“Their fists can crush any matter into the finest atomic state, and it can be said that anything like the energy of any object will be directly shattered.”

“I was choked by this punch before.”

Listening to Lee Young-na’s advice instead of going directly to help, Carol shook her head and chose to come to the silver escort to watch the battle with the Quill people.

She always felt some inexplicable pain in her body, and when she was partying with the golds, she was curious about the fighting strength of the golds and made a request to compete.

Sigh, the results are self-evident.

Although he didn’t do his best to fight, it also made Carol experience extremely bad.

She needs to spend a lot of energy in each punch, the speed is not enough, the other party has many kinds of mysterious moves and so on, especially eating Li Yingna’s scarlet poison needle.

It felt really bad.

“The combat power is indeed terrible, but the speed of this crushing is also too fast, this is not long, this joint fleet seems to have lost a small part, it does not take time to completely annihilate, Thanos and Gao Tianzun can still sit still?”

Quill had some surprises and surprises.

Kamora, who knew Thanos, frowned: “He never pays attention to these things, for him, the so-called Chitauri and the vanguard are just cannon fodder, their existence is only a means for him to achieve his pastoral goals, and if he loses them and achieves a certain goal, he will never hesitate.” ”

“He knows mercy, but he doesn’t show his kindness.”

“You mean there’s another reason why he didn’t do it?”

“It should be, maybe it’s confidence?”


“So confident?”

The distance was far away, and it was hardly worth mentioning for gold, looking at the mothership Sannos who was still standing still, Li Yingna raised her beautiful right hand to look at the purple manicure that had just been made yesterday, and the red/lip smirked.

She and Thanos had a head-to-head fight.

In a single round, the battle is in full swing, and she feels that she may not lose to this guy.

And now that the golden sequence has come to nine, especially Zhuo Lu, this guy’s strength has even vaguely stepped into the eighth sense, and now the other party still has the confidence to stand still.

Obviously, I am very confident in my hole cards.

“There’s always been an air of danger from the beginning to the present, and it looks like Thanos’ hole cards should not be bad, so be careful.”

Leo Alonso has a calm personality and is always on the lookout for dangers nearby.

After all, it can make him feel dangerous, and it is obvious that the opponent’s hole card is definitely not weak.

The other golds nodded as well.


“Huh? The other party has moved, which is somewhat interesting. ”

The golds looked up and saw that several motherships of the combined fleet simultaneously released a ray of light, entering the angle of existence, and several rays of energy finally collided together.

Suddenly, the entire void suddenly changed.

Driven by an almost irresistible force, the Void Space of Ten Thousand Miles was squeezed and collapsed in a flash.

This terrifying force is too terrible to be true.

The Chitauri fleet, the Vanguard Guard fleet and even the High Heavenly Lord’s fleet were all directly crushed and squeezed by this terrible spatial squeeze force.

It’s like a watermelon being squeezed directly by a squeezer.

Suddenly, blood of all colors, the wreckage of a space battleship, all kinds of corpses floating.

These scenes are bloody and stinging./exciting.

The Saint Seiya who existed in it were squeezed by this force at the same time, but fortunately, their physical strength was far more than that of these battleship alloy shells, and their ability to withstand was naturally not bad.

It was only for a while that the ability of the crowd to move was directly damaged.

The point is that if it continues over time, there are still dangers.

“Sigh, you can directly act on space, use antimatter extrusion to form a space collapse, very good technology, I just don’t know how to get rid of these little devils.”

“These stinky little devils, who don’t have any vigilance, just look at that thing, it’s really a bunch of stupid people.”

“Haha, Benson, what do I think of you as a member of the Golden Bull Temple?”

“Roll the calves, these crippled calves, turn around and train them, and the original vigilance is eaten by the dogs.”

“Sigh, Alanso, don’t talk about Benson, there are many people in your Lion Palace.”

“Cut !!!”

“Haha, let’s see how they break the game.”

“Does this still need to be seen?” Let the leaf a few silver in it, there are these few silver in the game can not break the game? ”

Although a few golds are vigilant, they have also been paying attention to their own children, after all, they are all juniors, of course, they must care.

Just like a few golds discussed.

At the center point of the collapse of space, let Ye and a few other silver not panic at all.

Looking at the younger brothers and sisters who floated in the air and were vaguely unable to move, they couldn’t help but grin their teeth.

“Hey, these idiots, just watch that thing take shape.”

“That’s a lesson for them.”

“Let Ye do a good job, or let them do it?”

“You think these boys can get it done?” Antimatter technology, such a wide range of space technology, strong squeezing force plus gravity effect, if they burst into the small universe together can directly break through, but now they can only resist the squeeze force can not move. ”

“Don’t make a fuss, it’s war, it’s no joke.”

“Just kidding, then, let’s go together.”

At first, there was a joke, but when I went to the back and watched the two thousand descendants sweating a little in the squeezed space, they were no longer frolicking, and their faces were serious.


Several silver led by Jean Ye shouted loudly at the same time, and the small universe erupted like a volcano, and the light around him burned like a flame.

A few dazzles like a round of scorching sun.

The breath of holiness and immaculate illumination of the dim void nearby.

The majestic momentum swept in all directions in a flash of time, and the void was like boiling water.

A wisp of extremely terrible breath raged.

It also caused other Saint Fighters who were still resisting this squeezing and collapsing force.

Noticing the slender bodies in the center, and the breath that was so majestic that they could almost crush them, the young girls were thinking that too much negligence had led to this situation.

I also need my predecessors to break the game, and I was suddenly ashamed of my shame./ Red face.

(Ask for a monthly flower pass ~~)

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