

And this man is a woman in the bloody arena, a powerful scavenger.

Valkyrie, as one of the original Valkyries of Asgard, is definitely one of the strongest of all mercenaries and even scavengers.

The warrior who had just caught a good influence on a certain planet sold a large amount of money.

I had just bought some nice wine from the Bloody Arena and was drinking it, when the sudden majestic momentum directly caused the gladiators or spectators of the entire Bloody Arena to fall to their knees in an instant.

Even she is no exception.

This shocked her immensely, she was the Valkyrie of Asgard, and just by virtue of her momentum, she and even the people of the entire planet had no ability to resist and kneel.

Even if it was her nightmare that the goddess of death, Hela, was no more than that?

Even more powerful than the devil.

Thinking about the big events that have happened in the past few days, Valkyrie guessed the truth instantly.

Falling to her knees, she paid little attention to the fine wine scattered all over the place, but looked up at the tallest building, where Valkyrie seemed to see a terrible god looking down on her with ruthless eyes.

“Won’t there be a fight on Saka Star, will it?” The battle between the two Heavenly Father-level powerful people was only afraid that Saka Star could not withstand it. ”

“Damn, now I can’t even move, it’s a pipe dream to want to run!”

Valkyrie knelt on one knee on the ground, her face full of bitterness, and although she was negative because the Valkyrie Legion was due to the fall of Asgardian royalty, it did not mean that she wanted to die.

(Thank you for your support, thank you guys, I hope you will subscribe more, Mo Mo Da love you Mo Mo Da.) )

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